2018 Day 15 ugly solution (external dep)

This commit is contained in:
Luke Hubmayer-Werner 2018-12-17 11:47:45 +10:30
parent 4c583274ab
commit c4ae38569b
2 changed files with 251 additions and 0 deletions

2018/day15-input Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@

2018/day15.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
with open('day15-input-dev', 'r') as file:
data = [l.strip('\n') for l in file]
# data = [
# '#######',
# '#.G...#',
# '#...EG#',
# '#.#.#G#',
# '#..G#E#',
# '#.....#',
# '#######',
# ]
import numpy as np
from pathfinding.core.grid import Grid
from pathfinding.finder.dijkstra import DijkstraFinder
import sys
grid = np.zeros((len(data), len(data[0])), dtype=np.int64)
cells = {'#': 0, '.': 1, 'G': 1, 'E': 1}
goblins = []
elves = []
starting_hp = 200
starting_atk = 3
starting_atk_elf = 29
adjacent = np.array([[0,-1], [-1,0], [1,0], [0,1]], dtype=np.int64)
enemy_teams = [goblins, elves]
unit_positions = []
pathfind_grid = None
# pathfinder = AStarFinder()
pathfinder = DijkstraFinder()
UID = 0
class Unit:
def __init__(self, x, y, starting_hp, atk, team):
global UID
self.team = team
self.atk = atk
self.hp = starting_hp
self.pos = np.array([x, y], dtype=np.int64)
self.uid = UID
UID += 1
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.uid == other.uid
def x(self):
return self.pos[0]
def y(self):
return self.pos[1]
def distance(self, pos):
return np.abs(pos - self.pos).sum()
def path_to(self, pos, exhaustive=False):
if not exhaustive:
pathfind_grid = Grid(matrix=grid2)
start = pathfind_grid.node(*tuple(self.pos))
end = pathfind_grid.node(*tuple(pos))
path, runs = pathfinder.find_path(start, end, pathfind_grid)
return path
paths = []
for d in range(len(adjacent)):
trystart = tuple(self.pos + adjacent[d])
if grid2[trystart] and trystart not in unit_positions:
pathfind_grid = Grid(matrix=grid2.T)
start = pathfind_grid.node(*trystart)
end = pathfind_grid.node(*tuple(pos))
path, runs = pathfinder.find_path(start, end, pathfind_grid)
# print(pathfind_grid.grid_str(path=path, start=start, end=end))
if len(path) > 0:
except Exception:
if paths:
paths = sorted(paths, key=lambda x: len(x))
# print(paths)
return paths[0]
return []
def path_distance(self, pos):
return len(self.path_to(pos, True)) or 90000 # Sorting hack
def path_distance_and_priority(self, pos):
path = self.path_to(pos, True)
if path:
for i in range(len(adjacent)):
if path[0] == tuple(self.pos + adjacent[i]):
priority = i
return len(path), priority
return (90000, 90000) # Sorting hack
def __repr__(self):
return f'[{"Elf" if not self.team else "Gob"}, Position {self.x},{self.y}, HP {self.hp}]'
for y, row in enumerate(data):
for x, c in enumerate(row):
grid[x,y] = cells[c]
if c == 'E':
elves.append(Unit(x, y, starting_hp, starting_atk_elf, 0))
elif c == 'G':
goblins.append(Unit(x, y, starting_hp, starting_atk, 1))
grid2 = grid.copy()
def turn_sort(unit):
return unit.y, unit.x
def target_sort(unit):
return unit.hp, unit.y, unit.x
def do_round():
global unit_positions, pathfind_grid
combatants = sorted(goblins + elves, key=turn_sort)
i = 0
while i < len(combatants):
unit_positions = [tuple(u.pos) for u in combatants]
grid2[:] = grid[:]
for p in unit_positions:
grid2[p] = -1
unit = combatants[i]
i += 1
enemy_team = enemy_teams[unit.team]
# If no enemies left, end combat
if len(enemy_team) == 0:
# If adjacent to an enemy, attack it
adjacent_enemies = []
for enemy in enemy_team:
if unit.distance(enemy.pos) == 1:
if adjacent_enemies:
# print(sorted(adjacent_enemies, key=target_sort))
target = sorted(adjacent_enemies, key=target_sort)[0]
# print(f'Unit #{unit.uid} attacking unit {target.uid}')
target.hp -= unit.atk
if target.hp <= 0:
if target.team == 0:
print('Elf died, aborting!')
j = combatants.index(target)
if j < i:
i -= 1
# Find all cells to move to
target_cells = {tuple(t.pos + adjacent[j]) for t in enemy_team for j in range(4)}
target_cells = {c for c in target_cells if grid[c] == 1 and c not in unit_positions}
target_cells = sorted([np.array(c) for c in target_cells], key=lambda x: unit.path_distance_and_priority(x))
# Move to closest target cell
if target_cells:
path = unit.path_to(target_cells[0], exhaustive=True)
if path:
# print(f'Unit #{unit.uid} moving from {unit.pos} to {path[0]}')
unit.pos[:] = path[0]
# print(f'Unit #{unit.uid} cannot move!')
# If adjacent to an enemy, attack it
adjacent_enemies = []
for enemy in enemy_team:
if unit.distance(enemy.pos) == 1:
if adjacent_enemies:
target = sorted(adjacent_enemies, key=target_sort)[0]
# print(f'Unit #{unit.uid} attacking unit {target.uid}')
target.hp -= unit.atk
if target.hp <= 0:
j = combatants.index(target)
if j < i:
i -= 1
def print_state():
char_array = np.zeros_like(grid)
char_array[(grid == 0)] = ord('#')
char_array[(grid == 1)] = ord('.')
unit_strs = [[] for i in range(len(char_array))]
for g in goblins:
char_array[g.x, g.y] = ord('G')
unit_strs[g.y].append((f'G({g.hp})', g.x))
for e in elves:
char_array[e.x, e.y] = ord('E')
unit_strs[e.y].append((f'E({e.hp})', e.x))
for row in range(len(char_array)):
maprow =''.join([chr(c) for c in char_array.T[row]])
unithps = ', '.join([s[0] for s in sorted(unit_strs[row], key=lambda x: x[1])])
print(maprow, unithps)
def do_exterminatus(quit_after=9999999):
rounds = 0
while len(goblins) and len(elves) and rounds < quit_after:
print(f'Round #{rounds}')
rounds += 1
return rounds
round = do_exterminatus()
if goblins:
num = sum(u.hp for u in goblins)
num = sum(u.hp for u in elves)
print(round, num, round*num)