125 lines
3.4 KiB
125 lines
3.4 KiB
from helpers import *
gas_cycles = read_day(17)
sample_gas_cycles = '>>><<><>><<<>><>>><<<>>><<<><<<>><>><<>>'
rocks = '''
# rock_shapes = [np.array([[1 if c=='#' else 0 for c in line] for line in r.split('\n')], dtype=np.int8).T for r in rocks]
rock_shapes = [np.fliplr(np.array([[1 if c=='#' else 0 for c in line] for line in r.split('\n')], dtype=np.int8).T) for r in rocks]
def simulate_rockfall(gas_cycle: str, num_rocks=50000, debug=False) -> ArrayLike: # returns height increment per rock
def p(message):
if debug:
width = 7
height_5_rocks = 1+3+3+4+2
max_possible_height = (num_rocks//5 + 2) * height_5_rocks
len_gas_cycle = len(gas_cycle)
field = np.zeros((7, max_possible_height), dtype=np.int8)
height_increments = np.zeros(num_rocks, dtype=np.int8)
highest = 0
t = -1
for r in range(num_rocks):
rock_shape = rock_shapes[r%5]
r_width, r_height = rock_shape.shape
def check_collision(r_x, r_y):
r_x2 = r_x + r_width
r_y2 = r_y + r_height
if r_x < 0:
p(f'would hit left wall - {r_x, r_x2} at y={r_y}')
return True
if r_x2 > width:
p(f'would hit right wall - {r_x, r_x2} at y={r_y}')
return True
if r_y < 0:
p(f'would hit floor - {r_x, r_x2} at y={r_y}')
return True
return np.any(field[r_x:r_x2, r_y:r_y2] & rock_shape == 1)
# Spawn rock with bottom-left corner at x=2, y=highest+3 (y-up)
r_x = 2
r_y = highest + 3
while True:
t += 1
if gas_cycle[t%len_gas_cycle] == '>':
if not check_collision(r_x+1, r_y): # move right
r_x += 1
p('moved right')
if not check_collision(r_x-1, r_y): # move left
r_x -= 1
p('moved left')
# move down
if check_collision(r_x, r_y-1):
field[r_x:r_x+r_width, r_y:r_y+r_height] |= rock_shape
old_highest = highest
highest = max(highest, r_y+r_height)
height_increments[r] = highest - old_highest
r_y -= 1
p('moved down')
p(f'rock #{r} landed, highest point {highest}, gas cycle {t}, rock shape ({r_width}x{r_height}) at {r_x},{r_y}')
return height_increments
sample_incs = simulate_rockfall(sample_gas_cycles, 10000)
incs = simulate_rockfall(gas_cycles, 30000)
print(f'Part 1 (sample): {sample_incs[:2022].sum()}')
print(f'Part 1: {incs[:2022].sum()}')
def find_cycle_and_infer(increments: ArrayLike, search_cycle_length: int, target_index: int):
search_term = increments[search_cycle_length:search_cycle_length*2]
hits = []
for st in range(search_cycle_length*2, len(increments)-search_cycle_length):
if np.all(increments[st:st+search_cycle_length] == search_term):
print(f'Found loop starting at {st}')
if len(hits) > 2:
print('no loop found!')
loop_len = hits[1]-hits[0]
loop_len2 = hits[2]-hits[1]
if loop_len2 == loop_len:
print(f'Confirmed loop of length {loop_len}')
print(f'Mismatched loop lengths of {loop_len} and {loop_len2}!')
base_value = increments[:hits[0]].sum()
loop_values = increments[hits[0]:hits[1]].cumsum()
loop_total = loop_values[-1]
loops, remainder = divmod(target_index - hits[0], loop_len)
value = base_value + loop_total*loops
if remainder > 0:
value += loop_values[remainder-1]
return value
print(f'Part 2 (sample): {find_cycle_and_infer(sample_incs, 1000, 1000000000000)}')
print(f'Part 2: {find_cycle_and_infer(incs, 5000, 1000000000000)}')