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Luke Hubmayer-Werner 2025-02-10 02:53:43 +10:30
parent 3cbd3990a1
commit 694105eae2
2 changed files with 182 additions and 46 deletions

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// } // }
module TwoBangerMk2(include_colours=[0,1], preview=false) { module TwoBangerMk2(include_colours=[0,1], preview=false) {
module MyNeck() { id_line_0 = "ABS";
TaperNeck( id_line_1 = "2";
string_spacing_bridge=20, fsl_mm = fret_scale_length(0);
num_strings=2, string_diameters_thous = [80, 105]; // Artist BST45130
string_margin=5, string_diameters_mm = string_diameters_thous * 0.0254;
scallop_depth=2.5, neck_width_nut = 30; //(num_strings-1)*string_spacing_nut + string_margin*2;
extra_height=6, neck_width_bridge = 30; //(num_strings-1)*string_spacing_bridge + string_margin*2;
fret_widths=concat([3.6], [ for (i=[0:50]) 2.4 ]), function neck_width_mm(y) = lerp(neck_width_bridge, neck_width_nut, y/fret_scale_length(0));
num_frets=34, target_neck_thickness = 15;
fret_side_marker_y_angle=5, num_strings = 2;
include_colours=include_colours, string_spacing_nut = 20;
) { string_spacing_bridge = 20;
body_height = 30; function string_spacing(y) = lerp(string_spacing_bridge, string_spacing_nut, y/fret_scale_length(0));
string_margin = 5;
function string_x(i, y) = (num_strings-i-1)*string_spacing(y) - neck_width_mm(y)/2 + string_margin;
num_frets = 34;
_zero_fret_width = 3.6;
_fret_width = 2.4;
fret_widths = flatten([[_zero_fret_width], [ for (i = [1:num_frets]) _fret_width ]]);
fret_angle = 60;
function get_fret_width(fret) = fret_widths[clamp(0, fret, num_frets)];
function get_fret_height(fret) = sin(fret_angle) * get_fret_width(fret)/2;
max_fret_width = max(fret_widths);
max_fret_height = sin(fret_angle) * max_fret_width/2;
scallop_depth = 2.5;
extra_height = 6;
function behind_fret(fret) = fret_scale_length(fret) + fret_widths[fret]/2;
function after_fret(fret) = fret_scale_length(fret) - fret_widths[fret]/2;
segment_cuts = [-100, after_fret(30), after_fret(13), after_fret(5), behind_fret(0)+35];
echo([ for (i=[1:len(segment_cuts)-1]) segment_cuts[i]-segment_cuts[i-1]]);
module MyBodySegment() {
body_height = 24;
behind_bridge = 100; behind_bridge = 100;
epsilon = 0.000001; epsilon = 0.000001;
radius = 4; radius = 4;
curve_dist = 40;
step = 0.08;
steps = curve_dist/step;
slope_start = 425;
translate([-w/2, -behind_bridge, -body_height]) round_cube([w, slope_start, body_height], radius);
w = 30 - radius*2; w = 30 - radius*2;
hull() { hull() {
// translate([-w/2, 475-behind_bridge-epsilon, -epsilon]) cube([30, epsilon, epsilon]); // translate([-w/2, 475-behind_bridge-epsilon, -epsilon]) cube([30, epsilon, epsilon]);
// translate([-w/2, -behind_bridge, -body_height]) cube([30, 460, body_height]); // translate([-w/2, -behind_bridge, -body_height]) cube([30, 460, body_height]);
$fn = 64; $fn = 64;
translate([-w/2, radius-behind_bridge, radius-body_height]) sphere(radius); for (i = [0,1]) mirror([i, 0, 0]) {
translate([+w/2, radius-behind_bridge, radius-body_height]) sphere(radius); translate([w/2, radius-behind_bridge, radius-body_height]) sphere(radius);
translate([+w/2, radius-behind_bridge, 0]) sphere(radius); translate([w/2, radius-behind_bridge, 0]) sphere(radius);
translate([-w/2, radius-behind_bridge, 0]) sphere(radius); translate([w/2, slope_start-behind_bridge, radius-body_height]) sphere(radius);
translate([-w/2, 440-behind_bridge, radius-body_height]) sphere(radius); }
translate([+w/2, 440-behind_bridge, radius-body_height]) sphere(radius); // translate([+w/2, 495-behind_bridge, 0]) sphere(radius);
translate([+w/2, 495-behind_bridge, 0]) sphere(radius); // translate([-w/2, 495-behind_bridge, 0]) sphere(radius);
translate([-w/2, 495-behind_bridge, 0]) sphere(radius); difference() {
translate([0, 490-behind_bridge, 0]) sphere(15, $fn=360);
translate([0, 490-behind_bridge, 50]) cube([100, 100, 100], center=true);
} }
} }
} }
module TrussRods() { module HeadPiece() {
