val fileSizePattern = raw"(\d+) ([\w.]+)".r val cdPattern = "\\$ cd ([\\/\\w.]+)".r // raw string interpolation doesn't like \$ val rootPattern = raw"\/(.*)".r def cd(cwd: String, to: String): String = to match case rootPattern(absPath) => absPath // Absolute path case ".." => val i = cwd lastIndexOf '/' if i < 0 then cwd else cwd.substring(0, i) // Up one subfolder case _ => s"$cwd/$to" @main def main() = val inputLines ="input/07").getLines var cwd = "" // We append the / at time of use val folders = scala.collection.mutable.HashSet[String](cwd) val fileSizes = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String, Int]() for line <- inputLines do line match case cdPattern(dir) => cwd = cd(cwd, dir) folders += cwd case fileSizePattern(sizeStr, filename) => fileSizes += s"$cwd/$filename" -> sizeStr.toInt case _ => {} // "$ ls", "dir ..." // Very inefficient way of calculating folder sizes, but cute enough val folderSizes = => (f, fileSizes.filter((k,v) => k startsWith s"$f/").values.sum)).toMap println(s"Part 1: ${folderSizes.values.filter(v => v <= 100_000).sum}") val totalCapacity = 70_000_000 val desiredRemaining = 30_000_000 val currentRemaining = totalCapacity - folderSizes("") val sizeToDelete = desiredRemaining - currentRemaining println(s"Part 2: ${folderSizes.values.filter(v => v > sizeToDelete).min}")