2023-08-23 17:26:16 +09:30
extends Node
const music : = preload ( ' res://scripts/loaders/snes/music_ff5.gd ' )
const EventType : = music . EventType
var MUSIC : = music . new ( )
var inst_map : Dictionary # int keys, AudioStreamSample values
var tracks : Array
var num_tracks : int
var players : Array
var tempo : float # Store as BPM
var seconds_per_pulse : float
var master_volume : = 255
var channel_pointer : = PoolIntArray ( )
var channel_instrument_idx : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_next_pulse : = PoolIntArray ( )
var channel_current_note : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_velocity : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_pan : = PoolByteArray ( ) # Reversed from MIDI
var channel_octave : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_transpose : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_fine_tuning : = PoolRealArray ( )
var channel_adsr_attack : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_adsr_decay : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_adsr_sustain : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_adsr_release : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_noise_freq : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_noise_on : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_pan_lfo_rate : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_pan_lfo_depth : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_pan_lfo_on : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_tremolo_delay : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_tremolo_rate : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_tremolo_depth : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_tremolo_on : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_vibrato_delay : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_vibrato_rate : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_vibrato_depth : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_vibrato_on : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_pitchmod_on : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_echo_on : = PoolByteArray ( )
var channel_echo_volume : = PoolByteArray ( )
func set_tempo ( tempo : float ) :
self . tempo = tempo
self . seconds_per_pulse = 60.0 / ( tempo * music . PPQN )
func _init ( tracks : Array , instrument_map : Dictionary ) :
self . tracks = tracks
self . num_tracks = len ( self . tracks )
self . inst_map = instrument_map
self . players = [ ]
self . set_tempo ( 120.0 )
for i in num_tracks :
self . players . append ( AudioStreamPlayer . new ( ) )
add_child ( self . players [ - 1 ] )
self . channel_pointer . append ( 0 )
self . channel_instrument_idx . append ( 0 )
self . channel_next_pulse . append ( 0 )
self . channel_current_note . append ( 0 )
self . channel_velocity . append ( 100 )
self . channel_pan . append ( 0 )
self . channel_octave . append ( 5 )
self . channel_transpose . append ( 0 )
self . channel_fine_tuning . append ( 1.0 )
self . channel_adsr_attack . append ( 0 )
self . channel_adsr_decay . append ( 0 )
self . channel_adsr_sustain . append ( 0 )
self . channel_adsr_release . append ( 0 )
self . channel_noise_freq . append ( 0 )
self . channel_noise_on . append ( 0 )
self . channel_pan_lfo_rate . append ( 0 )
self . channel_pan_lfo_depth . append ( 0 )
self . channel_pan_lfo_on . append ( 0 )
self . channel_tremolo_delay . append ( 0 )
self . channel_tremolo_rate . append ( 0 )
self . channel_tremolo_depth . append ( 0 )
self . channel_tremolo_on . append ( 0 )
self . channel_vibrato_delay . append ( 0 )
self . channel_vibrato_rate . append ( 0 )
self . channel_vibrato_depth . append ( 0 )
self . channel_vibrato_on . append ( 0 )
self . channel_pitchmod_on . append ( 0 )
self . channel_echo_on . append ( 0 )
self . channel_echo_volume . append ( 0 )
func play_channel ( channel : int , time_offset : float = 0.0 ) - > int :
# Executes the track events until it hits a note/rest, in which case it returns the pulse count to the next action, or the end of the events, in which case it returns -1
self . players [ channel ] . stop ( )
var track : Array = self . tracks [ channel ]
var l : = len ( track )
var player : AudioStreamPlayer = self . players [ channel ]
while true :
var ptr : int = self . channel_pointer [ channel ]
if ptr > = l :
var event = track [ ptr ]
self . channel_pointer [ channel ] += 1
match event [ 0 ] : # Control codes
EventType . NOTE :
var note = event [ 1 ]
var duration = event [ 2 ]
if note > = 0 : # Don't shift or play rests
note += ( 12 * self . channel_octave [ channel ] ) + self . channel_transpose [ channel ]
player . pitch_scale = pow ( 2.0 , ( note - MUSIC . REFERENCE_NOTE ) / 12.0 ) #* self.channel_fine_tuning[channel]
player . volume_db = linear2db ( ( self . channel_velocity [ channel ] / 255.0 ) * ( self . master_volume / 255.0 ) )
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player . play ( max ( ( SoundLoader . PLAY_START - time_offset ) / player . pitch_scale , 0 ) )
