1466 lines
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1466 lines
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include <common.scad>
include <UBassTuner.scad>
include <NylonTuner.scad>
include <CFTubes/common.scad>
// Choose your material by only including one of the below
// include <CFTubes/PLA.scad>
// include <CFTubes/PETG.scad>
include <CFTubes/ABS.scad>
include <EllipticalNeck.scad>
// Guitar_Scale_Length_mm = 610; // millimetres, slightly over 24inch (609.6mm) Jaguar scale, should be fine for guitar and u-bass
// assert(fret_scale_length(0) == 610); // Make sure the function correctly uses our changed global
shumbucker_h = 20.3;
shumbucker_l = 23.1;
shumbucker_lu = 18.0; // Upper - mind the solder blob on the back
shumbucker_lu2 = 19.4; // Upper - mind the solder blob on the back
shumbucker_w1 = 68;
shumbucker_w2 = 85; // 1.6mm in, a 2.0mm hole on each side
shumbucker_cable_l = 300;
shumbucker_cable_d = 3.4;
module Shumbucker(y_align="center", z_align="positive", y_tolerance=0.5, z_tolerance=0.3) {
// TODO: add a fillet
l = shumbucker_l + y_tolerance;
h = shumbucker_h + z_tolerance;
y_offset = (y_align == "center") ? -l/2 :
(y_align == "negative") ? -l :
(y_align == "positive") ? 0 : 0;
z_offset = (y_align == "center") ? -h/2 :
(y_align == "negative") ? -h :
(y_align == "positive") ? 0 : 0;
baseplate_thick = 5; //margin applied
hull() {
translate([-shumbucker_w1/2, y_offset + l - shumbucker_lu, z_offset]) cube([shumbucker_w1, shumbucker_lu, h]);
translate([-20/2, y_offset + l - shumbucker_lu2, z_offset]) cube([20, shumbucker_lu2, h]);
translate([-shumbucker_w2/2, y_offset, z_offset]) cube([shumbucker_w2, l, baseplate_thick]);
relay_coil_housing_w = 15.2;
relay_coil_housing_l = 18.8;
relay_coil_housing_h = 15.5;
relay_coil_housing_uncapped_w = 14.5;
relay_coil_housing_uncapped_l = 18.2;
relay_coil_housing_uncapped_h = 15.0; // Closer to 14.5 without magnet
// relay_coil_leg_cavity_h = 5;
relay_coil_leg_cavity_l = 5;
module relay_coil_placeholder(top_clearance=0, bottom_leg_clearance=5, capped=true, tolerance=0.2) {
housing_w = capped ? relay_coil_housing_w : relay_coil_housing_uncapped_w;
housing_l = capped ? relay_coil_housing_l : relay_coil_housing_uncapped_l;
housing_h = capped ? relay_coil_housing_h : relay_coil_housing_uncapped_h;
translate([-housing_w/2, -housing_l/2]) cube([housing_w, housing_l, housing_h+top_clearance]);
translate([-housing_w/2, -housing_l/2, -bottom_leg_clearance]) cube([housing_w, relay_coil_leg_cavity_l, bottom_leg_clearance]);
output_socket_plate_thickness = 3; // The bit with the hole to screw onto
output_socket_cutout_d = 10.4 + 0.5;
output_socket_washer_d = 17.0 + 0.5;
output_socket_l = 26;
output_socket_w = 20;
output_socket_h = 15.7 + 0.3;
output_socket_protrude = 9.5;
module output_socket_placeholder(rear_clearance=0, outer_clearance=0, include_barrel=true) {
translate([-output_socket_w/2, 0, 0]) cube([output_socket_w, output_socket_l+rear_clearance, output_socket_h]);
if (include_barrel) {
translate([0, 0, output_socket_h/2]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder_outer(d=output_socket_cutout_d, h=output_socket_protrude, $fn=72);
translate([0, -output_socket_plate_thickness, output_socket_h/2]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder_outer(d=output_socket_washer_d, h=output_socket_protrude-output_socket_plate_thickness+outer_clearance, $fn=72);
module chromatic_tuner_eq(extra_depth=10, tolerance=0.5) {
w = 40 + tolerance;
h = 68 + tolerance;
d = 25 + extra_depth;
corner_bevel = 6;
translate([0,0,-d/2]) hull() {
cube([w-corner_bevel*2, h, d], center=true);
cube([w, h-corner_bevel*2, d], center=true);
hole_spacing_w = 38.7;
hole_spacing_h = 66.3;
hole_depth = 12;
for (i=[-1,1]) for (j=[-1,1])
translate([i*hole_spacing_w/2, j*hole_spacing_h/2, -hole_depth]) linear_extrude(hole_depth)
screw_hole_lobe(ID = 1.5, OD = 2.5);
module chromatic_tuner_battery_jack(extra_depth=10, tolerance=0.5) {
w = 38.1 + tolerance;
h = 48.0 + tolerance;
d = 58 + extra_depth;
corner_bevel = 6;
translate([0,0,-d/2]) hull() {
cube([w-corner_bevel*2, h, d], center=true);
cube([w, h-corner_bevel*2, d], center=true);
hole_spacing_w = 39.5;
hole_spacing_h = 49.2;
hole_depth = 12;
for (i=[-1,1]) for (j=[-1,1])
translate([i*hole_spacing_w/2, j*hole_spacing_h/2, -hole_depth]) linear_extrude(hole_depth)
screw_hole_lobe(ID = 1.5, OD = 2.5);
// Philippians 4:8
// Gideon (ShinKaiYaku07) 真実な, 尊ぶべき, 正しい, 清い, 愛すべき, 評判の良い, 徳とされる, 称賛に値する
// ShinKaiYaku65 最後に、兄弟たち。すべての真実なこと、すべての誉れあること、すべての正しいこと、すべてのきよいこと、すべての愛すべきこと、すべての評判の良いこと、そのほか徳と言われること、称賛に値することがあるならば、そのようなことに心を留めなさい。
// I swapped 愛 and 評判 because 12th fret should be the biggest marker, and having only 15 as a 2char marker would be too disorienting
// going with 良 for 21
$fret_inlays = [[3, "真"], [5, "尊"], [7, "正"], [9, "清"], [12, "評判"], [15, "愛"], [17, "徳"], [19, "賛"], [21, "良"], [24, "主イエス"], [27, "."], [29, "."], [31, "."], [33, "."]];
// Galatians 5:22-23
// ShinKaiYaku65 22しかし、御霊の実は、愛、喜び、平安、寛容、親切、善意、誠実、 23柔和、自制です。このようなものを禁ずる律法はありません。
// 愛 喜び 平安 寛容 親切 善意 誠実 柔和 自制
ichthys = "ΙΧΘΥΣ"; // goes inside the fish symbol
chirho = "☧";
khiro = "⳩";
module tailpiece(string_spacing=18, string_margin=4.5, num_strings=3, target_neck_thickness=15, scallop_depth=3, fret_width=2.4*6) {
fw2 = fret_width/2;
neck_length = 84;
neck_width = (num_strings-1)*string_spacing + string_margin*2 + 6 + 6;
module neck_stock() {
angle_excess = asin((scallop_depth+fw2)/target_neck_thickness);
a0 = 90-angle_excess;
a1 = 270+angle_excess;
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
polygon([for (i = [0:300]) let(a=lerp(a0, a1, i/300.0)) [neck_width*0.5*sin(a), -target_neck_thickness*cos(a)]]);
module scallop(fret) {
x0 = fret_scale_length(fret-1) - fw2;
x1 = fret_scale_length(fret) + fw2;
xmid = lerp(x0, x1, 0.5);
// Radius it?
