import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import val filename = "day1-input" class Elf: var foodCalories = List[Int]() var totalCalories = 0 def calculateTotalCalories(): Int = totalCalories = foodCalories.sum totalCalories @main def main() = val elves = ArrayBuffer[Elf](Elf()) for (line <- Source.fromFile(filename).getLines) if line.isEmpty then elves.last.calculateTotalCalories() elves.addOne(Elf()) else elves.last.foodCalories = line.toInt :: elves.last.foodCalories elves.last.calculateTotalCalories() // for (elf <- elves) // println(s"${elf.totalCalories}: ${elf.foodCalories}") // Part 1 solution: Total calories held by elf with the most total calories println(s"${ => elf.totalCalories).max}") // Part 2 solution: Total calories held by the top 3 elves println(s"${ => elf.totalCalories).sorted.takeRight(3).sum}")