2024-12-18 20:57:06 +10:30
typeof HTMLVideoElement < "u" && ! ( "requestVideoFrameCallback" in HTMLVideoElement . prototype ) && "getVideoPlaybackQuality" in HTMLVideoElement . prototype && ( HTMLVideoElement . prototype . _rvfcpolyfillmap = { } , HTMLVideoElement . prototype . requestVideoFrameCallback = function ( c ) {
const e = performance . now ( ) , t = this . getVideoPlaybackQuality ( ) , s = this . mozPresentedFrames || this . mozPaintedFrames || t . totalVideoFrames - t . droppedVideoFrames , a = ( n , r ) => {
const i = this . getVideoPlaybackQuality ( ) , o = this . mozPresentedFrames || this . mozPaintedFrames || i . totalVideoFrames - i . droppedVideoFrames ;
if ( o > s ) {
const d = this . mozFrameDelay || i . totalFrameDelay - t . totalFrameDelay || 0 , l = r - n ;
c ( r , {
presentationTime : r + d * 1e3 ,
expectedDisplayTime : r + l ,
width : this . videoWidth ,
height : this . videoHeight ,
mediaTime : Math . max ( 0 , this . currentTime || 0 ) + l / 1e3 ,
presentedFrames : o ,
processingDuration : d
} ) , delete this . _rvfcpolyfillmap [ e ] ;
} else
this . _rvfcpolyfillmap [ e ] = requestAnimationFrame ( ( d ) => a ( r , d ) ) ;
} ;
return this . _rvfcpolyfillmap [ e ] = requestAnimationFrame ( ( n ) => a ( e , n ) ) , e ;
} , HTMLVideoElement . prototype . cancelVideoFrameCallback = function ( c ) {
cancelAnimationFrame ( this . _rvfcpolyfillmap [ c ] ) , delete this . _rvfcpolyfillmap [ c ] ;
} ) ;
const _ = {
bt709 : "BT709" ,
// these might not be exactly correct? oops?
bt470bg : "BT601" ,
// alias BT.601 PAL... whats the difference?
smpte170m : "BT601"
// alias BT.601 NTSC... whats the difference?
} , f = {
BT601 : {
BT709 : "1.0863 -0.0723 -0.014 0 0 0.0965 0.8451 0.0584 0 0 -0.0141 -0.0277 1.0418"
} ,
BT709 : {
BT601 : "0.9137 0.0784 0.0079 0 0 -0.1049 1.1722 -0.0671 0 0 0.0096 0.0322 0.9582"
} ,
FCC : {
BT709 : "1.0873 -0.0736 -0.0137 0 0 0.0974 0.8494 0.0531 0 0 -0.0127 -0.0251 1.0378" ,
BT601 : "1.001 -0.0008 -0.0002 0 0 0.0009 1.005 -0.006 0 0 0.0013 0.0027 0.996"
} ,
SMPTE240M : {
BT709 : "0.9993 0.0006 0.0001 0 0 -0.0004 0.9812 0.0192 0 0 -0.0034 -0.0114 1.0148" ,
BT601 : "0.913 0.0774 0.0096 0 0 -0.1051 1.1508 -0.0456 0 0 0.0063 0.0207 0.973"
} ;
class h extends EventTarget {
/ * *
* @ param { Object } options Settings object .
* @ param { HTMLVideoElement } options . video Video to use as target for rendering and event listeners . Optional if canvas is specified instead .
* @ param { HTMLCanvasElement } [ options . canvas = HTMLCanvasElement ] Canvas to use for manual handling . Not required if video is specified .
* @ param { 'js' | 'wasm' } [ options . blendMode = 'js' ] Which image blending mode to use . WASM will perform better on lower end devices , JS will perform better if the device and browser supports hardware acceleration .
* @ param { Boolean } [ options . asyncRender = true ] Whether or not to use async rendering , which offloads the CPU by creating image bitmaps on the GPU .
* @ param { Boolean } [ options . offscreenRender = true ] Whether or not to render things fully on the worker , greatly reduces CPU usage .
* @ param { Boolean } [ options . onDemandRender = true ] Whether or not to render subtitles as the video player decodes renders , rather than predicting which frame the player is on using events .
* @ param { Number } [ options . targetFps = 24 ] Target FPS to render subtitles at . Ignored when onDemandRender is enabled .
* @ param { Number } [ options . timeOffset = 0 ] Subtitle time offset in seconds .
* @ param { Boolean } [ options . debug = false ] Whether or not to print debug information .
* @ param { Number } [ options . prescaleFactor = 1.0 ] Scale down ( < 1.0 ) the subtitles canvas to improve performance at the expense of quality , or scale it up ( > 1.0 ) .