arc = arc_points([[x0, scallop_depth], [x1, scallop_depth], [xmid, 0]]);
// echo(arc);
rotate([90, 0, 90]) linear_extrude(neck_width, center=true) polygon(arc);
module fret_bumps() {
translate([0, neck_length-fw2, scallop_depth]) rotate([0, 90]) cylinder(d=fret_width, h=neck_width, center = true, $fn=200);
module differences() {
t_offset = -30; //2.7;
t_z = -25; //-23;
module tuner() {
hole_r = 3;
bend_r = 24 + hole_r + 10;
rotate([90, -90, 90]) UBassTuner(from_below=true, from_side=true);
// translate([35,16,0]) cylinder(h=10-t_z, d=7);
translate([36-7,7,1]) for (a = [10:89]) {
hull() {
translate([a/9, bend_r-bend_r*sin(a), bend_r*cos(a)]) sphere(hole_r);
translate([(a+1)/9, bend_r-bend_r*sin(a+1), bend_r*cos(a+1)]) sphere(hole_r);
translate([7, bend_r-bend_r*sin(a+1), bend_r*cos(a+1)]) sphere(hole_r);
translate([t_offset, 49, t_z]) tuner();
mirror([1,0,0]) translate([t_offset, 27, t_z]) tuner();
translate([t_offset, 5, t_z]) tuner();
for (i = [-1:2:1])
translate([i*15, 0, -4])
CFTubeCutout(neck_length, 0, tolerance=0.4);
translate([0, 0, -10])
CFTubeCutout(neck_length, 0, tolerance=0.4);
thick = 34;
render() difference() {
color([1,1,1,0.7]) translate([-neck_width/2, 0, -thick]) round_cube([neck_width, neck_length, thick], 4);
// color([1,1,1,0.3]) neck_stock();
module fret_tube(from_fret, to_fret, fret_width=2.4) {
fw2 = fret_width/2;
x0 = fret_scale_length(0)+fw2;
x1 = fret_scale_length(from_fret) + ((from_fret==0) ? fw2 : (-fw2));
x2 = fret_scale_length(to_fret)-fw2;
render() difference() {
for (i = [-1:2:1])
translate([i*15, 0, -4])
CFTubeCutout(x1, x2);
for (i = [-1:2:1])
translate([i*7.5, 0, -7])
CFSquareCutout(x1, x2);
translate([0, 0, -10])
CFTubeCutout(x1, x2);
translate([-50, 0, -50]) cube([100, x2, 100]);
translate([-50, x1, -50]) cube([100, x0-x1, 100]);
// αβγδεζ
rotate([90, 0, 0]) linear_extrude((x2+0.3)*2, center=true) text(text = "01β", font = "Deja Vu Sans", halign = "center", valign = "center", size = 4);
module fret_tube_filler(from_fret, to_fret, fret_width=2.4, belthole_length=140, VLH=true) {
fw2 = fret_width/2;
x0 = fret_scale_length(0)+fw2;
x1 = fret_scale_length(from_fret) + ((from_fret==0) ? fw2 : (-fw2));
x2 = (to_fret < 100) ? (fret_scale_length(to_fret)-fw2) : 0;
render() difference() {
neck(fret_width=fret_width, filler=true);
for (i = [-1:1])
translate([i*15, 0, (i==0)?(-10):(-4)])
CFTubeCutout(x1, x2, VLH=VLH);
translate([-50, 0, -50]) cube([100, x2, 100]);
translate([-50, x1, -50]) cube([100, x0-x1, 100]);
// Add a belt hole
arc = arc_points([[16, -20], [-16, -20], [0, -4]]);
belthole_r = 2.5;
belthole_fn = 72;
belthole_x0 = x1-belthole_r-5;
belthole_x1 = belthole_x0 - belthole_length;
render() for (i = [0:len(arc)-2]) {
hull() {
translate([arc[i][0], belthole_x0, arc[i][1]]) sphere(belthole_r, $fn=belthole_fn);
translate([arc[i+1][0], belthole_x0, arc[i+1][1]]) sphere(belthole_r, $fn=belthole_fn);
translate([arc[i][0], belthole_x1, arc[i][1]]) sphere(belthole_r, $fn=belthole_fn);
translate([arc[i+1][0], belthole_x1, arc[i+1][1]]) sphere(belthole_r, $fn=belthole_fn);
// αβγδεζ
t = "01β.β";
translate([0,0,-3.5]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) linear_extrude((x2+0.3)*2, center=true) text(text = t, font = "Deja Vu Sans", halign = "center", valign = "center", size = 4);
translate([0,x1-0.3,-3]) rotate([90, 0, 180]) linear_extrude((0.3)*2, center=true) text(text = t, font = "Deja Vu Sans", halign = "center", valign = "center", size = 4);
module headpiece(string_spacing=18, string_margin=4.5, num_strings=3, target_neck_thickness=15, scallop_depth=3, fret_width=2.4) {
headpiece_length = 36;
cf_square_length = 32;
fw2 = fret_width/2;
x0 = fret_scale_length(0)+fw2;
neck_width = (num_strings-1)*string_spacing + string_margin*2;
bend_radius = 24;
module stock() {
angle_excess = asin(scallop_depth/target_neck_thickness);
a0 = 90-angle_excess;
a1 = 270+angle_excess;
translate([0, x0, 0])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
polygon([for (i = [0:300]) let(a=lerp(a0, a1, i/300.0)) [neck_width*0.5*sin(a), -target_neck_thickness*cos(a)]]);
module string_tubes(tolerance = 1.0) {
string_thicknesses = [4.9, 4.2, 3.0];
module string_tube(diameter, fn=36) {
$fn = fn;
hole_r = diameter/2;
bend_r = bend_radius + hole_r;
union() {
for (a = [0:89]) {
hull() {
translate([0, bend_r*sin(a), bend_r*cos(a)]) sphere(hole_r);
translate([0, bend_r*sin(a+1), bend_r*cos(a+1)]) sphere(hole_r);
hull() {
translate([0, bend_r*sin(90), bend_r*cos(90)]) sphere(hole_r);
translate([0, bend_r*sin(90), -target_neck_thickness]) sphere(hole_r);
for (i = [0:num_strings-1]) {
string_diameter = string_thicknesses[i] + tolerance;
x = -neck_width/2 + string_margin + (i*string_spacing);
translate([x, x0+2, -bend_radius+scallop_depth]) string_tube(string_diameter);
difference() {
for (i = [-1:2:1])
translate([i*7.5, 0, -7])
CFSquareCutout(x0+cf_square_length, x0, taper_x1=false);
// αβγδεζ
translate([0, x0+headpiece_length, -5]) rotate([90, 0, 180]) linear_extrude(0.3, center=true) text(text = "01β.γ", font = "Deja Vu Sans", halign = "center", valign = "center", size = 4);
module bridge(string_spacing=18, string_margin=4.5, num_strings=3, target_neck_thickness=15, scallop_depth=3, fret_width=2.4) {
piece_length = 16;
cf_square_length = 32;
fw2 = fret_width/2;
x0 = 0;
neck_width = (num_strings-1)*string_spacing + string_margin*2;
bend_radius = 24;
string_thicknesses = [4.9, 4.2, 3.0];
module stock() {
angle_excess = asin(scallop_depth/target_neck_thickness);
a0 = 90-angle_excess;
a1 = 270+angle_excess;
translate([0, x0, 0])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
polygon([for (i = [0:300]) let(a=lerp(a0, a1, i/300.0)) [neck_width*0.5*sin(a), -target_neck_thickness*cos(a)]]);
intersection() {
r = 14;
translate([0,8,scallop_depth]) rotate([18, -90, 0]) scale([1,0.2,1]) cylinder(r=r, h=neck_width*1.5, center=true, $fn=72);
a0 = -90;
a1 = 90;
translate([0, x0, 0])
rotate([-90, 0, 0])
polygon([for (i = [0:300]) let(a=lerp(a0, a1, i/300.0)) [neck_width*0.5*sin(a), -target_neck_thickness*cos(a)*3]]);
module string_tubes(tolerance = 1.0) {
module string_tube(diameter, fn=36) {
hole_r = diameter/2;
bend_r = bend_radius + hole_r;
union() {
for (a = [0:89]) {
hull() {
translate([0, bend_r*sin(a), bend_r*cos(a)]) sphere(hole_r, $fn=fn);
translate([0, bend_r*sin(a+1), bend_r*cos(a+1)]) sphere(hole_r, $fn=fn);
hull() {
translate([0, bend_r*sin(90), bend_r*cos(90)]) sphere(hole_r, $fn=fn);
translate([0, bend_r*sin(90), -target_neck_thickness]) sphere(hole_r, $fn=fn);
for (i = [0:num_strings-1]) {
string_diameter = string_thicknesses[i] + tolerance;
x = -neck_width/2 + string_margin + (i*string_spacing);
// translate([x, x0+2, -bend_radius+scallop_depth]) string_tube(string_diameter);
translate([x, 0, scallop_depth+string_diameter/2+8]) rotate([-90,0,0]) cylinder(d=string_diameter, h=20, $fn=72);
// string_tubes();
difference() {
for (i = [-1:1])
translate([i*15, 0, (i==0)?(-10):(-4)])
CFTubeCutout(piece_length+0.1, x0-0.1, VLH=false);
// αβγδεζ
translate([0, x0+piece_length, -5]) rotate([90, 0, 180]) linear_extrude(0.3, center=true) text(text = "01β", font = "Deja Vu Sans", halign = "center", valign = "center", size = 4);
module Nylon6String(render_colour_0=true, render_colour_1=true, render_colour_2=true, render_colour_3=true, from_fret=0, to_fret=1, reference=false) {
colour_0 = "blue";
colour_1 = "white"; // fret layers
colour_2 = "green"; // side markers
colour_3 = "yellow"; // inlays
id_line_0 = "PETG";
