28 lines
894 B
28 lines
894 B
extends Node2D
# Declare member variables here. Examples:
var screen_height := 1080
var x_margin := (1920 - screen_height)/2
var screen_center := Vector2(1920/2, screen_height/2)
var receptor_ring_radius := 460
func arc_point_list(center: Vector2, radius: float, angle_from:=0.0, angle_to:=360.0, points:=90) -> PoolVector2Array:
var point_list = PoolVector2Array()
for i in range(points + 1):
# positive Y going down makes for confusing angle plane. I prefer to work CCW as in mathematics.
var angle = -deg2rad(angle_from + i * (angle_to - angle_from) / points)
point_list.push_back(center + Vector2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * radius)
return point_list
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
#func _ready():
# pass # Replace with function body.
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass