Removed extraneous stuff from 2018 Day 17

This commit is contained in:
Luke Hubmayer-Werner 2018-12-17 20:33:32 +10:30
parent 79befca869
commit 2c1f86898e
1 changed files with 8 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -3,16 +3,11 @@ with open('day17-input', 'r') as file:
import numpy as np
import re
# numbers = [[int(s) for s in re.findall(r'-?\d+', d)] for d in data]
Xmin = [int(re.findall(r'x=(\d+)', d)[0]) for d in data]
Xmax = [int(re.findall(r'x=(?:\d+\.\.)?(\d+)', d)[0]) for d in data]
Ymin = [int(re.findall(r'y=(\d+)', d)[0]) for d in data]
Ymax = [int(re.findall(r'y=(?:\d+\.\.)?(\d+)', d)[0]) for d in data]
# arr = np.array(numbers, dtype=np.int64)
# # x, y_start, y_end
y_min = min(Ymin)
y_max = max(Ymax)
@ -20,30 +15,30 @@ x_min = min(Xmin) - 1
x_max = 700 - x_min
init_grid = np.zeros((x_max, y_max+1), dtype=np.int64) # 0 = Sand, 1 = Clay, 2 = water, -1 = running water
spring = [500-x_min, 0]
spring = (500-x_min, 0)
for xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax in zip(Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax):
init_grid[xmin-x_min:xmax+1-x_min, ymin:ymax+1] = 1
grid = init_grid.copy()
drop_point_blacklist = set()
drop_point_blacklist = set() # Cliff drop-offs that are guaranteed to go nowhere
def drop_water(source=spring, skip_cliffs=set()):
def drop_water(source=spring):
if tuple(source) in drop_point_blacklist:
return False
x, y = source
# print('Dropping water from', source)
surface = (grid[x, y:] > 0).argmax()
if surface == 0:
if (grid[x, y-1:] > 0).argmax() == 0:
grid[x, y:] = -1
return False
# raise ValueError('Out of bounds')
surface_y = surface + y
grid[x, y:surface_y] = -1
# Find walls left and right
wall_left = (grid[x:0:-1, surface_y-1] > 0).argmax()
wall_right = (grid[x:, surface_y-1] > 0).argmax()
@ -69,17 +64,17 @@ def drop_water(source=spring, skip_cliffs=set()):
grid[x-cliff:x, surface_y-1] = -1
if wall_right:
grid[x:right_x, surface_y - 1] = -1
if cliff and (cliff not in skip_cliffs):
if cliff:
cliffs.add((x - cliff, surface_y))
if not wall_right:
cliff = int((grid[x:, surface_y] <= 0).argmax())
grid[x:x+cliff+1, surface_y-1] = -1
if wall_left:
grid[left_x:x, surface_y-1] = -1
if cliff and (cliff not in skip_cliffs):
if cliff:
cliffs.add((x + cliff, surface_y))
if cliffs and len([c for c in cliffs if tuple(c) in drop_point_blacklist]) == len(cliffs):
if cliffs and len([c for c in cliffs if tuple(c) in drop_point_blacklist]) == len(cliffs): # We go to 1 or 2 cliffs, all of which are dead-ends. We are a dead end, stop looking at us.
return False
@ -93,12 +88,9 @@ def visualize():
vis_rows = []
for row in range(y_max+1):
vis_rows.append(''.join([('.', '#', '~', '|')[grid[col, row]] for col in range(x_max)]))
with open('day17-vis', 'w') as file:
import sys
while drop_water():