Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Luke Hubmayer-Werner 2024-12-17 21:14:21 +10:30
commit 4888f1c99f
4 changed files with 246 additions and 0 deletions

Pipfile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
url = ""
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"
fugashi = "*"
unidic = "*"
pykakasi = "*"
python_version = "3.12"

16 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
from collections import namedtuple
# store '{与|あた}えた{使命|しめい} ' as [('与','あた'), ('えた',''), ('使命','しめい'), (' ','')]
FuriBlock = namedtuple('FuriBlock', ['kanji', 'furi'])
class LyricLine:
beat_stamps: list[float] = [] # Start at zero for each line, do real timing via get_timestamps()
translated_line: str
romaji_syllables: list[str] # Allow space entries which will be skipped over when calculating timing
furi_blocks: list[FuriBlock]
def get_timestamps(self, bpm: float, start_offset: float) -> list[float]:
spb = 60.0/bpm # seconds per beat
return [(spb*beat)+start_offset for beat in self.beat_stamps]
class LyricTrack:
lines: list[LyricLine]

149 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
from format import LyricLine, FuriBlock
from fugashi import Tagger
import pykakasi
import re
kks = pykakasi.kakasi()
def to_romaji(japanese: str, separator=' ') -> str:
return separator.join([word['hepburn'] for word in kks.convert(japanese)])
katakana_to_hiragana_dict = {0x30A0+i:chr(0x3040+i) for i in range(1, 87)}
katakana_to_hiragana_dict[ord('*')] = ' '
kana_merge_previous_syllable = {k for k in 'ゃゅょぁぃぇぉぅゎんャュョァィェォゥヮン'}
kana_merge_next_syllable = {k for k in 'っッ'}
def kana_to_syllable_string(kana: str):
syl = ''
for k in (it := iter(kana)):
if k in kana_merge_next_syllable:
k += next(it)
syl += '|' + k
# Else
if k not in kana_merge_previous_syllable:
syl += '|'
syl += k
return syl
def kana_to_syllable_list(kana: str) -> list[str]:
# Kinda inefficient to work it as a string and then split it afterwards, but elegant
return kana_to_syllable_string(kana)[1:].split('|')
tagger = Tagger('-Owakati')
def parse_jp_text(text: str) -> list[tuple[str, str]]:
return [(str(token), token.feature.kana) for token in tagger(text)]
# Our custom word overrides have two levels:
# - One is a simple search-replace to turn matches into manual furigana "{kanji|furi}" format. This could have false hits on short words.
# - The latter is to override a word's kana post-tokenization, which requires it to be a dictionary word with multiple readings.
word_overrides = {'': 'しゅ'}
re_manual_furi = re.compile(r'{(.+?)\|(.+?)}')
def manual_furi_string_to_blocks(line: str) -> list[FuriBlock]:
last_unmatched_pos = 0
blocks = []
for match in re_manual_furi.finditer(line):
start = match.start()
end = match.end()
if start > last_unmatched_pos:
blocks.append(FuriBlock(line[last_unmatched_pos:start], ''))
last_unmatched_pos = end
if remainder := line[last_unmatched_pos:]:
blocks.append(FuriBlock(remainder, ''))
return blocks
# For debugging
def furi_blocks_reconstruction(blocks: list[FuriBlock]):
kanji = ''.join([b.kanji for b in blocks])
kana = ''.join([b.furi if b.furi else b.kanji for b in blocks])
return kanji, kana
def debug_parse_manual_furi_line(line: str):
blocks = manual_furi_string_to_blocks(line)
kanji, kana = furi_blocks_reconstruction(blocks)
syllables = kana_to_syllable_string(kana)
romaji_syllables = '|'.join([to_romaji(syl) for syl in syllables.split('|')])
re_hiragana = re.compile(r'[\u3041-\u309f]+')
def word_to_furi_blocks(kanji, hiragana) -> list[FuriBlock]:
# On longer words this may incorrectly split and may need manual furi, which our pipeline is not set up for
# The problem is okurigana matching to the hiragana
# In words with multiple kanji split by okurigana, this is a hard problem.
# Naive approach: pick out all the kana and make a regex
# e.g. turn '打ち合わせ' into r'(.*)ち(.*)わせ'
furi_blocks = []
kanji_block_indices = []
last_unmatched_pos = 0
furi_regex_pattern = ''
for match in re_hiragana.finditer(kanji):
start = match.start()
if start > last_unmatched_pos:
furi_regex_pattern += '(.+)'
furi_blocks.append(kanji[last_unmatched_pos:start]) # str not FuriBlock!
furi =
furi_regex_pattern += furi
last_unmatched_pos = match.end()
furi_blocks.append(FuriBlock(furi, ''))
if remainder := kanji[last_unmatched_pos:]:
furi_regex_pattern += '(.+)'
furi_blocks.append(remainder) # str not FuriBlock!
furi_groups = re.match(furi_regex_pattern, hiragana).groups() # This could be ambiguous!
for idx, furi in zip(kanji_block_indices, furi_groups):
furi_blocks[idx] = FuriBlock(furi_blocks[idx], furi) # str -> FuriBlock
return furi_blocks
def parse_japanese_line(line: str):
# Split line into plaintext segments to be tokenized, and manual furigana segments
last_unmatched_pos = 0
word_tokens = []
for match in re_manual_furi.finditer(line):
start = match.start()
end = match.end()
if start > last_unmatched_pos:
word_tokens += parse_jp_text(line[last_unmatched_pos:start]) # Process japanese plaintext
word_tokens.append(match.groups()) # Already sorted into (kanji, hiragana)
last_unmatched_pos = end
if remainder := line[last_unmatched_pos:]:
word_tokens += parse_jp_text(remainder)
# We now have a series of word tokens that have had all the manual furigana handled
output = {}
# Process the tokens
output['word_pairs'] = []
for token in (it := iter(word_tokens)):
word, katakana = token
if word[-1] == '': # MeCab splits ?って into ?っ, て so we merge it back
next_word, next_katakana = next(it)
word += next_word
katakana += next_katakana
except StopIteration:
hiragana = katakana.translate(katakana_to_hiragana_dict)
if word in word_overrides: # Note that most word replacements will instead need to be handled BEFORE tokenization!
hiragana = word_overrides[word]
output['word_pairs'].append((word, hiragana))
# Process our (kanji, hiragana) word pairs into furigana blocks
output['furi_blocks'] = [] # Must be iterated for timing
for kanji, hiragana in output['word_pairs']:
output['furi_blocks'] += word_to_furi_blocks(kanji, hiragana)
# Create word-spaced romaji syllables
output['romaji_syllables'] = [] # Will have spaces mixed in so must be iterated for timing
for _, hiragana in output['word_pairs']:
output['romaji_syllables'] += [to_romaji(s) for syl in kana_to_syllable_list(hiragana) if (s:= syl.strip())]
if output['romaji_syllables'][-1] != ' ':
output['romaji_syllables'].append(' ')
return output

