2020-04-18 23:04:50 +09:30
extends Sprite
var held = false
onready var beltmap = $"../BeltTiles"
var dir_vectors = [Vector2(1,0), Vector2(0,-1), Vector2(-1,0), Vector2(0,1)]
2020-04-19 15:12:51 +09:30
export var cx := 5 # offset for edge feet
export var cy := 5 # offset for edge feet
onready var foot_vectors = [Vector2(0,0), Vector2(cx,cy), Vector2(cx,-cy), Vector2(-cx,-cy), Vector2(-cx,cy)]
2020-04-18 23:04:50 +09:30
var foot_weights = [3, 1, 1, 1, 1]
var total_weight = 7
#var stuck_vec = null
#var stuck_dir = -1 # For going off the end of belts
func get_belt_direction(tx, ty):
var xflip = beltmap.is_cell_x_flipped(tx, ty)
var tp = beltmap.is_cell_transposed(tx, ty)
return int(tp) + int(xflip)*2
func get_belt_rect(vec):
var origin = beltmap.map_to_world(vec)
return Rect2(to_local(origin), Vector2(8, 8))
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(delta):
var belt_speed = delta * 8
var direction = Vector2(0, 0)
for i in len(foot_vectors):
2020-04-19 15:12:51 +09:30
var vec = beltmap.world_to_map(position + foot_vectors[i].rotated(rotation))
2020-04-18 23:04:50 +09:30
if beltmap.get_cell(vec.x, vec.y) >= 0:
direction += dir_vectors[get_belt_direction(vec.x, vec.y)] * foot_weights[i]
position += direction/total_weight * belt_speed
# var vec = beltmap.world_to_map(position)
# if stuck_vec:
# if get_rect().intersects(get_belt_rect(stuck_vec)):
# position += dir_vectors[stuck_dir] * belt_speed
# return
# else:
# stuck_vec = null
# stuck_dir = -1
# var tx = vec[0]
# var ty = vec[1]
# if beltmap.get_cell(tx, ty) >= 0:
# stuck_dir = get_belt_direction(tx, ty)
# stuck_vec = vec
# position += dir_vectors[stuck_dir] * belt_speed
func _input(event):
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if not event.pressed:
held = false
elif get_rect().has_point(to_local(event.position)):
held = true
elif event is InputEventMouseMotion:
if held:
position += event.relative