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self . channel_current_note [ channel ] = note
else :
self . channel_current_note [ channel ] = - 1
# TODO: Confirm tempo scaling
return duration # Pulses to next instruction
EventType . VOLUME :
self . channel_velocity [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
EventType . VOLUME_SLIDE : # TODO: implement slides
var slide_duration : int = event [ 1 ]
self . channel_velocity [ channel ] = event [ 2 ]
EventType . PAN : # TODO: implement slides
self . channel_pan [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
EventType . PAN_SLIDE : # TODO: implement slides
var slide_duration : int = event [ 1 ]
self . channel_pan [ channel ] = event [ 2 ]
EventType . PITCH_SLIDE : # TODO: implement slides
var slide_duration : int = event [ 1 ]
var target_pitch : int = event [ 2 ] # Signed
EventType . VIBRATO_ON :
self . channel_vibrato_delay [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
self . channel_vibrato_rate [ channel ] = event [ 2 ]
self . channel_vibrato_depth [ channel ] = event [ 3 ]
self . channel_vibrato_on [ channel ] = 1
EventType . VIBRATO_OFF :
self . channel_vibrato_on [ channel ] = 0
EventType . TREMOLO_ON :
self . channel_tremolo_delay [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
self . channel_tremolo_rate [ channel ] = event [ 2 ]
self . channel_tremolo_depth [ channel ] = event [ 3 ]
self . channel_tremolo_on [ channel ] = 1
EventType . TREMOLO_OFF :
self . channel_tremolo_on [ channel ] = 0
EventType . PAN_LFO_ON :
self . channel_pan_lfo_depth [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
self . channel_pan_lfo_rate [ channel ] = event [ 2 ]
self . channel_pan_lfo_on [ channel ] = 1
EventType . PAN_LFO_OFF :
self . channel_pan_lfo_on [ channel ] = 0
EventType . NOISE_FREQ :
self . channel_noise_freq [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
EventType . NOISE_ON :
self . channel_noise_on [ channel ] = 1
EventType . NOISE_OFF :
self . channel_noise_on [ channel ] = 0
EventType . PITCHMOD_ON :
self . channel_pitchmod_on [ channel ] = 1
EventType . PITCHMOD_OFF :
self . channel_pitchmod_on [ channel ] = 0
EventType . ECHO_ON :
self . channel_echo_on [ channel ] = 1
EventType . ECHO_OFF :
self . channel_echo_on [ channel ] = 0
EventType . OCTAVE :
self . channel_octave [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
EventType . OCTAVE_UP :
self . channel_octave [ channel ] += 1
EventType . OCTAVE_DOWN :
self . channel_octave [ channel ] -= 1
self . channel_transpose [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
self . channel_transpose [ channel ] += event [ 1 ]
EventType . TUNING :
var fine_tune : int = event [ 1 ]
var scale : float
if fine_tune < 0x80 :
scale = 1.0 + fine_tune / 255.0
else :
scale = fine_tune / 255.0
self . channel_fine_tuning [ channel ] = scale
EventType . PROGCHANGE :
self . channel_instrument_idx [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
player . stream = self . inst_map [ self . channel_instrument_idx [ channel ] ]
# TODO - grab instrument envelope
EventType . ADSR_ATTACK :
self . channel_adsr_attack [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
EventType . ADSR_DECAY :
self . channel_adsr_decay [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
EventType . ADSR_SUSTAIN :
self . channel_adsr_sustain [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
EventType . ADSR_RELEASE :
self . channel_adsr_release [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
EventType . ADSR_DEFAULT : # TODO - grab instrument envelope
EventType . TEMPO :
self . set_tempo ( music . tempo_to_bpm ( event [ 1 ] ) )
EventType . TEMPO_SLIDE :
self . set_tempo ( music . tempo_to_bpm ( event [ 2 ] ) )
var slide_duration : int = event [ 1 ]
EventType . ECHO_VOLUME :
self . channel_echo_volume [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
EventType . ECHO_VOLUME_SLIDE : # TODO: implement slides
self . channel_echo_volume [ channel ] = event [ 2 ]
var slide_duration : int = event [ 1 ]
var feedback : int = event [ 1 ]
var filterIndex : int = event [ 2 ]
self . master_volume = event [ 1 ]
EventType . GOTO :
self . channel_pointer [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
EventType . END :
_ :
return - 1 # End of track
func play_pulse ( time_offset : = 0.0 ) - > bool : # Return true if any channel played
var active_channels : = 0
for channel in self . num_tracks :
if self . channel_next_pulse [ channel ] < 0 :
continue # Channel not playing
active_channels += 1
if self . channel_next_pulse [ channel ] == 0 :
self . channel_next_pulse [ channel ] = self . play_channel ( channel , time_offset )
self . channel_next_pulse [ channel ] -= 1
return active_channels > 0
var is_playing : = false
var bgm_timestamp : = 0.0 # Note this will be behind by the maximum delay
func _process ( delta : float ) - > void :
if self . is_playing :
bgm_timestamp += delta
while bgm_timestamp > seconds_per_pulse :
bgm_timestamp -= seconds_per_pulse
self . is_playing = play_pulse ( bgm_timestamp )
if not self . is_playing :
print ( ' BGM finished playing ' )
