import numpy as np with open('input/09', 'r') as file: lines ='\n') dtype = np.int32 directions_array = np.array([[1,0], [-1,0], [0,1], [0,-1]], dtype=dtype) directions_dict = {'R': directions_array[0], 'L': directions_array[1], 'D': directions_array[2], 'U': directions_array[3]} # Positive down for visualization def move_tail(rope: np.array): for i in range(1, rope.shape[0]): dx, dy = rope[i-1,:] - rope[i,:] if abs(dx) > 1 and dy == 0: rope[i,0] += 1 if dx > 0 else -1 elif abs(dy) > 1 and dx == 0: rope[i,1] += 1 if dy > 0 else -1 elif abs(dx) + abs(dy) > 2: rope[i,0] += 1 if dx > 0 else -1 rope[i,1] += 1 if dy > 0 else -1 def simulate_rope_drag(length: int, lines: list[str]): rope = np.zeros([length,2], dtype=dtype) visited = {(rope[-1,0], rope[-1,1])} for line in lines: dir_vector = directions_dict[line[0]] amount = int(line[2:]) for i in range(amount): rope[0,:] += dir_vector move_tail(rope) visited.add((rope[-1,0], rope[-1,1])) return visited def visualise_cells(visited: set, size=20): vis_lol = [['#' if (x,y) in visited else '.' for x in range(-size, size)] for y in range(-size, size)] vis_str = '\n'.join(''.join(line) for line in vis_lol) print(vis_str) visited_part_1 = simulate_rope_drag(2, lines) print(f'Part 1: String length of 2 - tail visits {len(visited_part_1)} cells') visited_part_2 = simulate_rope_drag(10, lines) print(f'Part 2: String length of 10 - tail visits {len(visited_part_2)} cells') if input('Visualise part 1 cells? [y/N]: ').lower() == 'y': visualise_cells(visited_part_1, 70) print() if input('Visualise part 2 cells? [y/N]: ').lower() == 'y': visualise_cells(visited_part_2, 70)