Convert successful test spacings model to a clearance model

This commit is contained in:
Luke Hubmayer-Werner 2024-12-24 20:06:24 +10:30
parent 90a1956230
commit c46afa3cbd
1 changed files with 73 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -202,14 +202,16 @@ module headpiece(string_spacing=18, string_margin=4.5, num_strings=3, target_nec
module ubass_tuner() {
t_base = 11;
d_thread = 11.0 + 0.25;
d_collar = 13.8 + 0.2; // Add some tolerance
l_collar = 8; // doesn't include hex
l_collarnut_to_top_of_peg = 22;
d_top_of_peg = 16;
max_thread = 5.0; // thread to cover without the collar
w_tag = 19;
l_tag = 32.5;
l_tag_rect = 20.1;
d_peg_collar = 7.2;
d_peg_collar_max = 9.4;
back_of_peg_collar_to_end = 10.8;
d_screw = 2.0; // As we will screw into this, probably don't need tolerance yet
screw_tab_min_w = 1.6;
@ -218,6 +220,13 @@ module ubass_tuner() {
// back_of_thread_to_tab_tip = 20.7 + 0.1; // 17.1 measuring far hole end to hole end, 6.9 measuring close ends gives average of 12.0
middle_of_thread_to_tab_screw = 12.1; //back_of_thread_to_tab_tip - d_thread/2 - screw_tab_min_w; == 13.7
l_wormshaft_ear = 36;
d_wormshaft_ear = 33.4+0.6;
l_wormshaft_collar = 12;
d_wormshaft_collar = 7.2;
d_wormshaft_collar_max = 9.4;
middle_of_tab_screw_to_wormshaft = (-l_tag+d_screw_tab/2+back_of_peg_collar_to_end-d_wormshaft_collar_max/2) /* -23.35 */ + 0.15;
module tuner_footprint() {
hull() {
@ -225,36 +234,75 @@ module ubass_tuner() {
circle(d=d_screw_tab, $fn=72);
module tuner_footprint_extrude(h) {
// linear_extrude on tuner_footprint() segfaults for no reason
// src/openscad/src/geometry/ std::unique_ptr<Geometry> extrudePolygon(const LinearExtrudeNode&, const Polygon2d&): Assertion `poly.isSanitized()' failed.
hull() {
translate([-w_tag/2, -l_tag+d_screw_tab/2, 0]) cube([w_tag, l_tag_rect, h]);
cylinder(h=h, d=d_screw_tab, $fn=72);
module holes() {
circle(d=d_screw, $fn=72);
translate([0, -middle_of_thread_to_tab_screw]) circle(d=d_thread, $fn=72);
difference() {
linear_extrude(max_thread) difference() {
offset(4, 3) tuner_footprint();
translate([0,0,max_thread-0.2]) linear_extrude(1) {
translate([-3.5,-2]) text(str(d_screw), size=2.5);
translate([ -1, -5]) rotate(30) text(str(d_screw_tab), size=2.5);
translate([-4, -10]) rotate(90) text(str(middle_of_thread_to_tab_screw), size=2.5);
translate([-9.5,-19.5]) text(str(d_thread), size=2.5);
translate([-10,-27]) rotate(90) text(str(d_peg_collar_max), size=2.5);
translate([0,0,max_thread]) linear_extrude(10) difference() {
offset(4, 3) tuner_footprint();
translate([0, -l_tag+d_screw_tab/2+back_of_peg_collar_to_end-d_peg_collar_max/2]) square([100, d_peg_collar_max+0.3], center=true);
// This segfaults for no reason
// difference() {
// linear_extrude(15) offset(4, 3) tuner_footprint();
// translate([0,0,max_thread]) linear_extrude(15) tuner_footprint();
// linear_extrude(100) holes();
// linear_extrude(max_thread) difference() {
// offset(4, 3) tuner_footprint();
// holes();
// }
// translate([0,0,max_thread-0.2]) linear_extrude(1) {
// translate([-3.5,-2]) text(str(d_screw), size=2.5);
// translate([ -1, -5]) rotate(30) text(str(d_screw_tab), size=2.5);
// translate([-4, -10]) rotate(90) text(str(middle_of_thread_to_tab_screw), size=2.5);
// translate([-9.5,-19.5]) text(str(d_thread), size=2.5);
// translate([-10,-27]) rotate(90) text(str(d_wormshaft_collar_max), size=2.5);
// }
// }
// translate([0,0,max_thread]) linear_extrude(10) difference() {
// offset(4, 3) tuner_footprint();
// tuner_footprint();
// translate([0, middle_of_tab_screw_to_wormshaft]) square([100, d_wormshaft_collar_max+0.3], center=true);
// }
module tuner_clearance(clearance=11) {
clear_color = [1,0,0,0.6];
// 21mm is roughly the height of the disassembled tuner from body to top of thread, 22mm should be safe
// translate([0,0,-clearance]) tuner_footprint_extrude(t_base+clearance);
color("grey") tuner_footprint_extrude(t_base);
color(clear_color) translate([0,0,-clearance]) tuner_footprint_extrude(clearance);
// screw
translate([0,0,t_base]) cylinder(h=6, d=d_screw, $fn=72);
// peg
translate([0, -middle_of_thread_to_tab_screw, t_base]) cylinder(h=max_thread, d=d_thread, $fn=72);
translate([0, -middle_of_thread_to_tab_screw, t_base+max_thread]) cylinder(h=l_collar, d=d_collar, $fn=72);
translate([0, -middle_of_thread_to_tab_screw, t_base+max_thread+l_collar]) cylinder(h=l_collarnut_to_top_of_peg, d=d_top_of_peg, $fn=72);
// wormshaft and ear
translate([w_tag/2, middle_of_tab_screw_to_wormshaft, t_base/2]) {
hull() {
rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=0.1, d=d_wormshaft_collar_max, $fn=72);
translate([2.3, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=0.1, d=d_wormshaft_collar, $fn=72);
rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=l_wormshaft_collar, d=d_wormshaft_collar, $fn=72);
// shaft clearance
shaft_clear = t_base/2 + clearance;
color(clear_color) union() {
hull() {
translate([0, -d_wormshaft_collar_max/2, -shaft_clear]) cube([0.1, d_wormshaft_collar_max, shaft_clear]);
translate([2.3, -d_wormshaft_collar/2, -shaft_clear]) cube([0.1, d_wormshaft_collar, shaft_clear]);
translate([0, -d_wormshaft_collar/2, -shaft_clear]) cube([l_wormshaft_ear, d_wormshaft_collar, shaft_clear]);
// ear clearance
color(clear_color) hull() {
translate([l_wormshaft_collar, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=0.1, d=d_wormshaft_collar, $fn=72);
translate([l_wormshaft_ear, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=0.1, d=d_wormshaft_ear, $fn=72);
echo(fret_scale_length(0) - fret_scale_length(8)); // 225.724