2024-07-10 22:13:58 +09:30
# TODO: need to interleave channels for tempo and master volume!
const MAX_NOTE_EVENTS : = 2048
class NoteEvent :
var p_start : int # In pulse space
var p_end : int
var instrument : int
var pitch : int
var velocity : float
var adsr_attack : int
var adsr_decay : int
var adsr_sustain : int
var adsr_release : int
class TrackCurve : # built-in Curve class is too restrictive for this
var default : float
var entries : PoolVector3Array
var baked_integrals : PoolRealArray
func _init ( default : float = 0.0 ) :
self . default = default
self . entries = PoolVector3Array ( )
self . baked_integrals = PoolRealArray ( )
func add_point ( pulse : int , value : float , ramp_to_next : bool ) - > void :
var l : = len ( self . entries )
var entry : = Vector3 ( float ( pulse ) , value , float ( ramp_to_next ) )
if l == 0 or self . entries [ - 1 ] . x < pulse :
self . entries . append ( entry )
else : # Find the first entry bigger than pulse, and insert before
for i in l :
if self . entries [ i ] . x > pulse :
self . entries . insert ( i , entry )
var last_pulse_block_get : int = - 1 # Cache previous position for sequential lookups
func get_pulse ( pulse : float ) - > float :
var l : = len ( self . entries )
if l == 0 or pulse < self . entries [ - 1 ] . x :
return self . default
if pulse > self . entries [ - 1 ] . x :
return self . entries [ - 1 ] . y
for i in l - 2 :
# Find first entry beyond
if pulse < self . entries [ i + 1 ] . x :
if self . entries [ i ] . z > 0 : # ramp_to_next
return range_lerp ( pulse , self . entries [ i ] . x , self . entries [ i + 1 ] . x , self . entries [ i ] . y , self . entries [ i + 1 ] . y )
else :
return self . entries [ i ] . y
return self . default # Should be unreachable
func bake_integrals ( ) :
# Store the starting integrated value (i.e. time for the tempo curve) of each pulse value
self . baked_integrals . clear ( )
var last_pulse : = 0.0
var last_value : = self . default
var last_integral : = 0.0
var last_ramp : = false
for entry in self . entries :
var step_pulse = entry . x - last_pulse
var integral : = last_integral
if last_ramp :
# Treat it as a rectangle where the height is the average of the slanted top.
integral += step_pulse * ( last_value + entry . y ) / 2.0
else :
integral += step_pulse * last_value
self . baked_integrals . append ( integral )
last_pulse = entry . x
last_value = entry . y
last_integral = integral
last_ramp = entry . z > 0
var last_integral_block_get : int = - 1 # Cache previous position for sequential lookups
func get_integral ( pulse : float ) - > float :
# This is for tempo -> time. Need to bake it to have any hope of efficiency.
if self . baked_integrals . empty ( ) :
self . bake_integrals ( )
# Find first entry earlier than the pulse
for i in range ( len ( self . entries ) - 1 , - 1 , - 1 ) :
var entry = self . entries [ i ]
if pulse > entry . x :
var integral = self . baked_integrals [ i ]