id_line_1 = "1δ.α";
fsl_mm = fret_scale_length(0);
// string_diameters_thous = [28, 32, 40, 30, 36, 42]; // Ernie Ball Earthwoods (seemingly counterfeit from Amazon)
string_diameters_thous = [28, 32, 40, 30, 35, 43]; // Artist CLST Classical Nylon Guitar Strings
string_diameters_mm = string_diameters_thous * 0.0254;
num_frets = 21;
num_strings = 6;
// 56mm wide neck
string_spacing = 10; // 50mm E to e
string_margin = 3; // +6
neck_width = string_spacing*(num_strings-1) + string_margin*2;
body_width = 96;
scallop_depth = 2.5;
target_neck_thickness = 16; //22;
// echo(fret_scale_length(8));
// echo(fret_scale_length(9));
rx0 = -40; // Reinforcing rods start
rx1 = rx0+280;
// target_neck_thickness_additional_points = [];
target_neck_thickness_additional_points = [[rx0+CF_Tube_Len+20, 22], [0, 22]];
// target_neck_thickness_additional_points = [[400.025-fret_width/2, 22], [380, 25], [130, 42], [0, 42]];
// target_neck_thickness_additional_points = [[400.025-fret_width/2, 22], [380, 25], [0, 25]];
// target_neck_thickness_additional_points = [[400.025-fret_width/2, 22], [130, 42], [0, 42]];
echo(str("Making a Nylon 6 String with scale length ", fsl_mm, "mm = ", fsl_mm/25.4, "in and neck width ", neck_width, "mm"));
assert(fsl_mm == Classical_Short_Scale_mm); // Make sure the function correctly uses our changed global
function CF_Span_Coords(full_length = 700, ply = 3) = [for (i=[0:ply-1]) [0, lerp(0, full_length-CF_Tube_Len, i/(ply-1)), CF_Square_Width*i]];
module CF_Span(full_length = 700, ply = 3, hole = true) {
for (v = CF_Span_Coords(full_length, ply))
translate(v) CFSquare(hole=hole);
module MyNeck(inlays_only=false, side_markers_only=false, fret_layers_only=false, engrave_markers=false, remove_fret_layers=false) {
render() neck(num_frets=num_frets, num_strings=num_strings, string_margin=string_margin, string_spacing=string_spacing, scallop_depth=scallop_depth, target_neck_thickness=target_neck_thickness, target_neck_thickness_additional_points=target_neck_thickness_additional_points, inlays_only=inlays_only, side_markers_only=side_markers_only, fret_layers_only=fret_layers_only, engrave_markers=engrave_markers, remove_fret_layers=remove_fret_layers);
module MultiColourNeck() {
if (render_colour_0) color(colour_0) MyNeck(engrave_markers=true, remove_fret_layers=true);
if (render_colour_1) color(colour_1) MyNeck(fret_layers_only=true);
if (render_colour_2) color(colour_2) MyNeck(side_markers_only=true);
if (render_colour_3) color(colour_3) MyNeck(inlays_only=true);
reinforcing_tube_positions = flatten([
for (i=[-1,1]) each [
// Headside reinforcement
[i*21.5, rx1, -4],
// Bridgeside reinforcement
// [i*21.5, rx0, -4],
[i*17.25, rx0, -10],
// [i*17, rx0, -12],
[i*3.95, rx0, -16.5],
// Headside reinforcement
[0, rx1, -4],
[0, rx1, -11],
// Bridgeside reinforcement
// [0, rx0, -11],
// Through span construction
span_coords = CF_Span_Coords(ply=2);
reinforcing_square_positions = [
for (i=[-1,1]) each [ for (v = span_coords) [i*10, rx0, -10] + v ]
// neck(num_frets=num_frets, num_strings=num_strings, string_margin=string_margin, string_spacing=string_spacing);
// %neck(num_frets=num_frets, num_strings=num_strings, string_margin=string_margin, string_spacing=string_spacing, scallop_depth=scallop_depth, target_neck_thickness=target_neck_thickness);
module NeckFragment(from_fret, to_fret, to_origin=true, include_from_fret=false, test_tolerances_piece=false) {
x0 = fret_scale_length(to_fret) - fret_width/2;
x1 = fret_scale_length(from_fret) + ((include_from_fret)?1:(-1)) * fret_width/2;
xn = fsl_mm + fret_width;
module TestTolerancesPiece() {
for (m=[0,11]) mirror([m, 0, 0]) color([0.4, 0.5, 0.5]) translate([9, 0, -16+(CF_Square_Width*2)]) CFSquareCutout(x0, x1, taper_length=2);
translate([ 12,0,-14]) CFSquareCutout(x0, x1, taper_length=2);
translate([ 12-CF_Square_Width,0,-14]) CFSquareCutout(x0, x1-8, taper_length=2, taper_x2=false);
translate([-12,0,-14]) CFSquareCutout(x0, x1, taper_length=2);
translate([-12+CF_Square_Width,0,-14]) CFSquareCutout(x0+8, x1, taper_length=2, taper_x1=false);
translate([20,0,-6]) CFTubeCutout(x0, x1, taper_length=2);
translate([0,to_origin ? -x0 : 0,0]) render() difference() {
color(colour_1) {
translate([-100, 0, -100]) cube([200, x0, 200]);
translate([-100, x1, -100]) cube([200, xn-x1, 200]);
for (v = reinforcing_tube_positions) CFTubeCutout2(v, x0, x1);
for (v = reinforcing_square_positions) CFSquareCutout2(v, x0, x1);
if (test_tolerances_piece) TestTolerancesPiece();
// Test tolerances piece
module TestTolerancesPiece() {
NeckFragment(2, 3, test_tolerances_piece=true);
translate([-20,0,-1]) rotate([-90,180,180]) linear_extrude(3, center=true) text(id_line_0, size=3.5, halign="center", valign="center");
translate([-20,0,-6]) rotate([-90,180,180]) linear_extrude(3, center=true) text(id_line_1, size=3.5, halign="center", valign="center");
// TestTolerancesPiece();
module RealPiece(from_fret, to_fret, include_from_fret=false) {
midpoint = (fret_scale_length(from_fret) - fret_scale_length(to_fret) + (include_from_fret ? fret_width : 0))/2;
module IDText(thickness = 0.2, inset = 0, extra_line=str("F", to_fret)) {
translate([0,0,-8]) rotate([-90,180,180]) translate([0,0,-thickness-inset]) linear_extrude(thickness) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.25, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
translate([0,-3]) text(extra_line, size=2.25, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
module BackIDText(thickness = 0.2, inset = 0) {
rotate_around([0,0,180], [0,midpoint,0])
IDText(thickness, inset, str("F", from_fret));
render() difference(){
NeckFragment(from_fret, to_fret, include_from_fret=include_from_fret);
// Subtract from frets
color("red") {
if (include_from_fret) BackIDText();
color("red") BackIDText();
// // color("red") IDText(inset=0.0001);
// if (render_colour_0) color(colour_1) IDText();
// if (render_colour_0 && include_from_fret) color(colour_1) BackIDText();
// if (render_colour_1 && !include_from_fret) color("red") BackIDText();
module HeadPiece() {
x0 = fret_scale_length(0) + fret_width/2;
end_radius = 12;
x1 = x0 - rx0 + end_radius;
module StringHoles() {
for (i = [0:num_strings-1]) translate([(num_strings-i-1)*string_spacing - neck_width/2 + string_margin,0,0]) {
translate([0,0,scallop_depth+fret_width/2+string_diameters_mm[i]]) rotate([-105,0,0]) cylinder(h=30, d=string_diameters_mm[i]*2, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
// translate([0,23,-4]) rotate([-150,0,0]) translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(h=20, d=4, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
hull() {
translate([0,29,-3.5]) sphere(d=5.5, $fn=360);
translate([0,29+11,-17]) sphere(d=7, $fn=360);
render() difference(){
hull() {
translate([0,fret_width/2,0]) scale([neck_width/2, 0.01, target_neck_thickness]) sphere(r=1, $fn=360);
translate([0,-rx0-end_radius,0]) scale([neck_width/2, end_radius, target_neck_thickness*0.93]) sphere(r=1, $fn=360);
translate([-500, 0, scallop_depth]) cube([1000, 1000, 1000]);
translate([-500, fret_width/2 - 1000, -500]) cube([1000, 1000, 1000]);
translate([0, -fret_scale_length(0), 0]) {
for (v = reinforcing_tube_positions) CFTubeCutout2(v, x0, x1);
for (v = reinforcing_square_positions) CFSquareCutout2(v, x0, x1);
translate([-10,fret_width/2+1,-10]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
// StringHoles();
module TunerPlacement(cutout = false, ear_extra_diameter = 0, ear_extra_height = 0, plate_clearance = 0, shaft_clearance = 0, shaft_tolerance = 0) {
for (m=[0,1]) mirror([m, 0, 0]) translate([29,3,-32]) rotate([0,-90,0]) NylonTuner(cutout, ear_extra_diameter, ear_extra_height, plate_clearance, shaft_clearance, shaft_tolerance);
module LoopOrTunerBlock(tuner_block) {
y0 = 116;
y1 = fret_scale_length(22);
z0 = -43;
z_drop = 6;
loop_thick = 8;
loop_slot_thick = 6;
z1 = z0 + z_drop;
module TunerBlockCheekVolumes() {
vw = 50;
for (i=[-1,1]) translate([-vw/2 + i*58, 0, z0]) cube([vw, y0, -z0]);
for (i=[-1,1]) translate([-vw/2 + i*46, 0, -14]) cube([vw, y0, -z0]);
if (tuner_block) {
render() difference() {
translate([-body_width/2, 0, z0]) cube([body_width, y0, -z0]);
// Tuner cutouts
TunerPlacement(true, 4, 10, 10, 10, 0.4);
tw = 16;
for (i=[-1,1]) translate([-tw/2 + i*15, 0, z0]) cube([tw, y0, -z0-20]);
// Cheek Volumes
// CF
for (v = reinforcing_tube_positions) CFTubeCutout2(v, y0, y1);
for (v = reinforcing_square_positions) CFSquareCutout2(v, y0, y1);
// Version stamp
translate([0,0.5,-5]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
translate([0,y0-0.5,-5]) rotate([90,0,180]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
} else {
render() difference() {
hull() {
translate([-neck_width/2, y1-hull_epsilon, z1]) cube([neck_width, hull_epsilon, -z1]);
translate([-body_width/2, y0, z0]) cube([body_width, hull_epsilon, -z0]);
// Belt loop slot
hull() {
translate([0, y1-loop_slot_thick, z1+loop_thick]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(d=loop_slot_thick, h=body_width, center=true, $fn=cyl_hd_fn);
translate([0, y0+loop_slot_thick, z0+loop_thick]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(d=loop_slot_thick, h=body_width, center=true, $fn=cyl_hd_fn);
// Angled belt loop slot
hull() {
extend_factor = 0.8;
translate([body_width/2, y1-loop_slot_thick + (y1-y0-loop_slot_thick*2)*extend_factor, z1+loop_thick + (z1-z0)*extend_factor]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(d=loop_slot_thick, h=hull_epsilon, $fn=cyl_hd_fn);
translate([0, y0+loop_slot_thick, z0+loop_thick]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(d=loop_slot_thick, h=body_width, center=true, $fn=cyl_hd_fn);
// Version stamp
translate([-10,y0+0.5,-30]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
translate([-10,y1-0.5,-30]) rotate([90,0,180]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
// CF
for (v = reinforcing_tube_positions) CFTubeCutout2(v, y0, y1);
for (v = reinforcing_square_positions) CFSquareCutout2(v, y0, y1);
bridge_channel_width = 5;
bridge_channel_depth = 7;
if (reference) {
union() {
c_cf = [0.4, 0.5, 0.5];
// CF square stacks
for (v = reinforcing_tube_positions) color(c_cf) translate(v) CFTube();
for (v = reinforcing_square_positions) color(c_cf) translate(v) CFSquare();
// Approximate tuner placement
// Render strings above for spacing reference
string_excess = 80;
for (i = [0:num_strings-1]) {
translate([(num_strings-i-1)*string_spacing - neck_width/2 + string_margin,0,5]) rotate([-90,0,0]) translate([0,0,-string_excess/2]) cylinder(h=fsl_mm+string_excess, d=string_diameters_mm[i], $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
} else if (from_fret >= 0) {
RealPiece(from_fret, to_fret, include_from_fret = (from_fret==0));
} else if (from_fret == -1) {
// String holding headpiece
echo("Making a headpiece");
} else if (from_fret == -2) {
echo("Making a filler belt loop");
} else if (from_fret == -3) {
echo("Making a tuner block");
} else if (from_fret == -4) {
echo("Making a bridge");
y_len = 9;
base_height = 7;
saddle_height = 4;
pickup_w = 3;
pickup_h = 2;
render() difference() {
union() {
// Base
translate([-neck_width/2, 0, 0]) cube([neck_width, y_len, base_height]);
// String saddles - rule of thumb: string diameter multiplied by 4
r0 = 0.85;
for (i = [0:num_strings-1]) translate([(num_strings-i-1)*string_spacing - neck_width/2 + string_margin, y_len - string_diameters_mm[i]*4, base_height]) {
step = ($preview) ? 8 : 2;
r = r0 + string_diameters_mm[i]*1.2;
translate([0, 0, saddle_height]) for (a=[90:step:270-step]) hull() {
translate([-sin(a)*r, 0, cos(a)*r]) sphere(r=r0, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
translate([-sin(a+step)*r, 0, cos(a+step)*r]) sphere(r=r0, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
translate([-sin(a)*r, -3.7, -saddle_height-r0]) sphere(r=r0, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
translate([-sin(a+step)*r, -3.7, -saddle_height-r0]) sphere(r=r0, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
translate([-sin(a)*r, 1.2, -saddle_height-r0]) sphere(r=r0, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
translate([-sin(a+step)*r, 1.2, -saddle_height-r0]) sphere(r=r0, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
// Bridge channel notch
notch_w = bridge_channel_width - CF_Square_Width_tolerance; // Shrink a little for tolerance
notch_d = bridge_channel_depth - CF_Square_Width_tolerance/2;
translate([-notch_w/2, 0, -notch_d]) cube([notch_w, y_len, notch_d]);
// Pickup notch
tol = 0.25;
translate([-neck_width/2, 2, -tol]) hull() {
cube([neck_width, pickup_w, pickup_h+tol]);
translate([0, pickup_h*0.8, 0]) cube([neck_width, pickup_w, 0.01]);
// Version stamp
y0 = 0;
y1 = y_len;
translate([-15,y0+0.5,4]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
translate([-15,y1-0.5,4]) rotate([90,0,180]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
} else if (from_fret == -5) {
echo("Making a tailpiece");
y0 = -47;
y1 = 0;
fw_len = 20;
total_len = y1-y0;
fw_height = 43;
rad_diameter = 20.35; //21;
rad_radius = rad_diameter/2;
render() difference() {
hull() {
translate([-body_width/2, -fw_len, -fw_height]) cube([body_width, fw_len, fw_height]);
translate([0, -total_len+rad_radius, -rad_radius]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=neck_width, d=rad_diameter, center=true, $fn=cyl_hd_fn);
// Tuner cavity line up
tw = 16;
z0 = -43;
for (i=[-1,1]) translate([-tw/2 + i*15, y0, z0+5]) cube([tw, total_len, -z0-25]);
// String channels
for (i = [0:num_strings-1]) translate([(num_strings-i-1)*string_spacing - neck_width/2 + string_margin, y0+rad_radius, -rad_radius]) {
x = [-1,0,1,-1,0,1][i]*4/180;
r = rad_radius + string_diameters_mm[i]*0.5;
for (a = [0:180]) hull() {
translate([a*x, -sin(a)*r, cos(a)*r]) sphere(r=string_diameters_mm[i], $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
translate([a*x, -sin(a+1)*r, cos(a+1)*r]) sphere(r=string_diameters_mm[i], $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
// Bridge channel
translate([-bridge_channel_width/2, y0+rad_radius, -bridge_channel_depth]) cube([bridge_channel_width, total_len-rad_radius, bridge_channel_depth]);
// Version stamp
translate([-30,y0+0.5,-15]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
translate([-30,y1-0.5,-15]) rotate([90,0,180]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
// CF
for (v = reinforcing_tube_positions) CFTubeCutout2(v, y0, y1);
for (v = reinforcing_square_positions) CFSquareCutout2(v, y0, y1);
// Debug markers to aid part slicing eyeballing
// %for (i = [150:250:1000]) {
%for (i = [0:250:1000]) {
translate([35,i,0]) union() {linear_extrude(1) text(str(i, "mm")); cube([35, 1, 1], center=true);}
module Steel6String(include_colours=[0,1,4], segment=-1, reference=false) {
// Artist Strat clone has a neck thickness of about 20mm at the 12th fret, where we want to overlap the truss rods
// We will probably have to overlap them horizontally, far from ideal, to achieve the desired thinness.
$include_colours = include_colours;
$id_lines = ["ABS", "2"];
$guitar_scale_length_mm = Fender_Scale_mm;
$fsl_mm = fret_scale_length(0);
$string_diameters_thous = [9, 11, 16, 24, 32, 42]; // Artist ELST942
$string_diameters_mm = $string_diameters_thous * 0.0254;
$num_frets = 22;
$num_strings = 6;
// 56mm wide neck
$string_spacing_nut = 9; // 45mm E to e
$string_spacing_bridge = 11.2; // 56mm E to e
$string_margin = 3; // +6
$neck_width_nut = default_neck_width_nut();
$neck_width_bridge = default_neck_width_bridge();
body_width = 92;
body_width_tapered = 72;
body_thickness = 40;
$scallop_depth = 2.0;
$fret_widths = default_fret_widths(3.6, 2.4);
$fret_angle = 50;
$target_neck_thickness = 16;
bridge_height = 10;
// Clownfish idea: make inlay-marked frets a different colour
// Clownfish scheme is 0 Orange/1 White/2-4 Black
fc0 = 4;
fc1 = 1;
$fret_colours = [
fc0, fc1, fc1, fc0, fc1, fc0, fc1, fc0, fc1, fc1, fc0, fc1, // 0-11
fc0, fc1, fc1, fc0, fc1, fc0, fc1, fc0, fc1, fc1, fc0, fc1, // 12-23
// To make it more like a Piano, let's do 10th instead of 9th fret markings
$fret_inlays = [[3, "真"], [5, "尊"], [7, "正"], [10, "清"], [12, "評判"], [15, "愛"], [17, "徳"], [19, "賛"], [22, "良"], [24, "主イエス"], [27, "."], [29, "."], [31, "."], [34, "."]];
// Neck joining the body makes for annoying fret markers, so we'll add a variable to suppress side markers beyond a certain point
$last_fret_side_marker = 15;
// Artist Strat has about 18cm of headstock and 10cm past bridge on body
y0 = -175;
headstock_length = 36;
y_end = behind_fret(0) + headstock_length;
y_fretboard_end = get_end_of_fretboard();
$segment_cuts = [y0, 0, get_end_of_fretboard(), after_fret(8), behind_fret(0), y_end];
echo("Segment cuts:", $segment_cuts, "have lengths", [ for (i=[1:len($segment_cuts)-1]) $segment_cuts[i]-$segment_cuts[i-1]]);
target_neck_thickness_additional_points = [];
// trussrod_y = 265;
$trussrod_positions = [
[[0, y_end-3, -9.5], [0, 0, 180], "TrussRodSingleAction"],
// [[-8, y0, -32], [1.3, 0, 0], "TrussRod"],
$trussrods_extra = 0;
$dowel_positions = [
[ -9, $segment_cuts[4], -10],
[ 9, $segment_cuts[4], -10],
[ -8, $segment_cuts[3], -11],
[ 8, $segment_cuts[3], -11],
[-38, $segment_cuts[2], -11],
[ 38, $segment_cuts[2], -11],
[-37, $segment_cuts[2], -25],
[ 37, $segment_cuts[2], -25],
[-24, $segment_cuts[1], -4],
// [ 24, $segment_cuts[1], -4],
[-33, $segment_cuts[1], -16],
// [ 33, $segment_cuts[1], -16],
[ -8, $segment_cuts[1], -10],
[ 36, $segment_cuts[1], -27],
$reinforcing_tube_positions = [
[-17, y_end-25-CF_Tube_Len, -4.5],
[ 17, y_end-25-CF_Tube_Len, -4.5],
[ 0, y0+5, -24],
$reinforcing_square_positions = [
[-12, y0+5, -34],
[ 12, y0+5, -34],
[-12, y0+5, -24.5],
[ 12, y0+5, -24.5],
[-24, y0+5, -24.5],
[ 24, y0+5, -24.5],
module MyBody() {
body_y_end = after_fret(20);
pts = arc_points([
[body_width_tapered/2, 0],
[body_width_tapered/2, body_thickness],
[body_width/2, body_thickness/2]]
hull() {
r = 3;
for (m=[0:1]) mirror([m,0,0]) {
translate([r-30, after_fret(15)-r, -r]) sphere(r);
translate([r-32, after_fret(16)-r, r-body_thickness]) sphere(r);
// translate([r-body_width_tapered/2, after_fret(20)-r, r-body_thickness]) sphere(r);
// translate([r-body_width_tapered/2, after_fret(20)-r, -r]) sphere(r);
// translate([r-body_width_tapered/2, y0+r, r-body_thickness]) sphere(r);
// translate([r-body_width_tapered/2, y0+r, -r]) sphere(r);
translate([0, y0, 0]) rotate([-90,0,0]) linear_extrude(body_y_end-y0) polygon(pts);
module MyNeck() {
render() TaperNeck(target_neck_thickness_additional_points = target_neck_thickness_additional_points) MyBody();
module HeadPiece() {
string_offsets = [-2.4, 0, 2.4, -2.4, 0, 2.4];
y0 = behind_fret(0);
end_radius = 12;
y1 = y0 + headstock_length;
z0 = $scallop_depth;
z1 = z0 + get_max_fret_height();
z2 = z0 + 2.5; //get_max_fret_height();
module StringHoles() {
for (i = [0:$num_strings-1]) translate([string_x(i, y0),y0,0]) {
string_v = [0,0,z1+$string_diameters_mm[i]];
ballend_v = [string_offsets[i],27,-3.5];
hull() {
translate(string_v) sphere(d=min(2.6, $string_diameters_mm[i]*1.2 + 1), $fn=360);
translate(ballend_v) sphere(d=2.6, $fn=360);
hull() {
// String ball ends are roughly 3mm by 4mm cylinder(d=4, h=3)
translate(ballend_v) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(d=4.5, h=3.5, center=true, $fn=360);
translate(ballend_v+ballend_v-string_v) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder(d=6.5, h=5.0, center=true, $fn=360);
module Label() {
translate([0, lerp(y0, y_end, 0.60), z2-0.5]) linear_extrude(0.5) scale(1.33) import(file = "svgs/Ichthys.plain.svg", center=true);
module Stock() {
render() difference(){
hull() {
translate([0,y0,0]) scale([neck_width(y0)/2, 0.01, $target_neck_thickness]) sphere(r=1, $fn=360);
translate([0,y1-end_radius,0]) scale([neck_width(y1)/2, end_radius, $target_neck_thickness*1.0]) sphere(r=1, $fn=360);
// Chop excess
translate([-500, y0, z2]) cube([1000, 1000, 1000]);
translate([-500, y0, z0]) rotate([10,0,0]) cube([1000, 1000, 1000]);
translate([-500, y0 - 1000, -500]) cube([1000, 1000, 1000]);
if (list_has($include_colours, 0)) render() difference() {
if (list_has($include_colours, 1)) render() intersection() {
module TunerPlacement(cutout = false, ear_extra_diameter = 0, ear_extra_height = 0, plate_clearance = 0, shaft_clearance = 0, shaft_tolerance = 0) {
for (m=[0,1]) mirror([m, 0, 0]) translate([29,3,-32]) rotate([0,-90,0]) NylonTuner(cutout, ear_extra_diameter, ear_extra_height, plate_clearance, shaft_clearance, shaft_tolerance);
module LoopOrTunerBlock(tuner_block) {
y0 = 116;
y1 = fret_scale_length(22);
z0 = -43;
z_drop = 6;
loop_thick = 8;
loop_slot_thick = 6;
z1 = z0 + z_drop;
module TunerBlockCheekVolumes() {
vw = 50;
for (i=[-1,1]) translate([-vw/2 + i*58, 0, z0]) cube([vw, y0, -z0]);
for (i=[-1,1]) translate([-vw/2 + i*46, 0, -14]) cube([vw, y0, -z0]);
if (tuner_block) {
render() difference() {
translate([-body_width/2, 0, z0]) cube([body_width, y0, -z0]);
// Tuner cutouts
TunerPlacement(true, 4, 10, 10, 10, 0.4);
tw = 16;