* @ param { Number } [ options . prescaleHeightLimit = 1080 ] The height in pixels beyond which the subtitles canvas won ' t be prescaled .
* @ param { Number } [ options . maxRenderHeight = 0 ] The maximum rendering height in pixels of the subtitles canvas . Beyond this subtitles will be upscaled by the browser .
* @ param { Boolean } [ options . dropAllAnimations = false ] Attempt to discard all animated tags . Enabling this may severly mangle complex subtitles and should only be considered as an last ditch effort of uncertain success for hardware otherwise incapable of displaing anything . Will not reliably work with manually edited or allocated events .
* @ param { Boolean } [ options . dropAllBlur = false ] The holy grail of performance gains . If heavy TS lags a lot , disabling this will make it ~ x10 faster . This drops blur from all added subtitle tracks making most text and backgrounds look sharper , this is way less intrusive than dropping all animations , while still offering major performance gains .
2024-12-19 00:29:25 +10:30
* @ param { String } [ options . workerUrl = '../static/jass/jassub-worker.js' ] The URL of the worker .
2024-12-18 20:57:06 +10:30
* @ param { String } [ options . wasmUrl = './jassub-worker.wasm' ] The URL of the worker WASM .
* @ param { String } [ options . legacyWasmUrl = './jassub-worker.wasm.js' ] The URL of the worker WASM . Only loaded if the browser doesn ' t support WASM .
* @ param { String } options . modernWasmUrl The URL of the modern worker WASM . This includes faster ASM instructions , but is only supported by newer browsers , disabled if the URL isn ' t defined .
* @ param { String } [ options . subUrl = options . subContent ] The URL of the subtitle file to play .
* @ param { String } [ options . subContent = options . subUrl ] The content of the subtitle file to play .
* @ param { String [ ] | Uint8Array [ ] } [ options . fonts ] An array of links or Uint8Arrays to the fonts used in the subtitle . If Uint8Array is used the array is copied , not referenced . This forces all the fonts in this array to be loaded by the renderer , regardless of if they are used .
* @ param { Object } [ options . availableFonts = { 'droid sans japanese' : './DroidSansJapanese.ttf' , 'noto sans japanese' : 'NotoSansJPRegular.woff' , 'liberation sans' : './default.woff2' } ] Object with all available fonts - Key is font family in lower case , value is link or Uint8Array : { arial : '/font1.ttf' } . These fonts are selectively loaded if detected as used in the current subtitle track .
* @ param { String } [ options . fallbackFont = 'liberation sans' ] The font family key of the fallback font in availableFonts to use if the other font for the style is missing special glyphs or unicode .
* @ param { Boolean } [ options . useLocalFonts = false ] If the Local Font Access API is enabled [ chrome : //flags/#font-access], the library will query for permissions to use local fonts and use them if any are missing. The permission can be queried beforehand using navigator.permissions.request({ name: 'local-fonts' }).
* @ param { Number } [ options . libassMemoryLimit ] libass bitmap cache memory limit in MiB ( approximate ) .
* @ param { Number } [ options . libassGlyphLimit ] libass glyph cache memory limit in MiB ( approximate ) .
* /
constructor ( e ) {
if ( super ( ) , ! globalThis . Worker )
throw this . destroy ( "Worker not supported" ) ;
if ( ! e )
throw this . destroy ( "No options provided" ) ;
this . _loaded = /** @type {Promise<void>} */
new Promise ( ( s ) => {
this . _init = s ;
} ) ;
const t = h . _test ( ) ;
if ( this . _onDemandRender = "requestVideoFrameCallback" in HTMLVideoElement . prototype && ( e . onDemandRender ? ? ! 0 ) , this . _offscreenRender = "transferControlToOffscreen" in HTMLCanvasElement . prototype && ! e . canvas && ( e . offscreenRender ? ? ! 0 ) , this . timeOffset = e . timeOffset || 0 , this . _video = e . video , this . _videoHeight = 0 , this . _videoWidth = 0 , this . _videoColorSpace = null , this . _canvas = e . canvas , this . _video && ! this . _canvas )