var step_pulse = pulse - entry . x
if entry . z : # Ramp to next
# Treat it as a rectangle where the height is the average of the slanted top.
integral += step_pulse * ( entry . y + entries [ i + 1 ] . y ) / 2.0 # If last entry somehow has ramp-to-next (it shouldn't), this will out-of-range error
else :
integral += step_pulse * entry . y
return integral
return 0.0
func render_channels ( _t_start : float , _t_end : float , inst_map : Array ) - > Array : # [data: PoolByteArray, target_time_length: float in seconds]
# Since some channels contain global events (tempo and global volume for now),
# the strategy will be to preprocess each channel in a global-state-agnostic way,
# then once all the global tracks are known, as well as the longest unlooped length,
# do a second pass to generate the final events
var instrument_adsrs = RomLoader . snes_data . bgm_instrument_adsrs # TODO: UNHARDCODE THIS
var all_note_events = [ ]
var curve_master_volume : = TrackCurve . new ( 100.0 / 255.0 ) # [0.0, 1.0] for now
var curve_master_tempo : = TrackCurve . new ( 120.0 ) # bpm is too big, need pulses per second
var curve_channel_pans : = [ ]
for channel in self . num_tracks :
var curve_velocity : = TrackCurve . new ( 100.0 / 255.0 ) # [0.0, 1.0] for now
var curve_pan : = TrackCurve . new ( ) # [-1.0, 1.0] for now
var channel_note_events = [ ]
var track : Array = self . tracks [ channel ]
var l : = len ( track )
var p : = 0 # current pulse
if l == 0 : # Empty channel, move on
all_note_events . append ( channel_note_events )
curve_channel_pans . append ( curve_pan )
# var num_notes: int = 0
var current_instrument : = 0
var current_octave : = 5
var current_transpose : = 0
# var current_velocity := 100
var current_adsr_attack : = 0
var current_adsr_decay : = 0
var current_adsr_sustain : = 0
var current_adsr_release : = 0
# First, check if it ends in a GOTO, then store the program counter of the destination
var infinite_loop_target_program_counter = - 1
var infinite_loop_target_pulse = - 1
if track [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] == EventType . GOTO :
infinite_loop_target_program_counter = track [ - 1 ] [ 1 ]
var program_counter : = 0
while true : #num_notes < MAX_NOTE_EVENTS:
if program_counter > = l :
if program_counter == infinite_loop_target_program_counter :
infinite_loop_target_pulse = p
var event = track [ program_counter ]
program_counter += 1
match event [ 0 ] : # Control codes
EventType . GOTO : # This is a preprocessed event list, so GOTO is a final infinite loop marker
var note_event = NoteEvent . new ( )
note_event . p_start = p
note_event . p_end = infinite_loop_target_pulse # Fake final note event using p_start > p_end to encode the infinite jump back loop.
# Note that event[1] points to an Event, not a NoteEvent, not a Pulse, so we looked it up earlier
channel_note_events . append ( note_event )
curve_master_volume . add_point ( p , event [ 1 ] / 255.0 , false )
EventType . TEMPO :
var new_tempo = music . tempo_to_seconds_per_pulse ( event [ 1 ] )
curve_master_tempo . add_point ( p , new_tempo , false )
EventType . TEMPO_SLIDE :
var old_tempo = curve_master_tempo . get_pulse ( p )
var new_tempo = music . tempo_to_seconds_per_pulse ( event [ 2 ] )
var slide_duration : int = event [ 1 ] # TODO: work out how this is scaled
curve_master_tempo . add_point ( p , old_tempo , true )
curve_master_tempo . add_point ( p + slide_duration , new_tempo , false )
EventType . NOTE :
var note = event [ 1 ]
var duration = event [ 2 ]
if note > = 0 : # Don't shift or play rests
note += ( 12 * current_octave ) + current_transpose
var note_event = NoteEvent . new ( )
note_event . p_start = p
note_event . p_end = p + duration
note_event . instrument = current_instrument
note_event . pitch = note # pitch_idx #* self.channel_fine_tuning[channel]
note_event . velocity = curve_velocity . get_pulse ( p ) # current_velocity
note_event . adsr_attack = current_adsr_attack
note_event . adsr_decay = current_adsr_decay
note_event . adsr_sustain = current_adsr_sustain