for (i=[-1,1]) translate([-tw/2 + i*15, 0, z0]) cube([tw, y0, -z0-20]);
// Cheek Volumes
// CF
for (v = reinforcing_tube_positions) CFTubeCutout2(v, y0, y1);
for (v = reinforcing_square_positions) CFSquareCutout2(v, y0, y1);
// Version stamp
translate([0,0.5,-5]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
translate([0,y0-0.5,-5]) rotate([90,0,180]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
} else {
render() difference() {
hull() {
translate([-neck_width/2, y1-hull_epsilon, z1]) cube([neck_width, hull_epsilon, -z1]);
translate([-body_width/2, y0, z0]) cube([body_width, hull_epsilon, -z0]);
// Belt loop slot
hull() {
translate([0, y1-loop_slot_thick, z1+loop_thick]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(d=loop_slot_thick, h=body_width, center=true, $fn=cyl_hd_fn);
translate([0, y0+loop_slot_thick, z0+loop_thick]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(d=loop_slot_thick, h=body_width, center=true, $fn=cyl_hd_fn);
// Angled belt loop slot
hull() {
extend_factor = 0.8;
translate([body_width/2, y1-loop_slot_thick + (y1-y0-loop_slot_thick*2)*extend_factor, z1+loop_thick + (z1-z0)*extend_factor]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(d=loop_slot_thick, h=hull_epsilon, $fn=cyl_hd_fn);
translate([0, y0+loop_slot_thick, z0+loop_thick]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(d=loop_slot_thick, h=body_width, center=true, $fn=cyl_hd_fn);
// Version stamp
translate([-10,y0+0.5,-30]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
translate([-10,y1-0.5,-30]) rotate([90,0,180]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
// CF
for (v = reinforcing_tube_positions) CFTubeCutout2(v, y0, y1);
for (v = reinforcing_square_positions) CFSquareCutout2(v, y0, y1);
module Pickup() {
shum_v = [0, $segment_cuts[2], -0.8];
translate(shum_v) Shumbucker(y_align="negative", z_align="negative", y_tolerance=2);
// Cable channel
$fn = 72;
d = shumbucker_cable_d*1.5 + 1;
channel_v = [12, 60, -17];
hull() {
translate(shum_v + [0, -shumbucker_lu, d/2 - 0.2 - shumbucker_h]) sphere(d=d);
translate(channel_v) sphere(d=d);
// Jack
jack_v = [body_width_tapered/2, output_socket_w/2, -18];
translate(jack_v) rotate([0, 0, 90]) output_socket_placeholder(rear_clearance=12, outer_clearance=10);
hull() {
translate(jack_v) rotate([0, 0, 90]) output_socket_placeholder(rear_clearance=12, outer_clearance=10, include_barrel=false);
translate(channel_v) sphere(d=d);
module Full() {
render() difference() {
union() {
BeltHole(xz_pts = [[60, -12.5], [-60, -12.5], [0, -9]], belthole_y0 = $segment_cuts[2]-100, belthole_y1 = $segment_cuts[2]-40, xy_curve_width = body_width, xy_curve_x = 32);
bridge_channel_width = 5;
bridge_channel_depth = 7;
if (reference) {
c_cf = [0.4, 0.5, 0.5];
color(c_cf) Reinforcements();
// Approximate tuner placement
// TunerPlacement();
// Render strings above for spacing reference
string_excess = 80;
for (i = [0:$num_strings-1]) {
d = $string_diameters_mm[i];
hull() {
translate([string_x(i, -string_excess), -string_excess, bridge_height]) sphere(d=d, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
translate([string_x(i, $fsl_mm+5), $fsl_mm+5, $scallop_depth + get_max_fret_height() + d/2]) sphere(d=d, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
translate([0, -20, 0]) FlatBridge(saddle_height=bridge_height-6, base_height=6);
} else if (segment >= 0) {
intersection() {
y0 = $segment_cuts[segment];
y1 = $segment_cuts[segment+1];
translate([-500, y0, -500]) cube([1000, y1-y0, 1000]);
} else if (segment == -1) {
} else if (segment == -4) {
echo("Making a bridge");
y_len = 9;
base_height = 7;
saddle_height = 4;
pickup_w = 3;
pickup_h = 2;
render() difference() {
union() {
// Base
translate([-neck_width/2, 0, 0]) cube([neck_width, y_len, base_height]);
// String saddles - rule of thumb: string diameter multiplied by 4
r0 = 0.85;
for (i = [0:num_strings-1]) translate([(num_strings-i-1)*string_spacing - neck_width/2 + string_margin, y_len - string_diameters_mm[i]*4, base_height]) {
step = ($preview) ? 8 : 2;
r = r0 + string_diameters_mm[i]*1.2;
translate([0, 0, saddle_height]) for (a=[90:step:270-step]) hull() {
translate([-sin(a)*r, 0, cos(a)*r]) sphere(r=r0, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
translate([-sin(a+step)*r, 0, cos(a+step)*r]) sphere(r=r0, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
translate([-sin(a)*r, -3.7, -saddle_height-r0]) sphere(r=r0, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
translate([-sin(a+step)*r, -3.7, -saddle_height-r0]) sphere(r=r0, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
translate([-sin(a)*r, 1.2, -saddle_height-r0]) sphere(r=r0, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
translate([-sin(a+step)*r, 1.2, -saddle_height-r0]) sphere(r=r0, $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
// Bridge channel notch
notch_w = bridge_channel_width - CF_Square_Width_tolerance; // Shrink a little for tolerance
notch_d = bridge_channel_depth - CF_Square_Width_tolerance/2;
translate([-notch_w/2, 0, -notch_d]) cube([notch_w, y_len, notch_d]);
// Pickup notch
tol = 0.25;
translate([-neck_width/2, 2, -tol]) hull() {
cube([neck_width, pickup_w, pickup_h+tol]);
translate([0, pickup_h*0.8, 0]) cube([neck_width, pickup_w, 0.01]);
// Version stamp
y0 = 0;
y1 = y_len;
translate([-15,y0+0.5,4]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
translate([-15,y1-0.5,4]) rotate([90,0,180]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
} else if (from_fret == -5) {
echo("Making a tailpiece");
y0 = -47;
y1 = 0;
fw_len = 20;
total_len = y1-y0;
fw_height = 43;
rad_diameter = 20.35; //21;
rad_radius = rad_diameter/2;
render() difference() {
hull() {
translate([-body_width/2, -fw_len, -fw_height]) cube([body_width, fw_len, fw_height]);
translate([0, -total_len+rad_radius, -rad_radius]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=neck_width, d=rad_diameter, center=true, $fn=cyl_hd_fn);
// Tuner cavity line up
tw = 16;
z0 = -43;
for (i=[-1,1]) translate([-tw/2 + i*15, y0, z0+5]) cube([tw, total_len, -z0-25]);