this . _canvasParent = document . createElement ( "div" ) , this . _canvasParent . className = "JASSUB" , this . _canvasParent . style . position = "relative" , this . _canvas = this . _createCanvas ( ) , this . _video . insertAdjacentElement ( "afterend" , this . _canvasParent ) ;
else if ( ! this . _canvas )
throw this . destroy ( "Don't know where to render: you should give video or canvas in options." ) ;
if ( this . _bufferCanvas = document . createElement ( "canvas" ) , this . _bufferCtx = this . _bufferCanvas . getContext ( "2d" ) , ! this . _bufferCtx )
throw this . destroy ( "Canvas rendering not supported" ) ;
2024-12-19 00:29:25 +10:30
this . _canvasctrl = this . _offscreenRender ? this . _canvas . transferControlToOffscreen ( ) : this . _canvas , this . _ctx = ! this . _offscreenRender && this . _canvasctrl . getContext ( "2d" ) , this . _lastRenderTime = 0 , this . debug = ! ! e . debug , this . prescaleFactor = e . prescaleFactor || 1 , this . prescaleHeightLimit = e . prescaleHeightLimit || 1080 , this . maxRenderHeight = e . maxRenderHeight || 0 , this . _boundResize = this . resize . bind ( this ) , this . _boundTimeUpdate = this . _timeupdate . bind ( this ) , this . _boundSetRate = this . setRate . bind ( this ) , this . _boundUpdateColorSpace = this . _updateColorSpace . bind ( this ) , this . _video && this . setVideo ( e . video ) , this . _onDemandRender && ( this . busy = ! 1 , this . _lastDemandTime = null ) , this . _worker = new Worker ( e . workerUrl || "../static/jass/jassub-worker.js" ) , this . _worker . onmessage = ( s ) => this . _onmessage ( s ) , this . _worker . onerror = ( s ) => this . _error ( s ) , t . then ( ( ) => {
2024-12-18 20:57:06 +10:30
this . _worker . postMessage ( {
target : "init" ,
wasmUrl : h . _supportsSIMD && e . modernWasmUrl ? e . modernWasmUrl : e . wasmUrl || "./jassub-worker.wasm" ,
legacyWasmUrl : e . legacyWasmUrl || "./jassub-worker.wasm.js" ,
asyncRender : typeof createImageBitmap < "u" && ( e . asyncRender ? ? ! 0 ) ,
onDemandRender : this . _onDemandRender ,
width : this . _canvasctrl . width || 0 ,
height : this . _canvasctrl . height || 0 ,
blendMode : e . blendMode || "js" ,
subUrl : e . subUrl ,
subContent : e . subContent || null ,
fonts : e . fonts || [ ] ,
availableFonts : e . availableFonts || { 'droid sans japanese' : './DroidSansJapanese.ttf' , 'noto sans japanese' : 'NotoSansJPRegular.woff' , 'liberation sans' : './default.woff2' } ,
fallbackFont : e . fallbackFont || "liberation sans" ,
debug : this . debug ,
targetFps : e . targetFps || 24 ,
dropAllAnimations : e . dropAllAnimations ,
dropAllBlur : e . dropAllBlur ,
libassMemoryLimit : e . libassMemoryLimit || 0 ,
libassGlyphLimit : e . libassGlyphLimit || 0 ,
// @ts-ignore
useLocalFonts : typeof queryLocalFonts < "u" && ( e . useLocalFonts ? ? ! 0 ) ,
hasBitmapBug : h . _hasBitmapBug
} ) , this . _offscreenRender === ! 0 && this . sendMessage ( "offscreenCanvas" , null , [ this . _canvasctrl ] ) ;
} ) ;
_createCanvas ( ) {
return this . _canvas = document . createElement ( "canvas" ) , this . _canvas . style . display = "block" , this . _canvas . style . position = "absolute" , this . _canvas . style . pointerEvents = "none" , this . _canvasParent . appendChild ( this . _canvas ) , this . _canvas ;
// test support for WASM, ImageData, alphaBug, but only once, on init so it doesn't run when first running the page
/** @type {boolean|null} */
static _supportsSIMD = null ;
/** @type {boolean|null} */
static _hasAlphaBug = null ;
/** @type {boolean|null} */
static _hasBitmapBug = null ;
static async _test ( ) {
if ( h . _hasBitmapBug !== null )
return null ;
try {
h . _supportsSIMD = WebAssembly . validate ( Uint8Array . of ( 0 , 97 , 115 , 109 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 5 , 1 , 96 , 0 , 1 , 123 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 10 , 10 , 1 , 8 , 0 , 65 , 0 , 253 , 15 , 253 , 98 , 11 ) ) ;
} catch {
h . _supportsSIMD = ! 1 ;
const e = document . createElement ( "canvas" ) , t = e . getContext ( "2d" , { willReadFrequently : ! 0 } ) ;
if ( ! t )
throw new Error ( "Canvas rendering not supported" ) ;
if ( typeof ImageData . prototype . constructor == "function" )
try {
new ImageData ( new Uint8ClampedArray ( [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] ) , 1 , 1 ) ;
} catch {