note_event . adsr_release = current_adsr_release
channel_note_events . append ( note_event )
# num_notes += 1
p += duration
EventType . VOLUME :
var new_velocity : float = event [ 1 ] / 255.0
curve_velocity . add_point ( p , new_velocity , false )
EventType . VOLUME_SLIDE : # TODO: implement slides
var old_velocity = curve_velocity . get_pulse ( p )
var slide_duration : int = event [ 1 ]
var new_velocity : float = event [ 2 ] / 255.0
curve_velocity . add_point ( p , old_velocity , true )
curve_velocity . add_point ( p + slide_duration , new_velocity , false )
EventType . PAN :
var new_pan = 1.0 - event [ 1 ] / 127.5
curve_pan . add_point ( p , new_pan , false )
EventType . PAN_SLIDE : # TODO: implement slides
var old_pan = curve_pan . get_pulse ( p )
var new_pan = 1.0 - event [ 2 ] / 127.5
var slide_duration : int = event [ 1 ] # TODO: work out how slides are scaled
curve_pan . add_point ( p , old_pan , true )
curve_pan . add_point ( p + slide_duration , new_pan , false )
EventType . PITCH_SLIDE : # TODO: implement slides
var slide_duration : int = event [ 1 ]
var target_pitch : int = event [ 2 ] # Signed
EventType . OCTAVE :
current_octave = event [ 1 ]
EventType . OCTAVE_UP :
current_octave += 1
EventType . OCTAVE_DOWN :
current_octave -= 1
current_transpose = event [ 1 ]
current_transpose += event [ 1 ]
EventType . TUNING :
var fine_tune : int = event [ 1 ]
var scale : float
if fine_tune < 0x80 :
scale = 1.0 + fine_tune / 255.0
else :
scale = fine_tune / 255.0
self . channel_fine_tuning [ channel ] = scale
EventType . PROGCHANGE :
var event_idx = event [ 1 ] - 0x20
if event_idx > = 0 :
current_instrument = inst_map [ event_idx ] - 1
if current_instrument < len ( instrument_adsrs ) and current_instrument > 0 :
var adsr = instrument_adsrs [ current_instrument ]
current_adsr_attack = adsr [ 2 ]
current_adsr_decay = adsr [ 3 ]
current_adsr_sustain = adsr [ 0 ]
current_adsr_release = adsr [ 1 ]
EventType . ADSR_DEFAULT : # TODO - Investigate actual scaling and order
if current_instrument < len ( instrument_adsrs ) and current_instrument > 0 :
var adsr = instrument_adsrs [ current_instrument ]
current_adsr_attack = adsr [ 2 ]
current_adsr_decay = adsr [ 3 ]
current_adsr_sustain = adsr [ 0 ]
current_adsr_release = adsr [ 1 ]
EventType . ADSR_ATTACK :
current_adsr_attack = event [ 1 ]
EventType . ADSR_DECAY :
current_adsr_decay = event [ 1 ]
EventType . ADSR_SUSTAIN :
current_adsr_sustain = event [ 1 ]
EventType . ADSR_RELEASE :
current_adsr_release = event [ 1 ]
EventType . VIBRATO_ON :
self . channel_vibrato_delay [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
self . channel_vibrato_rate [ channel ] = event [ 2 ]
self . channel_vibrato_depth [ channel ] = event [ 3 ]
self . channel_vibrato_on [ channel ] = 1
EventType . VIBRATO_OFF :
self . channel_vibrato_on [ channel ] = 0
EventType . TREMOLO_ON :
self . channel_tremolo_delay [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
self . channel_tremolo_rate [ channel ] = event [ 2 ]
self . channel_tremolo_depth [ channel ] = event [ 3 ]
self . channel_tremolo_on [ channel ] = 1
EventType . TREMOLO_OFF :
self . channel_tremolo_on [ channel ] = 0
EventType . PAN_LFO_ON :
self . channel_pan_lfo_depth [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
self . channel_pan_lfo_rate [ channel ] = event [ 2 ]
self . channel_pan_lfo_on [ channel ] = 1
EventType . PAN_LFO_OFF :
self . channel_pan_lfo_on [ channel ] = 0
EventType . NOISE_FREQ :
self . channel_noise_freq [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
EventType . NOISE_ON :
self . channel_noise_on [ channel ] = 1
EventType . NOISE_OFF :
self . channel_noise_on [ channel ] = 0
EventType . PITCHMOD_ON :
self . channel_pitchmod_on [ channel ] = 1
EventType . PITCHMOD_OFF :
self . channel_pitchmod_on [ channel ] = 0
EventType . ECHO_ON :
self . channel_echo_on [ channel ] = 1
EventType . ECHO_OFF :
self . channel_echo_on [ channel ] = 0
EventType . ECHO_VOLUME :
self . channel_echo_volume [ channel ] = event [ 1 ]
EventType . ECHO_VOLUME_SLIDE : # TODO: implement slides
