''' This file is part of ff5reader. ff5reader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ff5reader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ff5reader. If not, see . ''' import sys, os from includes.helpers import * pyqt_version = 0 skip_pyqt5 = 'PYQT4' in os.environ if not skip_pyqt5: try: from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon, QPalette, QColor, QFont, QFontInfo, QImage, QPixmap from PyQt5.QtWidgets import ( QApplication, QMainWindow, QFormLayout, QGridLayout, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QAbstractItemView, QHeaderView, QListWidget, QListWidgetItem, QTabWidget, QTableWidget, QTableWidgetItem, QFrame, QScrollArea, QStackedWidget, QWidget, QCheckBox, QComboBox, QDoubleSpinBox, QGroupBox, QLineEdit, QPushButton, QRadioButton, QSpinBox, QStyleOptionButton, QToolButton, QProgressBar, QDialog, QColorDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QFileDialog, QInputDialog, QMessageBox, QAction, QActionGroup, QLabel, QMenu, QStyle, QSystemTrayIcon, QStyleOptionProgressBar ) pyqt_version = 5 except ImportError: print("Couldn't import Qt5 dependencies. " 'Make sure you installed the PyQt5 package.') if pyqt_version == 0: try: import sip sip.setapi('QVariant', 2) from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore from PyQt4.QtGui import ( QApplication, QMainWindow, QFormLayout, QGridLayout, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QAbstractItemView, QHeaderView, QListWidget, QListWidgetItem, QTabWidget, QTableWidget, QTableWidgetItem, QFrame, QScrollArea, QStackedWidget, QWidget, QCheckBox, QComboBox, QDoubleSpinBox, QGroupBox, QLineEdit, QPushButton, QRadioButton, QSpinBox, QStyleOptionButton, QToolButton, QProgressBar, QDialog, QColorDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QFileDialog, QInputDialog, QMessageBox, QAction, QActionGroup, QLabel, QMenu, QStyle, QSystemTrayIcon, QIcon, QPalette, QColor, QValidator, QFont, QFontInfo, QImage, QPixmap ) from PyQt4.QtGui import QStyleOptionProgressBarV2 as QStyleOptionProgressBar pyqt_version = 4 except ImportError: print("Couldn't import Qt dependencies. " 'Make sure you installed the PyQt4 package.') sys.exit(-1) monofont = QFont() monofont.setStyleHint(QFont.Monospace) if not monofont.fixedPitch(): monofont.setStyleHint(QFont.TypeWriter) if not monofont.fixedPitch(): monofont.setFamily('Monospace') class Label(QLabel): def __init__(self, *kwargs): super().__init__(*kwargs) self.pixmaps = [] self.pixmap_index = 0 self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self._cycle_pixmap) def setContent(self, content, scale=1, strip=True): if isinstance(content, QPixmap): self.setPixmap(content.scaled(content.size() * scale)) elif isinstance(content, list) and isinstance(content[0], QPixmap): self.pixmaps = [c.scaled(c.size() * scale) for c in content[:-1]] self.setPixmap(self.pixmaps[0]) self.timer.start(content[-1]*1000/60) else: if strip: content = content.strip() self.setText(content) def _cycle_pixmap(self): self.pixmap_index = (self.pixmap_index+1)%len(self.pixmaps) self.setPixmap(self.pixmaps[self.pixmap_index]) def table_size_to_contents(table): # Stupid hack to get table to size correctly table.hide() geometry = table.viewport().geometry() table.viewport().setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF)) table.resizeColumnsToContents() table.resizeRowsToContents() table.viewport().setGeometry(geometry) table.show() def make_table(headers, items, sortable=False, row_labels=True, scale=2): ''' Helper function to tabulate 2d lists ''' cols = len(headers) rows = len(items) rd = hex_length(rows-1) table = QTableWidget(rows, cols) if row_labels: table.setVerticalHeaderLabels([hex(v, rd) for v in range(rows)]) else: table.verticalHeader().setVisible(False) table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(headers) for row, col, item in [(x,y,items[x][y]) for x in range(rows) for y in range(cols)]: if isinstance(item, QWidget): table.setCellWidget(row, col, item) elif isinstance(item, QPixmap): pix = item.scaled(item.size() * scale) lab = QLabel() lab.setPixmap(pix) table.setCellWidget(row, col, lab) elif item is not None: if item.endswith('₁₆'): s = '{}16'.format(item[:-2]) lab = QLabel(s) table.setCellWidget(row, col, lab) else: q_item = QTableWidgetItem(item) if item.startswith(HEX_PREFIX): q_item.setFont(monofont) table.setItem(row, col, q_item) table_size_to_contents(table) if sortable: table.setSortingEnabled(True) table.sortItems(0) return table def make_px_table(items, cols=16, scale=4, large=False): rows = divceil(len(items), cols) rd = hex_length(rows-1)+1 cd = hex_length(cols-1) table = QTableWidget(rows, cols) if large: table.setHorizontalScrollMode(QAbstractItemView.ScrollPerPixel) table.setVerticalScrollMode(QAbstractItemView.ScrollPerPixel) table.setVerticalHeaderLabels([hex(v*cols, rd) for v in range(rows)]) table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels([hex(v, cd) for v in range(cols)]) for i, item in enumerate(items): if isinstance(item, QWidget): table.setCellWidget(i // cols, i % cols, item) elif item: lab = Label() lab.setContent(item, scale=scale) lab.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) table.setCellWidget(i // cols, i % cols, lab) table_size_to_contents(table) return table def stack_labels(*items): w = QWidget() w.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) l = QVBoxLayout() l.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) l.setSpacing(0) l.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) for item in items: lab = Label() lab.setContent(item) lab.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) lab.setMargin(0) l.addWidget(lab) w.setLayout(l) return w