Inlay tweaking for narrow neck
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ shumbucker_w2 = 82.9; // 1.6mm in, a 2.0mm hole on each side
// ShinKaiYaku65 最後に、兄弟たち。すべての真実なこと、すべての誉れあること、すべての正しいこと、すべてのきよいこと、すべての愛すべきこと、すべての評判の良いこと、そのほか徳と言われること、称賛に値することがあるならば、そのようなことに心を留めなさい。
// I swapped 愛 and 評判 because 12th fret should be the biggest marker, and having only 15 as a 2char marker would be too disorienting
// going with 良 for 21
fret_inlays = [[3, "真"], [5, "尊"], [7, "正"], [9, "清"], [12, "評判"], [15, "愛"], [17, "徳"], [19, "賛"], [21, "良"], [24, "主イエス"]];
fret_inlays = [[3, "真"], [5, "尊"], [7, "正"], [9, "清"], [12, "評判"], [15, "愛"], [17, "徳"], [19, "賛"], [21, "良"], [24, "主イエス"], [27, "-"], [29, "-"], [31, "-"], [33, "-"]];
// Galatians 5:22-23
// ShinKaiYaku65 22しかし、御霊の実は、愛、喜び、平安、寛容、親切、善意、誠実、 23柔和、自制です。このようなものを禁ずる律法はありません。
// 愛 喜び 平安 寛容 親切 善意 誠実 柔和 自制
@ -1094,11 +1094,13 @@ colour_scheme = COLOURSCHEME_ABSGF_CLOWNFISH;
// TrussRodSingleAction();
// translate([20, 0]) TrussRod();
difference() {
l = 70;
w = 20;
extra = 5;
translate([-w/2, -extra, 1.6-w/2]) cube([w, l+extra, w]);
// TrussRod(taper_points=[-extra, l], extra=true, tolerance = 0.24);
TrussRodSingleAction(taper_points=[-extra, l], extra=true, tolerance = 0.24);
// difference() {
// l = 70;
// w = 20;
// extra = 5;
// translate([-w/2, -extra, 1.6-w/2]) cube([w, l+extra, w]);
// // TrussRod(taper_points=[-extra, l], extra=true, tolerance = 0.24);
// TrussRodSingleAction(taper_points=[-extra, l], extra=true, tolerance = 0.24);
// }
Guitar_Scale_Length_mm = PBass_Scale_mm;
TaperNeck(string_spacing_bridge=20, string_spacing_nut=20, num_strings=2, fret_widths=concat([3.6], [ for (i=[0:50]) 2.4 ]), num_frets=34, include_colours=[0,1]);
@ -234,12 +234,19 @@ module TaperNeck(
for (num_text = fret_inlays) {
fret = num_text[0];
if (fret <= num_frets) {
x0 = fret_scale_length(fret-1);
x1 = fret_scale_length(fret);
diff = x0 - x1;
translate([0, lerp(x0, x1, 0.5), -0.5])
x0 = fret_scale_length(fret-1)-get_fret_width(fret-1)/2;
x1 = fret_scale_length(fret)+get_fret_width(fret)/2;
x_mid = lerp(x0, x1, 0.5);
max_height = x0 - x1 - 4;
max_width = neck_width_mm(x_mid) * 0.8;
estimated_width_chars = len(num_text[1])*7/5;
fontsize_from_max_width = max_width/estimated_width_chars;
fontsize_from_max_height = max_height;
// echo(str(max_width, " ", estimated_width_chars, " ", fontsize_from_max_height, " ", fontsize_from_max_width));
desired_fontsize = min(fontsize_from_max_height, fontsize_from_max_width);
translate([0, x_mid, -0.5])
text(text = num_text[1], font = JP_Sans_Font, halign = "center", valign = "center", size = clamp(2, diff-get_fret_width(fret)*2-2, 10));
text(text = num_text[1], font = JP_Sans_Font, halign = "center", valign = "center", size = clamp(2, desired_fontsize, 10));
Reference in New Issue