
301 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/python3 -i
No license for now
Search for potential BRR samples in an spc700 file.
SPC-700 info
0x00100 - 0x100FF contains RAM and is all we are interested in at present (64 KiB - 16bit address space)
BRR info
16bit audio samples.
Blocks of 9 bytes.
First byte is a header of form
rrrr ffle
Where rrrr is "range"/"granularity", rather the amount to leftshift the following samples by (0-12)
ff is filter designation. Might be important later.
l is loop flagbit. Normally 0 except on the last block.
e is last chunk of sample. We'll use l and e to try to find series of chunks.
Trailing 8 bytes are 16 4bit nibbles that make up the compressed samples.
import sys
from midiutil import MIDIFile
from includes.helpers import indirect, hex
from includes.const import BGM_Tracks_Safe
def generate_pointer_set(data):
Scan through entire dataset and collect everything that could be a pointer.
ptr_set = set()
d_len = len(data)
for i in range(d_len-1):
x = int.from_bytes(data[i:i+2], 'little')
if x < d_len-9:
return ptr_set
def analyse_sample(data, pointer):
length = 0
while data[pointer] & 1 == 0:
length += 1
pointer += 9
if pointer > len(data)-9:
return 0
return length
def decode_brr(data):
range = data[0] >> 4
filter_designation = (data[0] & 0x0C) >> 2
loop = bool(data[0] & 0x02)
end = bool(data[0] & 0x01)
samples = []
for i in range(8):
samples.append((data[1+range] >> 4) << range)
samples.append((data[1+range] & 0x0F) << range)
return (samples, loop, end, filter_designation)
def main(filename):
global RAM, brr_dict
with open(filename, 'rb') as file1:
RAM = file1.read()[0x00100:0x10100]
ptr_set = generate_pointer_set(RAM)
blacklist = set() # Avoid re-entering sample chains
brr_dict = {}
for ptr in ptr_set:
if ptr in blacklist:
length = analyse_sample(RAM, ptr)
if length > 49: # Ignore anything less than 50 blocks (800 samples) long
brr_dict[ptr] = length
for i in range(length):
for k in sorted(brr_dict.keys()):
print('0x{:04x}: {:4d}'.format(k, brr_dict[k]))
class SPCParser:
slide_resolution = 50
notes = [i for i in range(12)]
durations = [4, 3, 2, 4/3, 1.5, 1, 2/3, 0.75, 0.5, 1/3, 0.25, 0.5/3, 0.125, 0.25/3, 0.0625]
def __init__(self):
self.control_codes = [
(1, self._set_volume), # 0xD2
(2, self._slide_volume), # 0xD3
(1, self._set_pan), # 0xD4
(2, self._slide_pan), # 0xD5
(2, 'SomeSlide'), # 0xD6
(3, 'Vibrato'), # 0xD7
(0, 'VibratoOff'), # 0xD8
(3, 'Tremolo'), # 0xD9
(0, 'TremoloOff'), # 0xDA
(2, 'PanLoop'), # 0xDB
(0, 'PanLoopOff'), # 0xDC
(1, 'Noise'), # 0xDD
(0, 'NoiseOff'), # 0xDE
(0, 'unk'), # 0xDF
(0, 'unk'), # 0xE0
(0, 'unk'), # 0xE1
(0, 'EchoOn'), # 0xE2
(0, 'EchoOff'), # 0xE3
(1, self._set_octave), # 0xE4
(0, self._inc_octave), # 0xE5
(0, self._dec_octave), # 0xE6
(1, self._set_transpose), # 0xE7
(1, self._rel_transpose), # 0xE8
(1, 'FineTune'), # 0xE9
(1, self._set_instrument), # 0xEA
(1, 'unk1'), # 0xEB
(1, 'unk1'), # 0xEC
(0, 'unk'), # 0xED
(1, 'unk1'), # 0xEE
(0, 'unk'), # 0xEF
(1, self._start_loop), # 0xF0
(0, self._end_loop), # 0xF1
(0, self._end_channel), # 0xF2
(1, self._set_tempo), # 0xF3
(2, self._slide_tempo), # 0xF4
(1, 'SetEchoVel'), # 0xF5
(2, 'SlideEchoVel'), # 0xF6
(2, 'unk2'), # 0xF7
(1, 'SetGlobalVel'), # 0xF8
(3, self._end_loop_jump), # 0xF9
(2, self._jump), # 0xFA
(0, 'unk'), # 0xFB does not end track
(0, self._end_channel), # 0xFC
(0, self._end_channel), # 0xFD
(0, self._end_channel), # 0xFE
(0, self._end_channel), # 0xFF
def _add_slide(self, cc, value, time):
start_value = 0 # TODO: determine the value at this point!!!