// String channels
for (i = [0:num_strings-1]) translate([(num_strings-i-1)*string_spacing - neck_width/2 + string_margin, y0+rad_radius, -rad_radius]) {
x = [-1,0,1,-1,0,1][i]*4/180;
r = rad_radius + string_diameters_mm[i]*0.5;
for (a = [0:180]) hull() {
translate([a*x, -sin(a)*r, cos(a)*r]) sphere(r=string_diameters_mm[i], $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
translate([a*x, -sin(a+1)*r, cos(a+1)*r]) sphere(r=string_diameters_mm[i], $fn=cyl_ld_fn);
// Bridge channel
translate([-bridge_channel_width/2, y0+rad_radius, -bridge_channel_depth]) cube([bridge_channel_width, total_len-rad_radius, bridge_channel_depth]);
// Version stamp
translate([-30,y0+0.5,-15]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
translate([-30,y1-0.5,-15]) rotate([90,0,180]) linear_extrude(10) {
text(str(id_line_0, id_line_1), size=2.9, halign="center", valign="center", $fn=100);
// CF
for (v = reinforcing_tube_positions) CFTubeCutout2(v, y0, y1);
for (v = reinforcing_square_positions) CFSquareCutout2(v, y0, y1);
// Debug markers to aid part slicing eyeballing
// %for (i = [150:250:1000]) {
%for (i = [0:250:1000]) {
translate([35,i,0]) union() {linear_extrude(1) text(str(i, "mm")); cube([35, 1, 1], center=true);}
// Colour schemes
include <BambuColours.scad>
// colour_scheme = COLOURSCHEME_ABS_BLUE;
segment = 2;
color(colour_scheme[0]) Steel6String(segment=segment, include_colours=[0]);
color(colour_scheme[1]) Steel6String(segment=segment, include_colours=[1]);
// color(colour_scheme[2]) Steel6String(segment=segment, include_colours=[2]);
// color(colour_scheme[3]) Steel6String(segment=segment, include_colours=[3]);
color(colour_scheme[2]) Steel6String(segment=segment, include_colours=[4]);
// rotate([90,0,0])
// Steel6String(reference=true);
module TwoBangerMk2(include_colours=[0,1], segment=-1, preview=false) {
$include_colours = include_colours;
$guitar_scale_length_mm = PBass_Scale_mm;
$id_lines = ["Zweisaiten", "250218"];
$fsl_mm = fret_scale_length(0);
$string_diameters_thous = [80, 105]; // Artist BST45130
$string_diameters_mm = $string_diameters_thous * 0.0254;
$neck_width_nut = 35;
$neck_width_bridge = 35;
$target_neck_thickness = $neck_width_nut/2;
$num_strings = 2;
$string_spacing_nut = 18;
$string_spacing_bridge = 18;
$string_margin = ($neck_width_nut - $string_spacing_nut)/2;
$num_frets = 33;
$fret_widths = default_fret_widths(3.6, 2.4);
$fret_angle = 45;
$scallop_depth = 2.5;
$extra_thickness_above_center = 6;
y0 = -100;
headstock_length = 30;
y_end = behind_fret(0) + headstock_length;
y_fretboard_end = get_end_of_fretboard();
$segment_cuts = [y0-2, 0, after_fret(29), after_fret(13), after_fret(5), y_end];
echo([ for (i=[1:len($segment_cuts)-1]) $segment_cuts[i]-$segment_cuts[i-1]]);
trussrod_y = 265;
$trussrod_positions = [
[[0, trussrod_y+630, -4], [0, 0, 180], "TrussRod"],
[[0, y0, -18], [0, 0, 0], "TrussRodSingleAction"],
$trussrods_extra = 0;
$dowel_positions = [
[ -6, $segment_cuts[4], -11],
[ 6, $segment_cuts[4], -11],
[ -6, $segment_cuts[3], -11],
[ 6, $segment_cuts[3], -11],
[-10, $segment_cuts[3], 0],
[ 10, $segment_cuts[3], 0],
// [ -9, $segment_cuts[2], -17],
// [ 9, $segment_cuts[2], -17],
[-10.25, $segment_cuts[2], 2.5],
[ 10.25, $segment_cuts[2], 2.5],
// [-10, $segment_cuts[1], 0],
// [ 10, $segment_cuts[1], 0],
[ -7, $segment_cuts[1], -21],
[ 7, $segment_cuts[1], -21],
$reinforcing_tube_positions = [
[-12, fret_scale_length(0)-CF_Tube_Len, 0],
[ 12, fret_scale_length(0)-CF_Tube_Len, 0],
[-12, y0+30, -16],
[ 12, y0+30, -16],
pickup_y = fret_scale_length(36);
module ElectronicsCavities(diff=false) {
if (diff) {
l = y_fretboard_end - $segment_cuts[1];
translate([-500, y_fretboard_end-l, -11]) cube([1000, l, 1000]);
} else {
// Directly under the strings would hit the second truss rod :(
//for (i=[0,1]) translate([string_x(i, pickup_y), pickup_y, -10]) relay_coil_placeholder();
z_pickup = -10;
for (i=[0,1]) mirror([i, 0, 0]) translate([8, pickup_y, z_pickup]) relay_coil_placeholder(top_clearance = diff ? 40 : 0);
// translate([0, pickup_y-8, -20]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder_outer(d=6, h=neck_width()+10, center=true);
// translate([5, pickup_y-38, -10]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) output_socket_placeholder();
output_socket_y = pickup_y-26;
translate([output_socket_l/2, output_socket_y, -10]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) output_socket_placeholder(rear_clearance = diff ? 40 : 0);
translate([output_socket_l/2 - 100, output_socket_y + output_socket_w/2 - 2, -10-1]) cube([100, 9, 2]);
module Pickup() {
module Cavities() translate([0, 16, 0.6]) {
for (i=[0,1]) translate([string_x(i, pickup_y), 0, 1]) relay_coil_placeholder(bottom_leg_clearance=1, capped=false);
translate([output_socket_l/2 + 1.0, -30, 0]) rotate([0, 0, 90]) output_socket_placeholder();
translate([-12, -23, 0]) cube([24, 18, 10]);
h = 17.6;
w = neck_width(pickup_y);
l = 60;
module Label(depth=0.2) {
// Horizontal Ichthys
// translate([0, 0, h-depth]) linear_extrude(depth) scale(1.0) import(file = "svgs/Ichthys.plain.svg", center=true);
// Vertical Ichthys
translate([0, 0, h-depth]) linear_extrude(depth) scale(1.8) rotate(90) import(file = "svgs/Ichthys.plain.svg", center=true);
// Bottom date
size = 3;
for (i=[0:len($id_lines)-1])
linear_extrude(depth) scale(1.8) rotate(90) translate([0, 0.4 - i*(size+0.4)]) mirror([1, 0]) text($id_lines[i], halign="center", size=size, font="Droid Sans");
module Box() {
if (list_has($include_colours, 0)) {
difference() {
translate([-w/2, -l/2]) round_cube([w, l, h], r=0.6);
if (list_has($include_colours, 1)) Label();
slots = [
[[3-w/2, 3-l/2], [w/2-3, 3-l/2]],
[[3-w/2, l/2-3], [w/2-3, l/2-3]],
[[w/2-3, 4], [w/2-3, -3]],
[[3-w/2, 4], [3-w/2, -20]],
split_h = h/2;
slot_h = 3;
slot_d = 2;
tongue_h = slot_h-0.4;
tongue_d = slot_d-0.15;
// Bottom
difference() {
translate([-w/2, -l/2, split_h]) cube([w, l, 100]);
// Screw holes
translate([ 7, 0]) cylinder_outer(d=2, h=10);
translate([-7, 0]) cylinder_outer(d=2, h=10);
// Tongues
