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extends MeshInstance2D
var ring_px := 4 # Analogous to diameter
var receptor_px := 24 # Diameter
var shadow_px := 8 # Outer edge, analogous to radius
var shadow_color := Color.black
var center := Vector2(0.0, 0.0)
var ring_vertex_count := 36
var ring_skew := 0.0
func make_ring_mesh(inner_vertices: int, thickness: float, radius: float, skew:=0.5, repeat_start:=true):
# This makes a trianglestrip around the ring, consisting of chords on the inside and tangents on the outside.
# The goal is to exchange some fragment and vertex processing load:
# - a full quad of the ring would be the maximum fragment load and minimum vertex load
# - a complex mesh closely following the outline of the ring would minimize discarded fragments at the cost of increased vertex processing
# - the ideal workload ratio is probably different for each GPU and also depends on other things our program is doing
assert(inner_vertices >= 3)
assert(thickness > 0.0)
assert(radius > 0.0)
# While values of 3 and 4 are mathematically possible, they result in half of the trianglestrip being degenerate for thin lines.
# Only values of 5 and above should be used practically.
var vertices = inner_vertices * 2
# For simplicity's sake, the width of the ring will be the full thickness at the receptor points.
# For high vertex counts a slightly more optimal mesh could be constructed based on the thickness at each arc of the ring and where it would be intersected by the outer tangent.
# Essentially, we will be making an inner polygon and an outer polygon.
var angle_increment = TAU/float(inner_vertices)
var angle_outer_offset = skew*angle_increment
var r1 = radius - thickness*0.5
# Outer polygon side-length = inner side-length / sin(inside angle/2)
# inside angle for a polygon is pi-tau/n. We already precalculated tau/n for other purposes.
var r2 = (radius + thickness*0.5)/sin((PI-angle_increment)/2)
var UV_r1 = r1/radius
var UV_r2 = r2/radius
var vertex_list = PoolVector2Array()
var UV_list = PoolVector2Array()
var inner_list = PoolVector2Array()
var outer_list = PoolVector2Array()
for i in inner_vertices:
var angle_i = i * angle_increment
var angle_o = angle_i + angle_outer_offset
vertex_list.push_back(polar2cartesian(r1, angle_i))
vertex_list.push_back(polar2cartesian(r2, angle_o))
UV_list.push_back(polar2cartesian(UV_r1, angle_i))
UV_list.push_back(polar2cartesian(UV_r2, angle_o))
if repeat_start:
return [vertex_list, inner_list, outer_list, UV_list]
func triangle_area(a: Vector2, b: Vector2, c: Vector2) -> float:
return 0.5 * abs((a.x-c.x)*(b.y-a.y) - (a.x-b.x)*(c.y-a.y))
func inscribe_polygon_area(r: float, sides: int) -> float:
return 0.5 * sides * r * r * sin(TAU/sides)
func circumscribe_polygon_area(r: float, sides: int) -> float:
return sides * r * r * tan(PI/sides)
func arc_point_list(center: Vector2, radius: float, angle_from:=0.0, angle_to:=360.0, points:=90) -> PoolVector2Array:
var point_list = PoolVector2Array()
for i in range(points):
var angle = deg2rad(angle_from + i * (angle_to - angle_from) / (points-1))
point_list.push_back(center + polar2cartesian(radius, angle))
return point_list
func draw_old(circles:=true, shadows:=true): # Receptor ring
var receptor_circle := arc_point_list(center, GameTheme.receptor_ring_radius, 0.0, 360.0, 360)
var receptor_centers := arc_point_list(center, GameTheme.receptor_ring_radius, Rules.FIRST_COLUMN_ANGLE_DEG, Rules.FIRST_COLUMN_ANGLE_DEG+360.0-Rules.COLS_ANGLE_DEG, Rules.COLS)
if shadows:
draw_polyline(receptor_circle, shadow_color, ring_px + shadow_px/2, true)
if circles:
for i in range(len(receptor_centers)):
draw_circle(receptor_centers[i], receptor_px/2 + shadow_px, shadow_color)
draw_polyline(receptor_circle, GameTheme.receptor_color, ring_px, true)
if circles:
for i in range(len(receptor_centers)):
draw_circle(receptor_centers[i], receptor_px/2, GameTheme.receptor_color)
func draw_tris():
var dbg_color = Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
draw_polyline(ring_vertices[0], dbg_color)
draw_polyline(ring_vertices[1], dbg_color)
draw_polyline(ring_vertices[2], dbg_color)
var ring_vertices
func update_ring_mesh():
var ring_thickness = receptor_px + shadow_px*2
ring_vertices = make_ring_mesh(ring_vertex_count, ring_thickness, GameTheme.receptor_ring_radius, ring_skew)
var temp_mesh = ArrayMesh.new()
var mesh_arrays = []
mesh_arrays[Mesh.ARRAY_VERTEX] = ring_vertices[0]
mesh_arrays[Mesh.ARRAY_TEX_UV] = ring_vertices[3]
# mesh_arrays[Mesh.ARRAY_COLOR] = colors
temp_mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, mesh_arrays)
mesh = temp_mesh
func _draw():
# draw_old(true, true)
# draw_tris()
var mesh_v = ring_vertex_count
var ring_thickness = receptor_px + shadow_px*2
var estimated_area = circumscribe_polygon_area(GameTheme.receptor_ring_radius+ring_thickness*0.5, mesh_v) - inscribe_polygon_area(GameTheme.receptor_ring_radius-ring_thickness*0.5, mesh_v)
var ideal_ring_area = PI * (pow(GameTheme.receptor_ring_radius+receptor_px/2+shadow_px, 2) - pow(GameTheme.receptor_ring_radius-receptor_px/2-shadow_px, 2))
var quad_area = 4*pow(GameTheme.receptor_ring_radius+receptor_px/2+shadow_px, 2)
# $"/root/main/InputHandler".text = "Vertices: %d*2 Skew: %.3f\nArea: %.0f\n(%.0f%% ideal ring)\n(%.0f%% quad)\nFPS: %.0f"%[mesh_v, skew, estimated_area, 100.0*estimated_area/ideal_ring_area, 100.0*estimated_area/quad_area, fps]
material.set_shader_param("dot_radius", 0.5*receptor_px/GameTheme.receptor_ring_radius)
material.set_shader_param("line_thickness", 0.5*ring_px/GameTheme.receptor_ring_radius)
material.set_shader_param("shadow_thickness", shadow_px/GameTheme.receptor_ring_radius)
material.set_shader_param("shadow_thickness_taper", -0.75)
material.set_shader_param("px", 0.5/GameTheme.receptor_ring_radius)
func set_ring_vertex_count(num: int):
assert(num > 3)
ring_vertex_count = num
func set_ring_skew(skew: int):
ring_skew = skew
func set_receptor_positions(skew:=0.0):
var receptor_array_image := Image.new()
receptor_array_image.create(8, 8, false, Image.FORMAT_RF)
for i in Rules.COLS:
receptor_array_image.set_pixel(i%8, i/8, Color(GameTheme.RADIAL_COL_ANGLES[i]+skew, 0.0, 0.0))
var receptor_data_tex = ImageTexture.new()
receptor_data_tex.create_from_image(receptor_array_image, 0)
material.set_shader_param("num_receptors", Rules.COLS)
func _ready():
# $"../InputHandler/VerticesSlider".connect("value_changed", self, "set_ring_vertex_count")
# $"../InputHandler/SkewSlider".connect("value_changed", self, "set_ring_skew")
$"/root".connect("size_changed", self, "update")
func _process(delta):
if not Engine.editor_hint: