diff --git a/data/5/addresses_SNES_PSX.tsv b/data/5/addresses_SNES_PSX.tsv index e710e52..6ab7f76 100644 --- a/data/5/addresses_SNES_PSX.tsv +++ b/data/5/addresses_SNES_PSX.tsv @@ -9,8 +9,11 @@ character_battle_sprite_stone_palette 0x00F807 N/A N/A 16 of ColorBGR555 Also 0x character_battle_sprite_disabled_palette 0x00F867 /mnu/memsave.bin 0x000034 16 of ColorBGR555 locations_bg_palettes 0x03BB00 /nar/ff5_binx.bin 0x03BF80 43 of 128 of ColorBGR555 font_glyphs_dialogue 0x03E800 256 of SNESTritile length 0x1800 -sfx_brr_data 0x041E3F Use the below SPC pointers -sfx_brr_pointers 0x041F4F 8 of 2 of u16 SPC memory addresses not ROM. Start address followed by loop address. +spc_note_durations 0x041D7E 14 of u8 +bytelength_sfx_brr_data 0x041E3F u16 Used by the memcpy routine that copies the below data to the SPC (0x010E = 270 bytes = 16 BRR packets = 480 samples) +sfx_brr_data 0x041E41 Use the below SPC pointers +bytelength_sfx_brr_pointers 0x041F4F u16 Used by the memcpy routine that copies the below data to the SPC (0x0020 = 32 bytes) +sfx_brr_pointers 0x041F51 8 of 2 of u16 SPC memory addresses not ROM. Start address followed by loop address. sfx_adsrs 0x041F71 8 of u16 sfx_samplerates 0x041F83 8 of u16 sfx_data 0x041F95 Contains SPC pointers and tracks diff --git a/default_bus_layout.tres b/default_bus_layout.tres new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3ee015 --- /dev/null +++ b/default_bus_layout.tres @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +[gd_resource type="AudioBusLayout" load_steps=2 format=2] + +[sub_resource type="AudioEffectCompressor" id=1] +resource_name = "Compressor" + +[resource] +bus/0/effect/0/effect = SubResource( 1 ) +bus/0/effect/0/enabled = true diff --git a/scripts/MusicPlayer.gd b/scripts/MusicPlayer.gd index 46273d9..eb5fb38 100644 --- a/scripts/MusicPlayer.gd +++ b/scripts/MusicPlayer.gd @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ func play_channel(channel: int, time_offset: float = 0.0) -> int: note += (12 * self.channel_octave[channel]) + self.channel_transpose[channel] player.pitch_scale = pow(2.0, (note - MUSIC.REFERENCE_NOTE)/12.0) #* self.channel_fine_tuning[channel] player.volume_db = linear2db((self.channel_velocity[channel]/255.0) * (self.master_volume/255.0)) - player.play(max(SoundLoader.PLAY_START - time_offset, 0.0)) + player.play(max((SoundLoader.PLAY_START - time_offset)/player.pitch_scale, 0)) self.channel_current_note[channel] = note else: self.channel_current_note[channel] = -1 diff --git a/scripts/loaders/SoundLoader.gd b/scripts/loaders/SoundLoader.gd index 3f243a1..995b087 100644 --- a/scripts/loaders/SoundLoader.gd +++ b/scripts/loaders/SoundLoader.gd @@ -6,17 +6,8 @@ signal audio_sfx_sample_loaded(id) var has_loaded_audio_samples := false const BGM_NUM := 70 -const BGM_LOOKUP := 0x043B97 const INST_NUM := 35 -const INST_BRR_LOOKUP := 0x043C6F -const INST_LOOP := 0x043CD8 -const INST_SR := 0x043D1E -const INST_ADSR := 0x043D64 const SFX_NUM := 8 -const SFX_BRR_SPC_TABLE := 0x041F4F + 2 # (first two bytes are the length of 0x0020 = 32 bytes = 4*8) -const SFX_BRR_START := 0x041E3F + 2 # First two bytes are the length of the block, 0x010E = 270 bytes = 16 BRR packets = 480 samples -const SFX_ADSR := 0x041F71 -const SFX_SR := 0x041F83 const PREPEND_MS := 20 # Prepend 20ms of silence to each sample for preplay purposes const PLAY_START := PREPEND_MS / 1000.0 const BYTES_PER_SAMPLE := 2 # 16bit samples @@ -145,13 +136,14 @@ func get_inst_sample_data(snes_data: Dictionary, buffer: StreamPeerBuffer, id: i # print_debug('Loaded instrument #%02X with lookup offset $%06X, BRR data offset $%06X, length $%04X (%f packets, %d samples) and loop point %d samples' % [id, lookup_offset, brr_offset, size, size/9.0, num_samples, audio.loop_begin]) return audio +# const SFX_BRR_START := 0x041E3F + 2 # First two bytes are the length of the block, 0x010E = 270 bytes = 16 BRR packets = 480 samples func load_sfx_samples_data(snes_data: Dictionary, buffer: StreamPeerBuffer): var brr_spc_addrs = [] var brr_spc_loop_addrs = [] for two_of_u16 in snes_data.sfx_brr_pointers: brr_spc_addrs.append(two_of_u16[0]) brr_spc_loop_addrs.append(two_of_u16[1]) - var brr_spc_start = SFX_BRR_START - brr_spc_addrs[0] # Refactor this later to somehow reference sfx_brr_data address from the tsv + var brr_spc_start = Common.SNES_PSX_addresses.sfx_brr_data.SNES - brr_spc_addrs[0] # Refactor this later for i in SFX_NUM: buffer.seek(brr_spc_addrs[i] + brr_spc_start) # print('Loading sfx sample #%X with BRR data offset $%06X' % [i, buffer.get_position()]) @@ -179,52 +171,20 @@ func load_samples(snes_data: Dictionary, buffer: StreamPeerBuffer): emit_signal('audio_inst_sample_loaded', i) - - - -func get_song_data(buffer: StreamPeerBuffer, id: int): - var lookup_offset := BGM_LOOKUP + (id*3) - buffer.seek(lookup_offset) - var offset := read_rom_address(buffer) - var bank := offset & 0xFF0000 - buffer.seek(offset) - var _block_size := buffer.get_u16() # Unused since we pull the individual tracks - var track_ptrs = [] - for i in 10: - var a := bank + buffer.get_u16() - if a < offset: - a += 0x010000 # Bank shift - track_ptrs.append(a) - - if track_ptrs[0] != track_ptrs[1]: - print('Master is not channel 1, interesting', track_ptrs) - var tracks = [] - for i in range(1, track_ptrs.size()-1): - var length = track_ptrs[i+1] - track_ptrs[i] - tracks.append(buffer.get_data(length)[1]) - return tracks - -func load_bgms(buffer: StreamPeerBuffer): - for i in BGM_NUM: - bgm_tracks.append(get_song_data(buffer, i)) - - - - - - var player := AudioStreamPlayer.new() # Make one for each channel, later var HACK_EXTEND_LOOP_SAMPLE_playback: bool = false -func play_sample(id: int): +func play_sample(id: int, pitch_scale: float = 1.0): print('Playing inst sample #%02X' % id) + player.pitch_scale = pitch_scale if HACK_EXTEND_LOOP_SAMPLE_playback: player.stream = instrument_samples_HACK_EXTENDED_LOOPS[id] else: player.stream = instrument_samples[id] - player.play(PLAY_START) + player.play(PLAY_START/pitch_scale) func play_sfx(id: int): print('Playing sfx sample #%02X' % id) + player.pitch_scale = 1.0 player.stream = sfx_samples[id] player.play(PLAY_START) @@ -236,7 +196,3 @@ func parse_rom(snes_data: Dictionary, buffer: StreamPeerBuffer): func _ready() -> void: add_child(player) - -# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. -#func _process(delta: float) -> void: -# pass