console . log ( "Detected that ImageData is not constructable despite browser saying so" ) , self . ImageData = function ( o , d , l ) {
const m = t . createImageData ( d , l ) ;
return o && m . data . set ( o ) , m ;
} ;
const s = document . createElement ( "canvas" ) , a = s . getContext ( "2d" , { willReadFrequently : ! 0 } ) ;
if ( ! a )
throw new Error ( "Canvas rendering not supported" ) ;
e . width = s . width = 1 , e . height = s . height = 1 , t . clearRect ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) , a . clearRect ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) ;
const n = a . getImageData ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) . data ;
t . putImageData ( new ImageData ( new Uint8ClampedArray ( [ 0 , 255 , 0 , 0 ] ) , 1 , 1 ) , 0 , 0 ) , a . drawImage ( e , 0 , 0 ) ;
const r = a . getImageData ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) . data ;
if ( h . _hasAlphaBug = n [ 1 ] !== r [ 1 ] , h . _hasAlphaBug && console . log ( "Detected a browser having issue with transparent pixels, applying workaround" ) , typeof createImageBitmap < "u" ) {
const i = new Uint8ClampedArray ( [ 255 , 0 , 255 , 0 , 255 ] ) . subarray ( 1 , 5 ) ;
a . drawImage ( await createImageBitmap ( new ImageData ( i , 1 ) ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
const { data : o } = a . getImageData ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 ) ;
h . _hasBitmapBug = ! 1 ;
for ( const [ d , l ] of o . entries ( ) )
if ( Math . abs ( i [ d ] - l ) > 15 ) {
h . _hasBitmapBug = ! 0 , console . log ( "Detected a browser having issue with partial bitmaps, applying workaround" ) ;
break ;
} else
h . _hasBitmapBug = ! 1 ;
e . remove ( ) , s . remove ( ) ;
/ * *
* Resize the canvas to given parameters . Auto - generated if values are ommited .
* @ param { Number } [ width = 0 ]
* @ param { Number } [ height = 0 ]
* @ param { Number } [ top = 0 ]
* @ param { Number } [ left = 0 ]
* @ param { Boolean } [ force = false ]
* /
resize ( e = 0 , t = 0 , s = 0 , a = 0 , n = this . _video ? . paused ) {
if ( ( ! e || ! t ) && this . _video ) {
const r = this . _getVideoPosition ( ) ;
let i = null ;
if ( this . _videoWidth ) {
const o = this . _video . videoWidth / this . _videoWidth , d = this . _video . videoHeight / this . _videoHeight ;
i = this . _computeCanvasSize ( ( r . width || 0 ) / o , ( r . height || 0 ) / d ) ;
} else
i = this . _computeCanvasSize ( r . width || 0 , r . height || 0 ) ;
e = i . width , t = i . height , this . _canvasParent && ( s = r . y - ( this . _canvasParent . getBoundingClientRect ( ) . top - this . _video . getBoundingClientRect ( ) . top ) , a = r . x ) , this . _canvas . style . width = r . width + "px" , this . _canvas . style . height = r . height + "px" ;
this . _canvas . style . top = s + "px" , this . _canvas . style . left = a + "px" , n && this . busy === ! 1 ? this . busy = ! 0 : n = ! 1 , this . sendMessage ( "canvas" , { width : e , height : t , force : n } ) ;
_getVideoPosition ( e = this . _video . videoWidth , t = this . _video . videoHeight ) {
const s = e / t , { offsetWidth : a , offsetHeight : n } = this . _video , r = a / n ;
e = a , t = n , r > s ? e = Math . floor ( n * s ) : t = Math . floor ( a / s ) ;
const i = ( a - e ) / 2 , o = ( n - t ) / 2 ;
return { width : e , height : t , x : i , y : o } ;
_computeCanvasSize ( e = 0 , t = 0 ) {
const s = this . prescaleFactor <= 0 ? 1 : this . prescaleFactor , a = self . devicePixelRatio || 1 ;
if ( e = e * a , t = t * a , t <= 0 || e <= 0 )
e = 0 , t = 0 ;
else {
const n = s < 1 ? - 1 : 1 ;
let r = t * a ;
n * r * s <= n * this . prescaleHeightLimit ? r *= s : n * r < n * this . prescaleHeightLimit && ( r = this . prescaleHeightLimit ) , this . maxRenderHeight > 0 && r > this . maxRenderHeight && ( r = this . maxRenderHeight ) , e *= r / t , t = r ;
return { width : e , height : t } ;
_timeupdate ( { type : e } ) {
const s = {
seeking : ! 0 ,
waiting : ! 0 ,
playing : ! 1
} [ e ] ;
s != null && ( this . _playstate = s ) , this . setCurrentTime ( this . _video . paused || this . _playstate , this . _video . currentTime + this . timeOffset ) ;
/ * *
* Change the video to use as target for event listeners .
* @ param { HTMLVideoElement } video
* /
setVideo ( e ) {
e instanceof HTMLVideoElement ? ( this . _removeListeners ( ) , this . _video = e , this . _onDemandRender ? this . _video . requestVideoFrameCallback ( this . _handleRVFC . bind ( this ) ) : ( this . _playstate = e . paused , e . addEventListener ( "timeupdate" , this . _boundTimeUpdate , ! 1 ) , e . addEventListener ( "progress" , this . _boundTimeUpdate , ! 1 ) , e . addEventListener ( "waiting" , this . _boundTimeUpdate , ! 1 ) , e . addEventListener ( "seeking" , this . _boundTimeUpdate , ! 1 ) , e . addEventListener ( "playing" , this . _boundTimeUpdate , ! 1 ) , e . addEventListener ( "ratechange" , this . _boundSetRate , ! 1 ) , e . addEventListener ( "resize" , this . _boundResize , ! 1 ) ) , "VideoFrame" in window && ( e . addEventListener ( "loadedmetadata" , this . _boundUpdateColorSpace , ! 1 ) , e . readyState > 2 && this . _updateColorSpace ( ) ) , e . videoWidth > 0 && this . resize ( ) , typeof ResizeObserver < "u" && ( this . _ro || ( this . _ro = new ResizeObserver ( ( ) => this . resize ( ) ) ) , this . _ro . observe ( e ) ) ) : this . _error ( "Video element invalid!" ) ;
runBenchmark ( ) {
this . sendMessage ( "runBenchmark" ) ;
/ * *
* Overwrites the current subtitle content .
* @ param { String } url URL to load subtitles from .
* /
setTrackByUrl ( e ) {
this . sendMessage ( "setTrackByUrl" , { url : e } ) , this . _reAttachOffscreen ( ) , this . _ctx && ( this . _ctx . filter = "none" ) ;
/ * *
* Overwrites the current subtitle content .
* @ param { String } content Content of the ASS file .
* /
setTrack ( e ) {
this . sendMessage ( "setTrack" , { content : e } ) , this . _reAttachOffscreen ( ) , this . _ctx && ( this . _ctx . filter = "none" ) ;
/ * *
* Free currently used subtitle track .
* /
freeTrack ( ) {
this . sendMessage ( "freeTrack" ) ;
/ * *
* Sets the playback state of the media .
* @ param { Boolean } isPaused Pause / Play subtitle playback .
* /
setIsPaused ( e ) {
this . sendMessage ( "video" , { isPaused : e } ) ;
/ * *
* Sets the playback rate of the media [ speed multiplier ] .
* @ param { Number } rate Playback rate .
* /
setRate ( e ) {
this . sendMessage ( "video" , { rate : e } ) ;
/ * *
* Sets the current time , playback state and rate of the subtitles .
* @ param { Boolean } [ isPaused ] Pause / Play subtitle playback .
* @ param { Number } [ currentTime ] Time in seconds .
* @ param { Number } [ rate ] Playback rate .
* /
setCurrentTime ( e , t , s ) {
this . sendMessage ( "video" , { isPaused : e , currentTime : t , rate : s , colorSpace : this . _videoColorSpace } ) ;
/ * *
* @ typedef { Object } ASS _Event
* @ property { Number } Start Start Time of the Event , in 0 : 00 : 00 : 00 format ie . Hrs : Mins : Secs : hundredths . This is the time elapsed during script playback at which the text will appear onscreen . Note that there is a single digit for the hours !
* @ property { Number } Duration End Time of the Event , in 0 : 00 : 00 : 00 format ie . Hrs : Mins : Secs : hundredths . This is the time elapsed during script playback at which the text will disappear offscreen . Note that there is a single digit for the hours !
* @ property { String } Style Style name . If it is "Default" , then your own * Default style will be subtituted .
* @ property { String } Name Character name . This is the name of the character who speaks the dialogue . It is for information only , to make the script is easier to follow when editing / timing .
* @ property { Number } MarginL 4 - figure Left Margin override . The values are in pixels . All zeroes means the default margins defined by the style are used .
* @ property { Number } MarginR 4 - figure Right Margin override . The values are in pixels . All zeroes means the default margins defined by the style are used .
* @ property { Number } MarginV 4 - figure Bottom Margin override . The values are in pixels . All zeroes means the default margins defined by the style are used .
* @ property { String } Effect Transition Effect . This is either empty , or contains information for one of the three transition effects implemented in SSA v4 . x
* @ property { String } Text Subtitle Text . This is the actual text which will be displayed as a subtitle onscreen . Everything after the 9 th comma is treated as the subtitle text , so it can include commas .
* @ property { Number } ReadOrder Number in order of which to read this event .
* @ property { Number } Layer Z - index overlap in which to render this event .
* @ property { Number } _index ( Internal ) index of the event .
* /
/ * *
* Create a new ASS event directly .
* @ param { ASS _Event } event
* /
createEvent ( e ) {
this . sendMessage ( "createEvent" , { event : e } ) ;
/ * *
* Overwrite the data of the event with the specified index .