67 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# Substation Alpha (ASS) generation
# Colour values are &HAABBGGRR, &HBBGGRR, or &HAA.
# Alpha is actually inverted, i.e. transparency - FF is transparent, 00 is opaque.
ass_preamble = '''[Script Info]
ScriptType: v4.00+
WrapStyle: 0
ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes
YCbCr Matrix: TV.709
PlayResX: {PlayResX}
PlayResY: {PlayResY}
[V4+ Styles]
Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding
Style: Default,Arial,72,&H002A0A00,&H000019FF,&H00FFFFFF,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,2.5,0,8,30,30,25,1
Style: Kanji,Migu 1P,{KanjiSize},&H{KaraokeColourPast},&H{KaraokeColourFuture},&H00FFFFFF,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,4.0,0,2,30,30,25,1
Style: Furigana,Migu 1P,{FuriSize},&H{KaraokeColourPast},&H{KaraokeColourFuture},&H00FFFFFF,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,2.5,0,2,30,30,0,1
Style: Romaji,Migu 1P,{RomajiSize},&H{KaraokeColourPast},&H{KaraokeColourFuture},&H00FFFFFF,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,2.5,0,8,30,30,25,1
Style: Translation,Migu 1P,{TranslationSize},&H00FFFFFF,&H000019FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,1,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,1.0,3,8,30,30,25,1
Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
format_defaults = {
'PlayResX': 1280,
'PlayResY': 720,
'TranslationSize': 48,
'RomajiSize': 60,
'KanjiSize': 72,
'FuriSize': 36,
'KaraokeColourFuture': '000019FF',
'KaraokeColourPast': 'E02A0A00',
from format import LyricTrack
def generate_ass(filename: str, lyric_track: LyricTrack, format_overloads: dict = None):
format_dict = format_defaults.copy()
if format_overloads:
preamble = ass_preamble.format(format_dict)
# Kanji Furigana layout stuff
size_kanji = format_dict['KanjiSize']
size_furi = format_dict['FuriSize']
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
# for line in lines:
# #
# for syllable in line:
# t, kanji, furi, romaji = syllable
example_layout = '''
Dialogue: 0,0:01:08.00,0:01:26.00,Kanji,,,,,,{\k0}{\K100}{\K100}{\K100}{\K100}{\K100}{\K100}から{\K100}{\K100}って{\K100}{\K100}{\K100}{\K100} {\K100}{\K100}{\K100}{\K100}{\K100}{\K100}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:08.00,0:01:26.00,Furigana,, 0,1130,,,{\k0}{\K100}あめ
Dialogue: 0,0:01:08.00,0:01:26.00,Furigana,, 0, 900,,,{\k200}{\K100}ゆき
Dialogue: 0,0:01:08.00,0:01:26.00,Furigana,, 0, 700,,,{\k400}{\K100}てん
Dialogue: 0,0:01:08.00,0:01:26.00,Furigana,, 0, 370,,,{\k600}{\K100}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:08.00,0:01:26.00,Furigana,, 0, 0,,,{\k800}{\K100}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:08.00,0:01:26.00,Furigana,, 260, 0,,,{\k1000}{\K100}うるお
Dialogue: 0,0:01:08.00,0:01:26.00,Furigana,, 570, 0,,,{\k1200}{\K100}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:08.00,0:01:26.00,Furigana,, 800, 0,,,{\k1400}{\K100}
Dialogue: 0,0:01:08.00,0:01:26.00,Translation,,,,,,Rain and snow fall from the heavens. Moisten the earth and make it sprout
Dialogue: 0,0:01:08.00,0:01:26.00,Romaji,,,,,,{\K0}{\K100}ame {\K100}ya {\K100}yuki {\K100}ga {\K100}ten {\K100}kara {\K100}fu{\K100}tte {\K100}chi {\K100}wo {\K100}uruo{\K100}shi {\K100}me {\K100}wo {\K100}da{\K100}sa {\K100}se{\K100}ru