24 lines
827 B
24 lines
827 B
import scala.io.Source
extension (s: String) def splitHalf: (String, String) = (s.substring(0, s.length()/2), s.substring(s.length()/2))
def priorityScore(c: Char): Int = c match
case c if 'a' to 'z' contains c => (c - 'a' + 1)
case c if 'A' to 'Z' contains c => (c - 'A' + 27)
case _ => 0
@main def main() =
val inputLines = Source.fromFile("day3-input").getLines.toArray // Can't leave it lazy as Part 1 will consume it
// Part 1 - find items common between first half and second half of each line
println(inputLines.map(line =>
val (knapsack1, knapsack2) = line.splitHalf
priorityScore((knapsack1.toSet & knapsack2.toSet).head)
// Part 2 - find items common between lines in groups of 3 lines
println(inputLines.grouped(3).map(group =>