* @ param { ASS _Event } event
* @ param { Number } index
* /
setEvent ( e , t ) {
this . sendMessage ( "setEvent" , { event : e , index : t } ) ;
/ * *
* Remove the event with the specified index .
* @ param { Number } index
* /
removeEvent ( e ) {
this . sendMessage ( "removeEvent" , { index : e } ) ;
/ * *
* Get all ASS events .
* @ param { function ( Error | null , ASS _Event ) : void } callback Function to callback when worker returns the events .
* /
getEvents ( e ) {
this . _fetchFromWorker ( {
target : "getEvents"
} , ( t , { events : s } ) => {
e ( t , s ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* @ typedef { Object } ASS _Style
* @ property { String } Name The name of the Style . Case sensitive . Cannot include commas .
* @ property { String } FontName The fontname as used by Windows . Case - sensitive .
* @ property { Number } FontSize Font size .
* @ property { Number } PrimaryColour A long integer BGR ( blue - green - red ) value . ie . the byte order in the hexadecimal equivelent of this number is BBGGRR
* @ property { Number } SecondaryColour A long integer BGR ( blue - green - red ) value . ie . the byte order in the hexadecimal equivelent of this number is BBGGRR
* @ property { Number } OutlineColour A long integer BGR ( blue - green - red ) value . ie . the byte order in the hexadecimal equivelent of this number is BBGGRR
* @ property { Number } BackColour This is the colour of the subtitle outline or shadow , if these are used . A long integer BGR ( blue - green - red ) value . ie . the byte order in the hexadecimal equivelent of this number is BBGGRR .
* @ property { Number } Bold This defines whether text is bold ( true ) or not ( false ) . - 1 is True , 0 is False . This is independant of the Italic attribute - you can have have text which is both bold and italic .
* @ property { Number } Italic Italic . This defines whether text is italic ( true ) or not ( false ) . - 1 is True , 0 is False . This is independant of the bold attribute - you can have have text which is both bold and italic .
* @ property { Number } Underline - 1 or 0
* @ property { Number } StrikeOut - 1 or 0
* @ property { Number } ScaleX Modifies the width of the font . [ percent ]
* @ property { Number } ScaleY Modifies the height of the font . [ percent ]
* @ property { Number } Spacing Extra space between characters . [ pixels ]
* @ property { Number } Angle The origin of the rotation is defined by the alignment . Can be a floating point number . [ degrees ]
* @ property { Number } BorderStyle 1 = Outline + drop shadow , 3 = Opaque box
* @ property { Number } Outline If BorderStyle is 1 , then this specifies the width of the outline around the text , in pixels . Values may be 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 or 4.
* @ property { Number } Shadow If BorderStyle is 1 , then this specifies the depth of the drop shadow behind the text , in pixels . Values may be 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 or 4. Drop shadow is always used in addition to an outline - SSA will force an outline of 1 pixel if no outline width is given .
* @ property { Number } Alignment This sets how text is "justified" within the Left / Right onscreen margins , and also the vertical placing . Values may be 1 = Left , 2 = Centered , 3 = Right . Add 4 to the value for a "Toptitle" . Add 8 to the value for a "Midtitle" . eg . 5 = left - justified toptitle
* @ property { Number } MarginL This defines the Left Margin in pixels . It is the distance from the left - hand edge of the screen . The three onscreen margins ( MarginL , MarginR , MarginV ) define areas in which the subtitle text will be displayed .
* @ property { Number } MarginR This defines the Right Margin in pixels . It is the distance from the right - hand edge of the screen . The three onscreen margins ( MarginL , MarginR , MarginV ) define areas in which the subtitle text will be displayed .
* @ property { Number } MarginV This defines the vertical Left Margin in pixels . For a subtitle , it is the distance from the bottom of the screen . For a toptitle , it is the distance from the top of the screen . For a midtitle , the value is ignored - the text will be vertically centred .
* @ property { Number } Encoding This specifies the font character set or encoding and on multi - lingual Windows installations it provides access to characters used in multiple than one languages . It is usually 0 ( zero ) for English ( Western , ANSI ) Windows .
* @ property { Number } treat _fontname _as _pattern
* @ property { Number } Blur
* @ property { Number } Justify
* /
/ * *
* Create a new ASS style directly .
* @ param { ASS _Style } style
* /
createStyle ( e ) {
this . sendMessage ( "createStyle" , { style : e } ) ;
/ * *
* Overwrite the data of the style with the specified index .
* @ param { ASS _Style } style
* @ param { Number } index
* /
setStyle ( e , t ) {
this . sendMessage ( "setStyle" , { style : e , index : t } ) ;
/ * *
* Remove the style with the specified index .
