Move icons

This commit is contained in:
Luke Hubmayer-Werner 2023-08-04 20:39:59 +09:30
parent c76d00bc3c
commit 72e193f8e0
5 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
extends PanelContainer
const FOLDER_ICON := preload('res://theme/icon_folder.tres')
const FOLDER_ICON := preload('res://theme/icons/file_folder.tres')
const ALLOWED_EXTS := PoolStringArray(['bin', 'iso', 'sfc', 'srm', 'gba'])
const CD_EXTS := PoolStringArray(['bin', 'iso']) # If you have a weird disc image format, you can mount it yourself, leave me out of it
var EXT_ICONS := { # Dicts can't be const
'bin': preload('res://theme/icon_binary.tres'),
'iso': preload('res://theme/icon_disc.tres'),
'sfc': preload('res://theme/icon_cart.tres'),
'gba': preload('res://theme/icon_cart.tres'),
'bin': preload('res://theme/icons/file_binary.tres'),
'iso': preload('res://theme/icons/file_disc.tres'),
'sfc': preload('res://theme/icons/file_cart.tres'),
'gba': preload('res://theme/icons/file_cart.tres'),
var TYPE_DESCS := { # Dicts can't be const
'bin': 'Binary',