CF 01beta - full scale length

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Luke Hubmayer-Werner 2024-12-23 13:36:52 +10:30
parent 5ae785f0d5
commit 519ea53ecc
1 changed files with 7 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
include <common.scad>
Guitar_Scale_Length_mm = 610; // millimetres, slightly over 24inch (609.6mm) Jaguar scale, should be fine for guitar and u-bass
assert(fret_scale_length(0) == 610); // Make sure the function correctly uses our changed global
// Guitar_Scale_Length_mm = 610; // millimetres, slightly over 24inch (609.6mm) Jaguar scale, should be fine for guitar and u-bass
// assert(fret_scale_length(0) == 610); // Make sure the function correctly uses our changed global
CF_Tube_Dia = 5.0;
CF_Square_Width = 6.0;
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module neck(string_spacing=18, string_margin=4.5, num_strings=3, target_neck_thi
xmid = lerp(x0, x1, 0.5);
// Radius it?
arc = arc_points([[x0, scallop_depth], [x1, scallop_depth], [xmid, 0]]);
// echo(arc);
rotate([90, 0, 90]) linear_extrude(neck_width, center=true) polygon(arc);
@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ module neck(string_spacing=18, string_margin=4.5, num_strings=3, target_neck_thi
module cf_tube(x1, x2, tolerance = 0.3) {
echo(x1, x2);
translate([0, x2, 0])
cylinder(h=x1-x2, d=CF_Tube_Dia+tolerance, $fn=360);
@ -140,11 +139,12 @@ module fret_tube(from_fret, to_fret, fret_width=2.4) {
translate([-50, x1, -50]) cube([100, x0-x1, 100]);
// αβγδεζ
rotate([90, 0, 0]) linear_extrude((x2+0.3)*2, center=true) text(text = "01α", font = "Deja Vu Sans", halign = "center", valign = "center", size = 4);
rotate([90, 0, 0]) linear_extrude((x2+0.3)*2, center=true) text(text = "01β", font = "Deja Vu Sans", halign = "center", valign = "center", size = 4);
echo(fret_scale_length(0) - fret_scale_length(8)); // 225.724
echo(fret_scale_length(8) - fret_scale_length(24)); // 240.335
fret_tube(0, 8);
// translate([30, 0, 0]) fret_tube(8, 24);
//fret_tube(0, 8);
//translate([30, 0, 0])
fret_tube(8, 24);