* @ param { Number } index
* /
removeStyle ( e ) {
this . sendMessage ( "removeStyle" , { index : e } ) ;
/ * *
* Get all ASS styles .
* @ param { function ( Error | null , ASS _Style ) : void } callback Function to callback when worker returns the styles .
* /
getStyles ( e ) {
this . _fetchFromWorker ( {
target : "getStyles"
} , ( t , { styles : s } ) => {
e ( t , s ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Adds a font to the renderer .
* @ param { String | Uint8Array } font Font to add .
* /
addFont ( e ) {
this . sendMessage ( "addFont" , { font : e } ) ;
_sendLocalFont ( e ) {
try {
queryLocalFonts ( ) . then ( ( t ) => {
const s = t ? . find ( ( a ) => a . fullName . toLowerCase ( ) === e ) ;
s && s . blob ( ) . then ( ( a ) => {
a . arrayBuffer ( ) . then ( ( n ) => {
this . addFont ( new Uint8Array ( n ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} catch ( t ) {
console . warn ( "Local fonts API:" , t ) ;
_getLocalFont ( { font : e } ) {
try {
navigator ? . permissions ? . query ? navigator . permissions . query ( { name : "local-fonts" } ) . then ( ( t ) => {
t . state === "granted" && this . _sendLocalFont ( e ) ;
} ) : this . _sendLocalFont ( e ) ;
} catch ( t ) {
console . warn ( "Local fonts API:" , t ) ;
_unbusy ( ) {
this . _lastDemandTime ? this . _demandRender ( this . _lastDemandTime ) : this . busy = ! 1 ;
_handleRVFC ( e , { mediaTime : t , width : s , height : a } ) {
if ( this . _destroyed )
return null ;
this . busy ? this . _lastDemandTime = { mediaTime : t , width : s , height : a } : ( this . busy = ! 0 , this . _demandRender ( { mediaTime : t , width : s , height : a } ) ) , this . _video . requestVideoFrameCallback ( this . _handleRVFC . bind ( this ) ) ;
_demandRender ( { mediaTime : e , width : t , height : s } ) {
this . _lastDemandTime = null , ( t !== this . _videoWidth || s !== this . _videoHeight ) && ( this . _videoWidth = t , this . _videoHeight = s , this . resize ( ) ) , this . sendMessage ( "demand" , { time : e + this . timeOffset } ) ;
// if we're using offscreen render, we can't use ctx filters, so we can't use a transfered canvas
_detachOffscreen ( ) {
if ( ! this . _offscreenRender || this . _ctx )
return null ;
this . _canvas . remove ( ) , this . _createCanvas ( ) , this . _canvasctrl = this . _canvas , this . _ctx = this . _canvasctrl . getContext ( "2d" ) , this . sendMessage ( "detachOffscreen" ) , this . busy = ! 1 , this . resize ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ! 0 ) ;
// if the video or track changed, we need to re-attach the offscreen canvas
_reAttachOffscreen ( ) {
if ( ! this . _offscreenRender || ! this . _ctx )
return null ;
this . _canvas . remove ( ) , this . _createCanvas ( ) , this . _canvasctrl = this . _canvas . transferControlToOffscreen ( ) , this . _ctx = ! 1 , this . sendMessage ( "offscreenCanvas" , null , [ this . _canvasctrl ] ) , this . resize ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , ! 0 ) ;
_updateColorSpace ( ) {
this . _video . requestVideoFrameCallback ( ( ) => {
try {
const e = new VideoFrame ( this . _video ) ;
this . _videoColorSpace = _ [ e . colorSpace . matrix ] , e . close ( ) , this . sendMessage ( "getColorSpace" ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
console . warn ( e ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Veryify the color spaces for subtitles and videos , then apply filters to correct the color of subtitles .
* @ param { Object } options
* @ param { String } options . subtitleColorSpace Subtitle color space . One of : BT601 BT709 SMPTE240M FCC
* @ param { String = } options . videoColorSpace Video color space . One of : BT601 BT709
* /
_verifyColorSpace ( { subtitleColorSpace : e , videoColorSpace : t = this . _videoColorSpace } ) {
! e || ! t || e !== t && ( this . _detachOffscreen ( ) , this . _ctx . filter = ` url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><filter id='f'><feColorMatrix type='matrix' values=' ${ f [ e ] [ t ] } 0 0 0 0 0 1 0'/></filter></svg>#f") ` ) ;
_render ( { images : e , asyncRender : t , times : s , width : a , height : n , colorSpace : r } ) {
this . _unbusy ( ) , this . debug && ( s . IPCTime = Date . now ( ) - s . JSRenderTime ) , ( this . _canvasctrl . width !== a || this . _canvasctrl . height !== n ) && ( this . _canvasctrl . width = a , this . _canvasctrl . height = n , this . _verifyColorSpace ( { subtitleColorSpace : r } ) ) , this . _ctx . clearRect ( 0 , 0 , this . _canvasctrl . width , this . _canvasctrl . height ) ;
for ( const i of e )
i . image && ( t ? ( this . _ctx . drawImage ( i . image , i . x , i . y ) , i . image . close ( ) ) : ( this . _bufferCanvas . width = i . w , this . _bufferCanvas . height = i . h , this . _bufferCtx . putImageData ( new ImageData ( this . _fixAlpha ( new Uint8ClampedArray ( i . image ) ) , i . w , i . h ) , 0 , 0 ) , this . _ctx . drawImage ( this . _bufferCanvas , i . x , i . y ) ) ) ;
if ( this . debug ) {
s . JSRenderTime = Date . now ( ) - s . JSRenderTime - s . IPCTime ;
let i = 0 ;
const o = s . bitmaps || e . length ;
delete s . bitmaps ;
for ( const d in s )
i += s [ d ] ;
console . log ( "Bitmaps: " + o + " Total: " + ( i | 0 ) + "ms" , s ) ;
_fixAlpha ( e ) {
if ( h . _hasAlphaBug )
for ( let t = 3 ; t < e . length ; t += 4 )
e [ t ] = e [ t ] > 1 ? e [ t ] : 1 ;
return e ;
_ready ( ) {
this . _init ( ) , this . dispatchEvent ( new CustomEvent ( "ready" ) ) ;
/ * *
* Send data and execute function in the worker .
* @ param { String } target Target function .
* @ param { Object } [ data ] Data for function .
* @ param { Transferable [ ] } [ transferable ] Array of transferables .
* /
async sendMessage ( e , t = { } , s ) {
await this . _loaded , s ? this . _worker . postMessage ( {
target : e ,
transferable : s ,
... t
} , [ ... s ] ) : this . _worker . postMessage ( {
target : e ,
... t
} ) ;
_fetchFromWorker ( e , t ) {
try {
const s = e . target , a = setTimeout ( ( ) => {
r ( new Error ( "Error: Timeout while try to fetch " + s ) ) ;
} , 5e3 ) , n = ( { data : i } ) => {
i . target === s && ( t ( null , i ) , this . _worker . removeEventListener ( "message" , n ) , this . _worker . removeEventListener ( "error" , r ) , clearTimeout ( a ) ) ;
} , r = ( i ) => {
t ( i ) , this . _worker . removeEventListener ( "message" , n ) , this . _worker . removeEventListener ( "error" , r ) , clearTimeout ( a ) ;
} ;
this . _worker . addEventListener ( "message" , n ) , this . _worker . addEventListener ( "error" , r ) , this . _worker . postMessage ( e ) ;
} catch ( s ) {
this . _error ( s ) ;
_console ( { content : e , command : t } ) {
console [ t ] . apply ( console , JSON . parse ( e ) ) ;
_onmessage ( { data : e } ) {
this [ "_" + e . target ] && this [ "_" + e . target ] ( e ) ;
_error ( e ) {
const t = e instanceof Error ? e : e instanceof ErrorEvent ? e . error : new Error ( e ) , s = e instanceof Event ? new ErrorEvent ( e . type , e ) : new ErrorEvent ( "error" , { error : t } ) ;
return this . dispatchEvent ( s ) , console . error ( t ) , t ;
_removeListeners ( ) {
this . _video && ( this . _ro && this . _ro . unobserve ( this . _video ) , this . _ctx && ( this . _ctx . filter = "none" ) , this . _video . removeEventListener ( "timeupdate" , this . _boundTimeUpdate ) , this . _video . removeEventListener ( "progress" , this . _boundTimeUpdate ) , this . _video . removeEventListener ( "waiting" , this . _boundTimeUpdate ) , this . _video . removeEventListener ( "seeking" , this . _boundTimeUpdate ) , this . _video . removeEventListener ( "playing" , this . _boundTimeUpdate ) , this . _video . removeEventListener ( "ratechange" , this . _boundSetRate ) , this . _video . removeEventListener ( "resize" , this . _boundResize ) , this . _video . removeEventListener ( "loadedmetadata" , this . _boundUpdateColorSpace ) ) ;
/ * *
* Destroy the object , worker , listeners and all data .
* @ param { String | Error } [ err ] Error to throw when destroying .
* /
destroy ( e ) {
return e && ( e = this . _error ( e ) ) , this . _video && this . _canvasParent && this . _video . parentNode ? . removeChild ( this . _canvasParent ) , this . _destroyed = ! 0 , this . _removeListeners ( ) , this . sendMessage ( "destroy" ) , this . _worker ? . terminate ( ) , e ;
export {
h as default
} ;