self . channel_echo_volume [ channel ] = event [ 2 ]
var slide_duration : int = event [ 1 ]
var feedback : int = event [ 1 ]
var filterIndex : int = event [ 2 ]
EventType . END :
_ :
# End of track
all_note_events . append ( channel_note_events )
curve_channel_pans . append ( curve_pan )
# Integrate tempo so we can get a pulse->time mapping
curve_master_tempo . bake_integrals ( )
# Find the longest channel
var channel_loop_p_returns = PoolIntArray ( )
var channel_loop_p_lengths = PoolIntArray ( )
var longest_channel_idx = 0
var longest_channel_p_end = 0
var highest_channel_p_return = - 1
for channel in self . num_tracks :
if all_note_events [ channel ] . empty ( ) :
channel_loop_p_returns . append ( - 1 )
var note_event : NoteEvent = all_note_events [ channel ] [ - 1 ]
var p_end = note_event . p_end
if p_end < note_event . p_start :
# Ends on infinite loop
channel_loop_p_returns . append ( p_end )
channel_loop_p_lengths . append ( note_event . p_start - p_end )
if p_end > highest_channel_p_return :
highest_channel_p_return = p_end
p_end = note_event . p_start
else :
channel_loop_p_returns . append ( - 1 )
2024-07-14 23:34:23 +09:30
channel_loop_p_lengths . append ( 0 )
2024-07-10 22:13:58 +09:30
if p_end > longest_channel_p_end :
longest_channel_p_end = p_end
longest_channel_idx = channel
var target_pulse_length = longest_channel_p_end + 200
var target_time_length = curve_master_tempo . get_integral ( target_pulse_length )
# Second pass - encode the notes with the now-known global tempo and volume curves
var data : = PoolByteArray ( )
for channel in self . num_tracks :
var events = all_note_events [ channel ]
var loop_return_note_event_idx = - 1
var loop_return_p = channel_loop_p_returns [ channel ]
var curve_pan : TrackCurve = curve_channel_pans [ channel ]
var midi_events_bytes_t_start : = StreamPeerBuffer . new ( )
var midi_events_bytes_t_end : = StreamPeerBuffer . new ( )
var midi_events_bytes3 : = StreamPeerBuffer . new ( )
var midi_events_bytes_adsr : = StreamPeerBuffer . new ( )
var num_notes : int = 0
var event_ptr : = 0
var l_events : = len ( events )
var loop_p_offset : = 0
for i in MAX_NOTE_EVENTS :
if event_ptr > = l_events :
if ( loop_return_p > = 0 ) and event_ptr == l_events - 1 :
event_ptr = loop_return_note_event_idx
loop_p_offset += channel_loop_p_lengths [ channel ]
var event : NoteEvent = events [ event_ptr ]
var p = event . p_start
if loop_return_note_event_idx < 0 and p > = loop_return_p :
loop_return_note_event_idx = event_ptr
midi_events_bytes_t_start . put_32 ( int ( curve_master_tempo . get_integral ( p + loop_p_offset ) * 32000 ) )
midi_events_bytes_t_end . put_32 ( int ( curve_master_tempo . get_integral ( event . p_end + loop_p_offset ) * 32000 ) ) # t_end
midi_events_bytes3 . put_u8 ( event . instrument )
midi_events_bytes3 . put_u8 ( event . pitch )
midi_events_bytes3 . put_u8 ( int ( event . velocity * curve_master_volume . get_pulse ( p ) * 255.0 ) ) # velocity
midi_events_bytes3 . put_u8 ( int ( ( curve_pan . get_pulse ( p ) + 1.0 ) * 127.5 ) ) # pan
midi_events_bytes_adsr . put_u8 ( event . adsr_attack )
midi_events_bytes_adsr . put_u8 ( event . adsr_decay )
midi_events_bytes_adsr . put_u8 ( event . adsr_sustain )
midi_events_bytes_adsr . put_u8 ( event . adsr_release )
event_ptr += 1
num_notes += 1
# Fill up end of notes array with dummies
for i in range ( num_notes , MAX_NOTE_EVENTS ) :
midi_events_bytes_t_start . put_32 ( 0x0FFFFFFF )
midi_events_bytes_t_end . put_32 ( 0x0FFFFFFF )
midi_events_bytes3 . put_32 ( 0 )
midi_events_bytes_adsr . put_32 ( 0 )
data += midi_events_bytes_t_start . data_array + midi_events_bytes_t_end . data_array + midi_events_bytes3 . data_array + midi_events_bytes_adsr . data_array
var smp_loop_start = - 1
var smp_loop_end = - 1
if highest_channel_p_return > 0 :
smp_loop_start = curve_master_tempo . get_integral ( highest_channel_p_return + 100 ) * 32000
smp_loop_end = curve_master_tempo . get_integral ( longest_channel_p_end + 100 ) * 32000
return [ data , target_time_length , [ smp_loop_start , smp_loop_end ] ]