diff --git a/scripts/managers/Common.gd b/scripts/managers/Common.gd index 0738d39..673aa94 100644 --- a/scripts/managers/Common.gd +++ b/scripts/managers/Common.gd @@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ func shrink_to_integer(): get_tree().set_screen_stretch(SceneTree.STRETCH_MODE_VIEWPORT, SceneTree.STRETCH_ASPECT_KEEP, base_resolution*scale, scale) func update_window_scale(): - if OS.window_size < base_resolution*2: - OS.window_size = base_resolution*2 + if OS.window_size < base_resolution: + OS.window_size = base_resolution var size := OS.get_window_size() var scale_vec := size / base_resolution var scale_f := max(min(scale_vec.x, scale_vec.y), 1) diff --git a/shaders/worldmap_shader.gdshader b/shaders/worldmap_shader.gdshader index dc7f20e..d3c76c1 100644 --- a/shaders/worldmap_shader.gdshader +++ b/shaders/worldmap_shader.gdshader @@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ uniform float uv_scale = 512.0; // Require square tilemap for now uniform bool enable_sea_scroll = true; // Disable on underwater maps (tileset 3) uniform bool enable_waterfall_scroll = true; // Only enable on tileset 1 uniform bool enable_tile_globbing = false; // hack for minimap +uniform float timescale_desert = 7.5; +uniform float timescale_sea = 0.234375; // 60.0/256.0 +uniform float timescale_waterfall = 1.3; // uniform vec2 subtile_offset = vec2(0.0); const float index_scale = 255.0 / 16.0; const vec2 sea_tile_uv = vec2(2.0, 6.0)/16.0; @@ -19,6 +22,10 @@ const vec2 waterfall_tile_uv_end = vec2(9.0, 9.0)/16.0; const vec2 waterfall_tile_uv_end_hack = vec2(9.0, 10.0)/16.0; // we hack a second row in the atlas const vec2 waterfall_tile_size = waterfall_tile_uv_end - waterfall_tile_uv; const vec2 waterfall_tile_size_inv = 1.0/waterfall_tile_size; +const float desert_pal_row_int = 5.0; +const float desert_pal_col_start = 1.0/16.0; +const float desert_pal_col_end = 5.0/16.0; +const float desert_pal_col_range = desert_pal_col_end - desert_pal_col_start + 1.0/16.0; // This shader maps from tileID texels to Tiles, and then applies palette. // tiles hardcoded to 16x16 tiles for now @@ -48,7 +55,7 @@ vec2 get_tile_atlas_uv(float tile_id, vec2 uv) { // i.e. every 16 frames it will have scrolled all rows 1px // every 256 frames it will have performed a full scroll // At 60fps this is one full scroll every 4.266... seconds - pos.x = fract(pos.x - TIME/4.267 + (pos.y * (9.0/16.0))); + pos.x = fract(pos.x - TIME*timescale_sea + (pos.y * (9.0/16.0))); out_uv = mix(sea_tile_uv, sea_tile_uv_end, pos); } // Waterfall VScroll UV modulation @@ -60,7 +67,7 @@ vec2 get_tile_atlas_uv(float tile_id, vec2 uv) { // Real animation seems to scroll in a cycle of shift col 1px, next frame, shift col 1px, next frame, increment by 4 rows twice, shift that one, repeat // 1, 1, 5, 5, 3, 3, 7, 7, 2, 2, 6, 6, 4, 4, 8, 8 // For now, don't bother about the double increment - pos.y = fract((pos.y - TIME*1.3 + (pos.x * (4.5/32.0))) * 0.5); + pos.y = fract((pos.y - TIME*timescale_waterfall + (pos.x * (4.5/32.0))) * 0.5); out_uv = mix(waterfall_tile_uv, waterfall_tile_uv_end_hack, pos); } @@ -81,8 +88,14 @@ void fragment() { vec2 lut_uv = get_tile_atlas_uv(tile_id, UV); float color_id = texture(tile_atlas, lut_uv).r; float color_idx16 = color_id * index_scale; - float pal_row = trunc(color_idx16) / palette_rows; + float pal_row_int = trunc(color_idx16); + float pal_row = pal_row_int / palette_rows; float pal_col = fract(color_idx16); + // Scroll #1~#5 for moving desert every 8 frames at 60fps (7.5Hz) + if (enable_waterfall_scroll && pal_row_int == desert_pal_row_int && pal_col >= desert_pal_col_start && pal_col <= desert_pal_col_end) { + pal_col = mod(pal_col + trunc(TIME*timescale_desert), desert_pal_col_range) + desert_pal_col_start; + } + // World 1 also has row #6 cols #12 and #13 swap every 5 frames at 60fps (12Hz) (world 2 portal) vec2 palette_uv = vec2(pal_col, pal_row); COLOR = texture(palette, palette_uv); diff --git a/test/worldmap_system.gd b/test/worldmap_system.gd index 0ceb3ff..2d8c0b3 100644 --- a/test/worldmap_system.gd +++ b/test/worldmap_system.gd @@ -53,9 +53,20 @@ func _ready() -> void: minimap.rect_position = Vector2(8, 168) _set_map(0) +func handle_movement_input(delta: float, quantize:=8.0) -> void: + delta = round(delta*quantize)/quantize + if Input.is_physical_key_pressed(KEY_RIGHT): + self.pos.x += delta + if Input.is_physical_key_pressed(KEY_LEFT): + self.pos.x -= delta + if Input.is_physical_key_pressed(KEY_DOWN): + self.pos.y += delta + if Input.is_physical_key_pressed(KEY_UP): + self.pos.y -= delta # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(delta: float) -> void: + self.handle_movement_input(delta*16) self.pos = self.pos.posmod(256.0) self.minimap_tween -= sign(minimap_tween - minimap_mode) * delta * 4 self.minimap_tween = clamp(minimap_tween, 0, 1) @@ -88,14 +99,6 @@ func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: if event is InputEventKey: if event.pressed: match event.physical_scancode: - KEY_RIGHT: - pos.x += 1 - KEY_LEFT: - pos.x -= 1 - KEY_DOWN: - pos.y += 1 - KEY_UP: - pos.y -= 1 KEY_1: _set_map(0) KEY_2: