264 lines
8.9 KiB
264 lines
8.9 KiB
No license for now
import os
from array import array
from struct import unpack
import const
pyqt_version = 0
skip_pyqt5 = "PYQT4" in os.environ
if not skip_pyqt5:
from PyQt5 import QtGui
from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap, QColor, QPainter
pyqt_version = 5
except ImportError:
print("Missing PyQt5, trying PyQt4...")
if pyqt_version == 0:
from PyQt4 import QtGui
from PyQt4.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap, QColor, QPainter
pyqt_version = 4
except ImportError:
print("Missing PyQt4 dependencies")
bg_color = QColor(0, 0, 128)
bg_trans = QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
def create_tile_indexed(data):
Creates a QImage of a SNES tile. Useful for assigning palettes later.
planes = len(data)//8
tile = array('B', range(64))
img = QImage(8, 8, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
imgbits = img.bits()
if planes == 0:
raise ValueError("Empty bytes passed")
if planes == 1:
for i, (j, x) in enumerate([(j,x) for j in range(8) for x in reversed(range(8))]):
tile[i] = (data[j] >> x & 1)
for i, (j, x) in enumerate([(j,x) for j in range(0, 16, 2) for x in reversed(range(8))]):
tile[i] = (data[j] >> x & 1) | ((data[j+1] >> x & 1) << 1)
if planes == 3:
for i, (j, x) in enumerate([(j,x) for j in range(16, 24, 1) for x in reversed(range(8))]):
tile[i] |= ((data[j] >> x & 1) << 2)
elif planes >= 4:
for i, (j, x) in enumerate([(j,x) for j in range(16, 32, 2) for x in reversed(range(8))]):
tile[i] |= ((data[j] >> x & 1) << 2) | ((data[j+1] >> x & 1) << 3)
if planes == 8:
for i, (j, x) in enumerate([(j,x) for j in range(32, 48, 2) for x in reversed(range(8))]):
tile[i] |= ((data[j] >> x & 1) << 4) | ((data[j+1] >> x & 1) << 5) \
| ((data[j+16] >> x & 1) << 6) | ((data[j+17] >> x & 1) << 7)
imgbits[:64] = tile
return img
def create_tile_mode7_indexed(data):
# Each byte is a pixel. 8bit palette.
tile = array('B', range(64))
tile = data[:64]
img = QImage(8, 8, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
imgbits = img.bits()
imgbits[:64] = tile
return img
def create_tile_mode7_compressed_indexed(data, pal_index):
# Each byte is two pixels i.e. 0xEF is Mode 7 0xF 0xE
# Palette is externally determined by LUT, to be padded to the first hex digit
pal = pal_index << 4
newdata = b''.join([bytes([pal|(j%16), pal|(j//16)]) for j in data])
return create_tile_mode7_indexed(newdata)
def create_tile(data, palette=[0x00000080, 0xFFFFFFFF]):
Creates a QPixmap of a SNES tile. DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF QApplication CONTEXT
img = create_tile_indexed(data)
return QPixmap.fromImage(img)
def create_tile_mode7(data, palette):
# Each byte is a pixel. 8bit palette.
img = create_tile_mode7_indexed(data)
return QPixmap.fromImage(img)
def create_tile_mode7_compressed(data, palette):
# Each byte is two pixels i.e. 0xEF is Mode 7 0xF 0xE
# Palette is externally determined by LUT, only send 4bit palette
newdata = b''.join([bytes([j%16, j//16]) for j in data])
return create_tile_mode7(newdata, palette)
def create_tile_old(data, palette):
Creates a QPixmap of a SNES tile. DO NOT USE OUTSIDE OF QApplication CONTEXT
planes = len(data)//8
tile = array('B', range(64))
img = QImage(8, 8, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
imgbits = img.bits()
if planes == 0:
raise ValueError("Empty bytes passed")
if planes == 1:
img.setColorTable([0x00000080, 0xFFFFFFFF])
t_ptr = 0
for j, x in [(j,x) for j in range(8) for x in reversed(range(8))]:
tile[t_ptr] = (data[j] >> x & 1)
t_ptr += 1
t_ptr = 0
for j, x in [(j,x) for j in range(0, 16, 2) for x in reversed(range(8))]:
tile[t_ptr] = (data[j] >> x & 1) | ((data[j+1] >> x & 1) << 1)
t_ptr += 1
t_ptr = 0
if planes == 3:
for j, x in [(j,x) for j in range(16, 24, 1) for x in reversed(range(8))]:
tile[t_ptr] |= ((data[j] >> x & 1) << 2)
t_ptr += 1
elif planes >= 4:
for j, x in [(j,x) for j in range(16, 32, 2) for x in reversed(range(8))]:
