include module LockingGuitarTuner(holes=0) { tolerance = 0.25; d_post_cutout = 10.0 + tolerance; h_post_cutout = 14.0; d_post = 5.8; h_post = 26.0; // from bottom of cutout to top t_base = 9; // Thickness of underside assembly d_screw_hole = 3; screw_diameter = 2.0; screw_depth = 5.0; d_tag = 15.4; w_tag = d_tag; l_tag = 19.0; // Rest is placeholder from UBassTuner l_wormshaft_ear = 36; d_wormshaft_ear = 33.4+0.6; l_wormshaft_collar = 12; d_wormshaft_collar = 6.4; d_wormshaft_collar_max = 7.6; $fn=72; module tuner_footprint_extrude(h=t_base, tab_h=0, tolerance=0) { h2 = (tab_h == 0) ? h : tab_h; hull() { translate([0, -l_tag+d_tag/2 - tolerance, h/2]) cube([w_tag + tolerance, 0.00001, h], center=true); cylinder(h=h, d=d_tag+tolerance); } rotate([0, 0, 45]) translate([0,0,h-h2]) hull() { cylinder(h=h2, d=d_post_cutout + tolerance); translate([0, 10.5]) cylinder(h=h2, d=screw_diameter+2 + tolerance); } } module Holes() { cylinder_beak(d=d_post_cutout, h=h_post_cutout); rotate([0, 0, 45]) translate([0, 10.5]) linear_extrude(screw_depth) screw_hole_lobe(screw_diameter, screw_diameter+1, 5); } module TunerPreview() { clear_color = [1,0,0,0.6]; color("grey") translate([0,0,-t_base]) tuner_footprint_extrude(t_base, 2); // screw color(clear_color) rotate([0, 0, 45]) translate([0, 10.5]) cylinder(h=screw_depth, d=screw_diameter); // peg cylinder(h=h_post_cutout, d=d_post_cutout); cylinder(h=h_post, d=d_post); // PLACEHOLDER // wormshaft and ear translate([w_tag/2, -6, -t_base/2]) { hull() { rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=0.1, d=d_wormshaft_collar_max); translate([8, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=0.1, d=d_wormshaft_collar); } rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=l_wormshaft_collar, d=d_wormshaft_collar); // ear clearance color(clear_color) hull() { translate([l_wormshaft_collar, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=0.1, d=d_wormshaft_collar); translate([l_wormshaft_ear, 0, 0]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h=0.1, d=d_wormshaft_ear); } } } if (holes > 0) { t = t_base + holes; Holes(); translate([0, 0, -t]) tuner_footprint_extrude(h=t, tolerance=0.5); translate([w_tag/2, -l_tag+8-tolerance/2, -t]) cube([24, 8+tolerance, t]); } else { TunerPreview(); } } // translate([-12, 8]) LockingGuitarTuner(); render() difference() { t = 24; cube([23, 48, t]); translate([12, 10, t-14]) LockingGuitarTuner(holes=10); translate([12, 34, t-14]) LockingGuitarTuner(holes=10); }