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Luke Hubmayer-Werner 2022-12-19 23:15:42 +10:30
parent 521995803a
commit db2a2f451e
1 changed files with 70 additions and 0 deletions

2022/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
from helpers import *
from multiprocessing import Pool
lines = read_day(19).split('\n')
sample_lines = '''
Blueprint 1: Each ore robot costs 4 ore. Each clay robot costs 2 ore. Each obsidian robot costs 3 ore and 14 clay. Each geode robot costs 2 ore and 7 obsidian.
Blueprint 2: Each ore robot costs 2 ore. Each clay robot costs 3 ore. Each obsidian robot costs 3 ore and 8 clay. Each geode robot costs 3 ore and 12 obsidian.
maximum_potential = np.arange(32).cumsum()
def bp_quality(line, t_max=24):
bp, cost_orebot_ore, cost_claybot_ore, cost_obsbot_ore, cost_obsbot_clay, cost_geodebot_ore, cost_geodebot_obs = line_to_numbers(line)
# Ore, Clay, Obsidian, Geode
orebot_cost = np.array([cost_orebot_ore, 0, 0], dtype=np.int8)
claybot_cost = np.array([cost_claybot_ore, 0, 0], dtype=np.int8)
obsbot_cost = np.array([cost_obsbot_ore, cost_obsbot_clay, 0], dtype=np.int8)
geodebot_cost = np.array([cost_geodebot_ore, 0, cost_geodebot_obs], dtype=np.int8)
robot_orders = ( # Special ordering to try and hit best case earliest
((0,1,0), claybot_cost),
((1,0,0), orebot_cost),
((0,0,1), obsbot_cost),
(None, geodebot_cost),
search_stack = []
SEEN = set()
def add_state(t, robot_counts, res_counts, geodes_total):
state = (t, tuple(robot_counts), tuple(res_counts), geodes_total)
if state not in SEEN:
search_stack.append((t, robot_counts, res_counts, geodes_total))
add_state(0, np.array((1,0,0), dtype=np.int8), np.array((0,0,0), dtype=np.int8), 0)
geodes_best = 0
while len(search_stack) > 0:
t, robot_counts, res_counts, geodes_total = search_stack.pop()
if (geodes_total + maximum_potential[t_max-t]) < geodes_best:
if t < t_max:
for inc, cost in robot_orders:
mask = cost > 0 # Only look at resources within the cost
if np.any(robot_counts[mask] == 0): # no robot no income, we can't just wait to build it
time_to_resources = max(-(-(cost[mask] - res_counts[mask]) // robot_counts[mask]))
dt = max(0, time_to_resources) + 1 # Always need one minute to build something after having the resources ready
nt = t + dt
if nt < t_max: # Nothing interesting can happen on the very last minute
new_res = res_counts + (dt * robot_counts) - cost
if inc is None: # Special case for Geodebots
add_state(nt, robot_counts, new_res, geodes_total+(t_max-nt))
add_state(nt, robot_counts + inc, new_res, geodes_total)
geodes_best = max(geodes_best, geodes_total)
quality = bp * geodes_best
print(f'Blueprint {bp}: max geodes {geodes_best}, quality number = {quality}')
return bp, geodes_best, quality
if __name__ == '__main__':
# with Pool(8) as p:
# # Maximize geodes in 24 minutes
# qual_tally = sum([quality for bp, max_geodes, quality in, lines)])
# print(f'Part 1: {qual_tally}')
# max_prod = prod([max_geodes for bp, max_geodes, quality in x: bp_quality(x, 32), lines[:3])])
# print(f'Part 2: {max_prod}')
qual_tally = sum((bp_quality(line)[-1] for line in lines))
print(f'Part 1: {qual_tally}')