t = 0
v = 0
# TODO linearly scale t from 0 to time, v from start_value to value over slide_resolution
self.m.addControllerEvent(self.track, 0, self.time + t, cc, start_value + v)
def _set_instrument(self, instrument):
self.m.addProgramChange(self.track, 0, self.time, instrument)
def _set_volume(self, volume):
self.m.addControllerEvent(self.track, 0, self.time, 7, volume//2) # 0-255 needs to be 0-127 for MIDI
def _slide_volume(self, volume, time):
# TODO slide
self.m.addControllerEvent(self.track, 0, self.time, 7, volume//2) # 0-255 needs to be 0-127 for MIDI
def _set_pan(self, pan):
self.m.addControllerEvent(self.track, 0, self.time, 7, 127-(pan//2)) # SPC panning is reversed
def _slide_pan(self, pan, time):
# TODO slide
self.m.addControllerEvent(self.track, 0, self.time, 7, 127-(pan//2))
def _set_octave(self, octave):
self.octave = octave
def _inc_octave(self):
self.octave += 1
def _dec_octave(self):
self.octave -= 1
def _set_transpose(self, transpose):
self.transpose = transpose
def _rel_transpose(self, transpose):
self.transpose += transpose
def _end_channel(self):
self.i = 0xFFFFFFFF
def _set_tempo(self, tempo):
self.m.addTempo(self.track, self.time, tempo)
def _slide_tempo(self, time, tempo):
# TODO slide
self.m.addTempo(self.track, self.time, tempo)
def _start_loop(self, repeats):
print('\tStarting loop level {} - repeat x{}'.format(len(self.loop_i), repeats))
def _end_loop(self):
print('\tEnding loop level {} - pass {} of {}'.format(len(self.loop_i)-1, self.loop_passes[-1], self.loop_repeats[-1]+1))
if self.loop_passes[-1] < self.loop_repeats[-1]+1:
self.i = self.loop_i[-1]
self.loop_passes[-1] += 1
def _end_loop_jump(self, loop_pass, *address):
if self.loop_passes[-1] >= loop_pass:
print('\tEnding loop level {} with jump - pass {} of {}'.format(len(self.loop_i)-1, self.loop_passes[-1], self.loop_repeats[-1]+1))
def _jump(self, *address):
In gameplay, this would loop infinitely.
Since we're making finite MIDI files, we'll just loop track 0 a number of times,
and loop the other tracks until they match the length of track 0.
offset = (address[0] + 256*address[1]) - self.start_address
if self.track == 0:
self.full_repeats += 1
if self.full_repeats < self.max_full_repeats:
self.i = offset
if self.time < self.track_end[0]-4:
self.i = offset
def parse(self, tracks):
self.m = MIDIFile(len(tracks))
self.velocity = 100
self.max_full_repeats = 4
self.track_end = []
for track, (t, address) in enumerate(tracks):
print('\nCreating track', track, hex(address, 6))
self.track = track
self.start_address = address & 0xFFFF
self.time = 0
self.octave = 5
self.transpose = 0
self.loop_i = []
self.loop_repeats = []
self.loop_passes = []
self.full_repeats = 0
self.i = 0
while self.i < len(t):
add = 'Track {}: {}\t{:7.3f}\t'.format(self.track, hex(self.i, 4), self.time)
t1 = t[self.i]
self.i += 1
if t1 < 0xD2:
duration = self.durations[t1%15]
t2 = t1 // 15
if t2<12: # Others are rests
note = self.notes[t2]+(12*self.octave)+self.transpose
self.m.addNote(track, 0, note, self.time, duration, self.velocity)
self.time += duration
print(add, hex(t1), t2, duration)
n, callback = self.control_codes[t1-0xD2]
args = [t[self.i+j] for j in range(n)]
self.i += n
if callable(callback):
print(add, callback.__name__, [hex(i) for i in [t1]+args]) # Maybe .__doc__ would work better
print(add, callback, [hex(i) for i in [t1]+args])
return self.m
filename_jp = 'Final Fantasy V (Japan).sfc'
def get_song_data(rom, id):
lookup_offset = 0x043B97 + (id*3)
offset = indirect(rom, lookup_offset, 3)-0xC00000
bank = offset & 0xFF0000
size = indirect(rom, offset)
def get_track_ptr(rom, offset, bank, i):
a = indirect(rom, offset+i) + bank
if a < offset:
a += 0x010000 # Bank shift
return a
track_ptrs = [get_track_ptr(rom, offset, bank, i) for i in range(2, 22, 2)]
if track_ptrs[0] != track_ptrs[1]:
print('Master is not channel 1, interesting', track_ptrs)
tracks = [(rom[i:j], i) for i, j in zip(track_ptrs[1:-1], track_ptrs[2:])]
#data = rom[offset+2:offset+2+size]
return tracks
def make_midi_file(tracks, filename='test.mid'):
m = SPCParser().parse(tracks)
with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
def read_rom(filename=filename_jp):
with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
f = file.read()
return f
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1]:
i = int(sys.argv[1])
filename = 'test {:02d} - {}.mid'.format(i, BGM_Tracks_Safe[i])
tracks = get_song_data(read_rom(), i)
make_midi_file(tracks, filename=filename)
for i, t in enumerate(BGM_Tracks_Safe):
filename = 'test {:02d} - {}.mid'.format(i, t)
print('Creating MIDI {}'.format(filename))
tracks = get_song_data(read_rom(), i)
make_midi_file(tracks, filename=filename)