tile[t_ptr] |= ((data[j] >> x & 1) << 2) | ((data[j+1] >> x & 1) << 3)
t_ptr += 1
if planes == 8:
t_ptr = 0
for j, x in [(j,x) for j in range(32, 48, 2) for x in reversed(range(8))]:
tile[t_ptr] |= ((data[j] >> x & 1) << 4) | ((data[j+1] >> x & 1) << 5) \
| ((data[j+16] >> x & 1) << 6) | ((data[j+17] >> x & 1) << 7)
t_ptr += 1
imgbits[:64] = tile
return QPixmap.fromImage(img)
def create_tritile(data):
img = QImage(16, 12, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
imgbits = img.bits()
tile = array('B', range(192))
for p, row, b in [(p,j,b) for p in range(2) for j in range(12) for b in reversed(range(8))]:
tile[(7-b) + (row*16) + (p*8)] = (data[row + (p*12)] >> b & 1)
imgbits[:192] = tile
return QPixmap.fromImage(img)
def create_quadtile(data, ltr=False):
img = QImage(16, 16, QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied)
painter = QtGui.QPainter(img)
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, create_tile(data[0:8]))
painter.drawPixmap(8, 8, create_tile(data[24:32]))
if ltr:
painter.drawPixmap(8, 0, create_tile(data[8:16]))
painter.drawPixmap(0, 8, create_tile(data[16:24]))
painter.drawPixmap(0, 8, create_tile(data[8:16]))
painter.drawPixmap(8, 0, create_tile(data[16:24]))
del painter
return QPixmap.fromImage(img)
def generate_glyphs(rom, offset, num=0x100, palette=const.small_palette):
spritelist = []
for i in range(num):
j = offset + (i*16)
spritelist.append(create_tile(rom[j:j+16], palette))
return spritelist
def generate_glyphs_large(rom, offset, num=0x100):
spritelist = []
for i in range(num):
j = offset + (i*24)
return spritelist
def generate_palette(rom, offset, length=32, transparent=False):
Length is in bytes not colors (2 bytes per color)
We need to convert BGR555 to ARGB32 for each 2 bytes
palette = []
for i in range(offset, offset+length, 2):
if (i+2) < len(rom):
short = unpack('<H', rom[i:i+2])[0]
b = (short & 0x7C00) >> 7 # b 0XXXXX00 00000000 -> 00000000 00000000 XXXXX000
g = (short & 0x03E0) << 6 # b 000000XX XXX00000 -> 00000000 XXXXX000 00000000
r = (short & 0x001F) << 19 # b 00000000 000XXXXX -> XXXXX000 00000000 00000000
color = 0xFF000000|r|g|b
color = 0 # Transparent
if transparent:
palette[0] = 0
return palette
class Canvas:
def __init__(self, cols, rows, color=bg_trans):
self.image = QImage(8*cols, 8*rows, QImage.Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied)
self.painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.image)
self.max_x = 1
self.max_y = 1
def __del__(self):
del self.painter
def draw_pixmap(self, col, row, pixmap, h_flip=False, v_flip=False):
if h_flip or v_flip:
h_s = -1 if h_flip else 1
v_s = -1 if v_flip else 1
x = (col+h_flip)*8*h_s
y = (row+v_flip)*8*v_s
self.painter.scale(h_s, v_s)
self.painter.drawPixmap(x, y, pixmap)
self.painter.scale(h_s, v_s) # Invert it again to restore it to normal
if col > self.max_x:
self.max_x = col
if row > self.max_y:
self.max_y = row
def pixmap(self, trim=False):
if trim:
return QPixmap.fromImage(self.image.copy(0, 0, self.max_x*8+8, self.max_y*8+8))
return QPixmap.fromImage(self.image)
class Canvas_Indexed:
def __init__(self, cols, rows, color=0, tilesize=8):
self.image = QImage(tilesize*cols, tilesize*rows, QImage.Format_Indexed8)
self.width = tilesize*cols
self.tilesize = tilesize
self.imgbits = self.image.bits()
self.max_col = 1
self.max_row = 1
def draw_tile(self, col, row, image):
imgbits = image.bits()
x = col*self.tilesize
y = row*self.tilesize
start = x + y*self.width
for i in range(self.tilesize):
offset = i*self.width
self.imgbits[start+offset:start+offset+self.tilesize] = imgbits[i*self.tilesize:(i+1)*self.tilesize]
self.max_col = max(col, self.max_col)
self.max_row = max(row, self.max_row)
def pixmap(self, palette, trim=False):
if trim:
img = self.image.copy(0, 0, (self.max_col+1)*self.tilesize, (self.max_row+1)*self.tilesize)
return QPixmap.fromImage(img)
return QPixmap.fromImage(self.image)