move struct tsv parsing to

This commit is contained in:
Luke Hubmayer-Werner 2023-08-04 14:18:17 +09:30
parent 09a63ad164
commit 6ec484b679
2 changed files with 30 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -126,25 +126,4 @@ func delete_save_slot(sram: File, slot_id: int):
sram.store_16(0) sram.store_16(0)
func _ready(): func _ready():
var file := STRUCT.parse_struct_definitions_from_tsv_filename('res://data/SNES_save.tsv', struct_types)
var error ='res://data/SNES_save.tsv', File.READ)
if error == OK:
var current_struct: STRUCT.Struct
var line_num := 0 # Currently only used for step-through debugging
while file.get_position() < file.get_len():
var line := file.get_csv_line('\t')
line_num += 1
var size = line.size()
if size < 2:
# Size is at least 2
var type := line[0]
var label := line[1]
if type == 'struct':
# New struct declaration
current_struct =
struct_types[label] = current_struct
elif type and label:
# TODO: Maybe store the trailing comments somewhere?
current_struct.members.append([label, STRUCT.get_structarraytype(type, struct_types)])

View File

@ -187,3 +187,32 @@ static func get_structarraytype(type: String, existing_structs: Dictionary):
print_debug('Invalid keyword used in type designator: "%s"' % k) print_debug('Invalid keyword used in type designator: "%s"' % k)
return return
return inner_type return inner_type
static func parse_struct_definitions_from_tsv_file(tsv_file: File, existing_structs: Dictionary) -> void:
var current_struct: Struct
var line_num := 0 # Currently only used for step-through debugging
while tsv_file.get_position() < tsv_file.get_len():
var line := tsv_file.get_csv_line('\t')
line_num += 1
var size = line.size()
if size < 2:
# Size is at least 2
var type := line[0]
var label := line[1]
if type == 'struct':
# New struct declaration
current_struct =
existing_structs[label] = current_struct
elif type and label:
# TODO: Maybe store the trailing comments somewhere?
current_struct.members.append([label, get_structarraytype(type, existing_structs)])
static func parse_struct_definitions_from_tsv_filename(filename: String, existing_structs: Dictionary) -> int:
var file :=
match, File.READ):
parse_struct_definitions_from_tsv_file(file, existing_structs)
return OK
var error:
return error