if (list_has($include_colours, 0)) {
for (s = slots) {
hull() {
for (v=s) translate([v[0], v[1], split_h]) cylinder(d=tongue_d, h=tongue_h);
// Lid
translate([w+2, 0, h]) rotate([180,0,0]) difference() {
translate([-w/2, -l/2, 0]) cube([w, l, split_h]);
// Slots
for (s = slots) {
hull() {
for (v=s) translate([v[0], v[1], split_h]) cylinder_outer(d=slot_d, h=slot_h);
module Tuners() {
// Tuners to the side, knobs on top
// for (i=[0:1])
// mirror([i,0,0]) translate([15, (i*32)-66, -26]) rotate([0, -90, 0]) UBassTuner(from_side=false, from_below=true);
// Tuners to the top, knobs pointing out the back
for (i=[0:1]) for (j=[0:1])
mirror([i,0,0]) translate([-6, -85, -34]) mirror([0,j,0]) rotate([0, 0, -90]) UBassTuner(from_side=false, from_below=true, hole_tolerance=0.5, skip_ear=true);
// rotate([180, -90, 0]) UBassTuner(from_side=false, from_below=true);
module MyBodySegment() {
// Truss Rod overlapping - pseudo body joint
body_height = 26;
epsilon = 0.000001;
radius = 4;
w = neck_width() - radius*2;
curve_dist = 40;
step = 0.08;
steps = curve_dist/step;
slope_start = 435;
slope_end = 485;
translate([-neck_width()/2, y0, -body_height]) round_cube([neck_width(), slope_start, body_height], radius);
hull() {
$fn = 64;
for (i = [0,1]) mirror([i, 0, 0]) {
translate([w/2, radius+y0, radius-body_height]) sphere(radius);
translate([w/2, radius+y0, -radius]) sphere(radius);
translate([w/2, slope_start+y0, radius-body_height]) sphere(radius);
// translate([+w/2, 495+y0, 0]) sphere(radius);
// translate([-w/2, 495+y0, 0]) sphere(radius);
difference() {
translate([0, slope_end+y0, 0]) sphere(d=neck_width(), $fn=360);
translate([0, slope_end+y0, 50]) cube([100, 100, 100], center=true);
// Tuner bulge
extra = 2;
tuner_bulge_w = 66;
tuner_bulge_l = 24+extra;
tuner_bulge_taper = 20;
hull() {
translate([-tuner_bulge_w/2, y0-extra, -body_height]) round_cube([tuner_bulge_w, tuner_bulge_l, body_height], r = radius);
translate([-neck_width()/2, y0-extra, -body_height]) round_cube([neck_width(), tuner_bulge_l+tuner_bulge_taper, body_height], r = radius);
// Electronics bulge
// hull() {
// bulge_w = 36;
// bulge_l = 55;
// bulge_y = pickup_y-40;
// translate([-neck_width()/2, bulge_y-15, -body_height]) round_cube([neck_width(), bulge_l+30, body_height+$extra_thickness_above_center], r = radius);
// translate([-bulge_w/2, pickup_y-40, $extra_thickness_above_center-body_height]) round_cube([bulge_w, bulge_l, body_height], r = radius);
// }
module HeadPiece() {
y0 = behind_fret(0);
end_radius = 14;
y_end = y0 + headstock_length;
y1 = y_end - end_radius;
z0 = $scallop_depth + $extra_thickness_above_center;
z1 = $scallop_depth + get_max_fret_height() + $extra_thickness_above_center;
module StringHoles() {
ballend_v = [0,y0+21,-3];
for (i = [0:$num_strings-1]) translate([string_x(i, y0),0,0]) {
max_dia = 4; // ball wrap is like 3.8mm on these strings
hole_dia = min(4, $string_diameters_mm[i]*1.5 + 1);
string_v = [0, fret_scale_length(0), z1+hole_dia/2];
hull() {
translate(string_v) sphere(d=hole_dia);
translate(ballend_v) sphere(d=4);
delta_v = ballend_v - string_v;
hull() {
// String ball ends are roughly 3mm by 4mm cylinder(d=4, h=3)
// Bass string ball ends are roughly 3mm by 4mm cylinder(d=6, h=4.5)
translate(ballend_v) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder_outer(d=6.5, h=5.0, center=true);
translate(ballend_v + delta_v) rotate([0, 90, 0]) cylinder_outer(d=6.5, h=5.0, center=true);
module Label() {
// translate([0, lerp(y0, y_end, 0.5), z0-0.5]) linear_extrude(0.5) text(ichthys, font="Noto Sans", size=6, halign="center", valign="center");
// translate([0, lerp(y0, y_end, 0.5), z0-0.5]) linear_extrude(0.5) text(chirho, font="DejaVu Sans", size=12, halign="center", valign="center");
// translate([0, lerp(y0, y_end, 0.5), z0-0.5]) linear_extrude(0.5) text(khiro, font="Noto Sans Coptic", size=12, halign="center", valign="center");
// translate([0, lerp(y0, y_end, 0.45), z0-0.5]) linear_extrude(0.5) scale(0.75) rotate(90) import(file = "svgs/Ichthys.plain.svg", center=true);
translate([0, lerp(y0, y_end, 0.45), z0-0.5]) linear_extrude(0.5) scale(0.95) import(file = "svgs/Ichthys.plain.svg", center=true);
if (list_has(include_colours, 0)) render() difference(){
hull() {
translate([0,y0,0]) scale([neck_width(y0)/2, 0.01, $target_neck_thickness]) sphere(r=1);
translate([0,y1,0]) scale([neck_width(y1)/2, end_radius, $target_neck_thickness*1.0]) sphere(r=1);
translate([-500, y0, z0]) cube([1000, 1000, 1000]);
translate([-500, y0-1000, -500]) cube([1000, 1000, 1000]);
if (list_has(include_colours, 2)) Label();
// StringHoles();
module MyNeck() {
TaperNeck(fret_side_marker_x_angle=-23, fret_side_marker_y_angle=15) MyBodySegment();
module MyBody() {
render() difference() {
Reinforcements($trussrods_extra = 20);
// Add a belt hole
BeltHole(xz_pts = [[23, -13], [-23, -13], [0, -3]], belthole_y0 = 160, belthole_y1 = trussrod_y-5, xy_curve_width = neck_width());
module BottomLabel(depth=0.8) {
y0 = $segment_cuts[segment];
size = 2.7;
v_spacing = 0.3;
z0 = [-4, -4, 4.8, -10.8, -10.8][segment];
for (i=[0:len($id_lines)-1]) {
z = z0 - (size+v_spacing)*i;
translate([0, y0+depth, z]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude(depth) text($id_lines[i], halign="center", size=size, font="Droid Sans");
if (preview) {
color("#FF000080") MyBody();
} else render() {
if (segment == "bridge") {
} else if (segment == "pickup") {
} else if (segment < 0) {
} else {
difference() {
intersection() {
y0 = $segment_cuts[segment];
y1 = $segment_cuts[segment+1];
translate([-500, y0, -500]) cube([1000, y1-y0, 1000]);
if (!list_has($include_colours, 4)) BottomLabel();
if (list_has($include_colours, 4)) BottomLabel();
// colour_scheme = COLOURSCHEME_ABS_BLUE;
// // TwoBangerMk2(preview=true);
// segment = "pickup";
// color(colour_scheme[0]) TwoBangerMk2([0], segment);
// color(colour_scheme[1]) TwoBangerMk2([1], segment);
// color(colour_scheme[2]) TwoBangerMk2([2], segment);
// color(colour_scheme[3]) TwoBangerMk2([3], segment);
// color("red") TwoBangerMk2([4], segment);