// ============================================================= BOILERPLATE ============================================================= // While most of the data we are working with is integral, GPU conversion overheads mean almost all of this will be floats. // Unfortunately, this loses type-checking on [0.0, 1.0] vs [0,255] etc. so a lot of this will involve comments declaring ranges. shader_type canvas_item; render_mode blend_premul_alpha; const int INT_TEX_SIZE = 4096; const float TEX_SIZE = 4096.0; const float UV_QUANTIZE = TEX_SIZE; // I feel like these magic numbers are a bit more intuitive in hex const float x00FF = float(0x00FF); // 255.0 const float x0100 = float(0x0100); // 256.0 const float x7FFF = float(0x7FFF); // 32767.0 const float x8000 = float(0x8000); // 32768.0 const float xFF00 = float(0xFF00); // 65280.0 const float xFFFF = float(0xFFFF); // 65535.0 const float x10000 = float(0x10000); // 65536.0 const float x00FF0000 = float(0x00FF0000); const float xFF000000 = float(0xFF000000); const vec2 INT16_DOT_BE = vec2(xFF00, x00FF); const vec2 INT16_DOT_LE = vec2(x00FF, xFF00); const vec4 INT32_DOT_LE = vec4(x00FF, xFF00, x00FF0000, xFF000000); float unpack_uint16(vec2 uint16) { // Convert packed 2byte integer, sampled as two [0.0, 1.0] range floats, to the original int value [0, 65535] in float32 return dot(uint16, INT16_DOT_LE); } float unpack_uint32_to_float(vec4 uint32) { // Convert packed 4byte integer, sampled as four [0.0, 1.0] range floats, to the original int value [0, 0xFFFFFFFF] in float32 // NOTE: THIS WILL LOSE PRECISION ON NUMBERS ABOVE 24BIT SIGNIFICANCE // I CAN'T EVEN GUARANTEE THE 0xFF000000 CONSTANT WILL SURVIVE ROUNDING return dot(uint32, INT32_DOT_LE); } int unpack_int32(vec4 int32) { // Convert packed 4byte integer, sampled as four [0.0, 1.0] range floats, to the original int value // return int(unpack_uint16(int32.xy)) + (int(unpack_uint16(int32.zw)) << 16); return int(unpack_uint16(int32.xy)) + (int(unpack_uint16(int32.zw)) * 0x10000); } float unpack_int16(vec2 int16) { // Convert packed 2byte integer, sampled as two [0.0, 1.0] range floats, to the original int value [-32768, 32767] in float32 float unsigned = dot(int16, INT16_DOT_LE); return unsigned - (unsigned < x7FFF ? 0.0 : x10000); } float rescale_int16(float int16) { // Rescale from [-32768, 32767] to [-1.0, 1.0) return int16 / x8000; } vec2 pack_float_to_int16(float value) { // Convert a float in range [-1.0, 1.0) to a signed 2byte integer [-32768, 32767] packed into two [0.0, 1.0] floats float scaled = value * x8000; float unsigned = scaled + (scaled < 0.0 ? x10000 : 0.0); float unsigned_div_256 = unsigned / x0100; float MSB = trunc(unsigned_div_256) / x00FF; float LSB = fract(unsigned_div_256) * x0100 / x00FF; return vec2(LSB, MSB); } vec4 test_writeback(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv) { // Test importing and exporting the samples, // and exporting a value derived from the UV vec4 output; float sample_1 = rescale_int16(unpack_int16(texture(tex, uv).xw)); float sample_2 = rescale_int16(dot(trunc(uv*TEX_SIZE), vec2(1.0, TEX_SIZE))); output.xy = pack_float_to_int16(sample_1); output.zw = pack_float_to_int16(sample_2); return output; } // ============================================================= LOGIC ============================================================= // We have around 200k frames across 35 instrument samples // 35 instrument samples and 8 sfx samples = 43 samples // 2048x128 texture maybe? at 2bytes per texel, that's 512KiB of VRAM // We start the texture with a bunch of same-size headers // int32 smp_start // The true start, after the prepended frames of silence // uint16 loop_begin // padded past the true loop point for filtering // uint16 loop_length // uint16 mixrate // // To accomodate filtering, every sample must begin with 3 frames of silence, and end with 6 frames of the beginning of the loop. // Looped playback will go from the first 3 of 6 frames at the end, to the third frame after the loop start point, to avoid filter bleeding. // If a sample does not loop, it must have 6 frames of silence at the end, not including the subsequent next sample's 3 frames of silence prefix. // As such, every sample will have an additional 9 frames, 3 before, 6 after. // Additionally, every row of the texture must have 3 redundant frames on either side - i.e., we only sample from [3, 2045) on any given row. // So the payload of a 2048-wide texture will be 2042 per row, excluding the initial header. // So for 43 samples, a header of 43*6 = 258 texels starts the first row, // after which the first sample's 3 frames of silence (3 texels of (0.0, 0.0), 6 bytes of 0x00) may begin. // A 2048x128 texture would have a payload of 2042x128 = 261376 frames (texels) excluding header // With the 258 texel header, which uses 3 texels of margin, 255 would be subtracted from the above payload, // leaving 261121 texels for the sample data. const float HEADER_LENGTH_TEXELS = 5.0; uniform sampler2D instrument_samples; uniform vec2 instrument_samples_size = vec2(2048.0, 128.0); const int INSTRUMENT_SAMPLES_WIDTH = 2048; uniform float reference_note = 71.0; // [0, 255], possibly [0, 127] uniform float output_mixrate = 32000.0; // SNES SPC output is 32kHz float sinc(float x) { x = abs(x) + 0.00000000000001; // Avoid division by zero return min(sin(x)/x, 1.0); } float get_pitch_scale(float note) { return exp2((note - reference_note)/12.0); } vec2 get_inst_texel(vec2 xy) { return texture(instrument_samples, (xy+0.5)/instrument_samples_size).xw; } float get_inst_texel_int16(int smp) { int x = smp % INSTRUMENT_SAMPLES_WIDTH; int y = smp / INSTRUMENT_SAMPLES_WIDTH; return unpack_int16(texture(instrument_samples, (vec2(float(x), float(y)) + 0.5)/instrument_samples_size).xw); } float get_instrument_sample(float instrument_index, float note, float t) { float header_offset = instrument_index * HEADER_LENGTH_TEXELS; int smp_start = unpack_int32(vec4(get_inst_texel(vec2(header_offset, 0.0)), get_inst_texel(vec2(header_offset + 1.0, 0.0)))); // The true start, after the prepended frames of silence float smp_loop_begin = unpack_uint16(get_inst_texel(vec2(header_offset + 2.0, 0.0))); // padded past the true loop point for filter float smp_loop_length = unpack_uint16(get_inst_texel(vec2(header_offset + 3.0, 0.0))); float sample_mixrate = unpack_uint16(get_inst_texel(vec2(header_offset + 4.0, 0.0))); // Calculate the point we want to sample in linear space float mixrate = sample_mixrate * get_pitch_scale(note); float smp_t = t * mixrate; // If we're past the end of the sample, we need to wrap it back to within the loop range float overshoot = max(smp_t - smp_loop_begin, 0.0); smp_t -= floor(overshoot/smp_loop_length) * smp_loop_length; // if (smp_t > smp_loop_begin) { // // return 0.0; // smp_t = mod(smp_t - smp_loop_begin, smp_loop_length) + smp_loop_begin; // } int smp_window_start = smp_start + int(smp_t) - 6; float smp_rel_filter_target = fract(smp_t) + 6.0; float output = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { int smp_filter = smp_window_start + i; float s = get_inst_texel_int16(smp_filter); // TODO: determine proper value for this. Might be based on instrument base mixrate. output += s * sinc((smp_rel_filter_target - float(i)) * 3.1); } return rescale_int16(output); // int target_texel = int(smp_t) + smp_start; // return rescale_int16(get_inst_texel_int16(target_texel)); } const int NUM_CHANNELS = 8; const int MAX_CHANNEL_NOTE_EVENTS = 2048; const int NUM_CHANNEL_NOTE_PROBES = 11; // log2(MAX_CHANNEL_NOTE_EVENTS) // uniform sampler2D midi_events : hint_normal; uniform vec2 midi_events_size = vec2(2048.0, 32.0); vec4 get_midi_texel(sampler2D tex, float x, float y) { return texture(tex, vec2(x, y)/midi_events_size).xyzw; } vec4 render_song(sampler2D tex, int smp) { // Each output texel rendered is a stereo S16LE frame representing 1/32000 of a second // 2048 is an established safe texture dimension so may as well go 2048 wide float t = float(smp)/output_mixrate; vec2 downmixed_stereo = vec2(0.0); // Binary search the channels for (int channel = 0; channel < NUM_CHANNELS; channel++) { float row = float(channel * 4); float event_idx = 0.0; int smp_start; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CHANNEL_NOTE_PROBES; i++) { float step_size = exp2(float(NUM_CHANNEL_NOTE_PROBES - i - 1)); smp_start = int(unpack_int32(get_midi_texel(tex, event_idx + step_size, row))); event_idx += (smp >= smp_start) ? step_size : 0.0; } smp_start = int(unpack_int32(get_midi_texel(tex, event_idx, row))); int smp_end = int(unpack_int32(get_midi_texel(tex, event_idx, row+1.0))); vec4 note_event_supplement = get_midi_texel(tex, event_idx, row+2.0); // left as [0.0, 1.0] float instrument_idx = trunc(note_event_supplement.x * 255.0); float pitch_idx = note_event_supplement.y * 255.0; float velocity = note_event_supplement.z; float pan = note_event_supplement.w; vec4 adsr = get_midi_texel(tex, event_idx, row+3.0); // left as [0.0, 1.0] // ====================At some point I'll look back into packing floats==================== // TBD = note_event_supplement.zw; - tremolo/vibrato/noise/pan_lfo/pitchbend/echo remain // ====================At some point I'll look back into packing floats==================== float attack = 1.0 + adsr.x*255.0; //65535.0 + 1.0; // TODO: work out effective resolution for this int smp_attack = int(attack) * 2; // Max value is 131072 samples = 4.096 seconds // For now, just branch this if (smp_start < smp) { // First sample may not start at zero! int smp_overrun = smp - smp_end; // 256 samples of linear decay to 0 after note_off smp_overrun = (smp_overrun < 0) ? 0 : smp_overrun; if (smp_overrun < 256) { float t_start = float(smp_start)/output_mixrate; float attack_factor = min(float(smp - smp_start)/float(smp_attack), 1.0); float release_factor = float(255-smp_overrun)/255.0; // 256 samples of linear decay to 0 after note_off float samp = get_instrument_sample(instrument_idx, pitch_idx, t-t_start); samp *= velocity * attack_factor * release_factor; // TODO: proper decay and sustain, revisit release downmixed_stereo += samp * vec2(1.0-pan, pan) * 0.5; // TODO: double it to maintain the mono level on each channel at center=0.5? } } } // Convert the stereo float audio to S16LE return vec4(pack_float_to_int16(downmixed_stereo.x), pack_float_to_int16(downmixed_stereo.y)); } void fragment() { // GLES2 vec2 uv = vec2(UV.x, 1.0-UV.y); // uv = (trunc(uv*UV_QUANTIZE)+0.5)/UV_QUANTIZE; // COLOR.xyzw = test_writeback(TEXTURE, uv); ivec2 xy = ivec2(trunc(uv*TEX_SIZE)); COLOR.xyzw = render_song(TEXTURE, xy.x + (xy.y*INT_TEX_SIZE)); }