translate([0, 630+270, -4]) rotate([0, 0, 180]) TrussRod(); x0 = behind_fret(0);
translate([0, -100, -14]) TrussRodSingleAction(); end_radius = 25;
x2 = x0 + 30;
x1 = x2 - end_radius;
z0 = scallop_depth + extra_height;
z1 = scallop_depth + max_fret_height + extra_height;
module StringHoles() {
for (i = [0:num_strings-1]) translate([string_x(i, x0),0,0]) {
ballend_v = [0,x1+10,-3];
hull() {
translate([0,fret_scale_length(0),z1+string_diameters_mm[i]/2]) sphere(d=min(2.6, string_diameters_mm[i]*1.2 + 1), $fn=360);
translate(ballend_v) sphere(d=2.6, $fn=360);
hull() {
// String ball ends are roughly 3mm by 4mm cylinder(d=4, h=3)
// Bass string ball ends are roughly 3mm by 4mm cylinder(d=6, h=4.5)
translate(ballend_v) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(d=4.5, h=3.5, center=true, $fn=360);
translate([0,x2,-30]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(d=6.5, h=5.0, center=true, $fn=360);
if (list_has(include_colours, 0)) render() difference(){
hull() {
translate([0,x0,0]) scale([neck_width_mm(x0)/2, 0.01, target_neck_thickness]) sphere(r=1, $fn=360);
translate([0,x1,0]) scale([neck_width_mm(x1)/2, end_radius, target_neck_thickness*1.0]) sphere(r=1, $fn=360);
translate([-500, x0, z0]) cube([1000, 1000, 1000]);
translate([-500, x0-1000, -500]) cube([1000, 1000, 1000]);
// if (label) translate([-10,fw2+1,-10]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(10) {
// text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
// }
// StringHoles();
} }
// reinforcing_tube_positions = [ module MyNeck() {
) MyBodySegment();
module TrussRods(taper_points=[], extra=0) {
translate([0, 630+270, -4]) rotate([0, 0, 180]) TrussRod(taper_points=taper_points, extra=extra);
translate([0, -100, -16]) TrussRodSingleAction(taper_points=taper_points, extra=extra);
module Dowel() {
h = 27;
rotate([-90, 0, 0]) {
translate([0, 0, -h/2]) cylinder_beak(d=5.25, h=h);
hull() {
cylinder(d=6, h=0.00001, center=true);
cylinder(d=5.25, h=3, center=true);
module Dowels() {
translate([-10, segment_cuts[3], 0]) Dowel();
translate([ 10, segment_cuts[3], 0]) Dowel();
translate([-10, segment_cuts[2], 0]) Dowel();
translate([ 10, segment_cuts[2], 0]) Dowel();
translate([-10, segment_cuts[1], 0]) Dowel();
translate([ 10, segment_cuts[1], 0]) Dowel();
module MyBody() {
render() difference() {
// Add a belt hole
arc = arc_points([[16, -13], [-16, -13], [0, -3]], 1);
belthole_r = 3;
belthole_fn = 72;
belthole_x0 = 130;
belthole_x1 = 260;
render() for (i = [0:len(arc)-2]) {
hull() {
translate([arc[i][0], belthole_x0, arc[i][1]]) sphere(belthole_r, $fn=belthole_fn);
translate([arc[i+1][0], belthole_x0, arc[i+1][1]]) sphere(belthole_r, $fn=belthole_fn);
translate([arc[i][0], belthole_x1, arc[i][1]]) sphere(belthole_r, $fn=belthole_fn);
translate([arc[i+1][0], belthole_x1, arc[i+1][1]]) sphere(belthole_r, $fn=belthole_fn);
reinforcing_tube_positions = [
// [-10, 125, 0], // [-10, 125, 0],
// [ 10, 125, 0], // [ 10, 125, 0],
// [ 0, 125, -10], // [ 0, -95, -24],
// ]; ];
// module CFs(x0=-1000, x1=-1000) { module CFs(x0=-1000, x1=-1000) {
// for (v = reinforcing_tube_positions) CFTubeCutout2(v, x0, x1); for (v = reinforcing_tube_positions) CFTubeCutout2(v, x0, x1);
// } }
if (preview) { if (preview) {
TrussRods(); // TrussRods();
// CFs(); // CFs();
color("#FF000080") MyNeck(); color("#FF000080") MyBody();
} else { } else {
MyNeck(); MyBody();
} }
} }
Guitar_Scale_Length_mm = PBass_Scale_mm; Guitar_Scale_Length_mm = PBass_Scale_mm;

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@ -52,6 +52,14 @@ function arc_points_angle(tri_points, fragments_per_mm=5) =
function list_has(list, value) = len(search(value, list)) > 0; function list_has(list, value) = len(search(value, list)) > 0;
module sequential_hull() {
// given sequential_hull() {a b c d}, do hull {a b} hull {b c} hull {c d}, etc.
for (i = [0:$children-2]) hull() {
module round_cube(size, r) { module round_cube(size, r) {
translate([r, r, r]) minkowski() { translate([r, r, r]) minkowski() {
cube(size-[r*2,r*2,r*2]); cube(size-[r*2,r*2,r*2]);