extends Node2D var PC = load('PC.tscn') var PCs = [] var sfx_buttons = [] func _ready(): Engine.set_target_fps(60) var strips = len(load_sprites.strip_textures) # * 4 / 5 #var strip_divide = strips * 2 / 5 var strip_divide = strips * 1 / 5 for i in strips: PCs.append(PC.instance()) #PCs[-1].set_position(Vector2((i%strip_divide)*16, (i/strip_divide)*24*11)) PCs[-1].set_position(Vector2((i%strip_divide)*24, (i/strip_divide)*32)) PCs[-1].material.set_shader_param('palette', load_sprites.character_battle_sprite_palette_textures[i]) PCs[-1].texture = load_sprites.strip_textures[i] add_child(PCs[-1]) # PCs.append(PC.instance()) # PCs[-1].set_position(Vector2(0, 2*24*11)) # PCs[-1].material.set_shader_param('palette', load_sprites.character_battle_sprite_palette_textures[45]) # PCs[-1].texture = load_sprites.weapon_textures['Fist'] # add_child(PCs[-1]) for i in SoundLoader.INST_NUM: var btn = Button.new() btn.text = 'Play #%02X' % i btn.align = Button.ALIGN_CENTER btn.set_position(Vector2((i%8)*40, 200 + (i/8)*16)) btn.set_scale(Vector2(0.5, 0.5)) add_child(btn) btn.connect('pressed', SoundLoader, 'play_sample', [i]) sfx_buttons.append(btn) for i in SoundLoader.SFX_NUM: var btn = Button.new() btn.text = 'SFX #%02X' % i btn.align = Button.ALIGN_CENTER btn.set_position(Vector2((i%8)*40, 290 + (i/8)*16)) btn.set_scale(Vector2(0.5, 0.5)) add_child(btn) btn.connect('pressed', SoundLoader, 'play_sfx', [i]) sfx_buttons.append(btn) # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. #func _process(delta): # update() # pass func _on_OptionButton_item_selected(ID): for pc in PCs: pc.animation = ID