-- IMPORTANT: No table specified for a type means autodetect, -- empty table specified for a type means no tracks for that type! -- To change the music used in each circumstance, add the file name of the track, ("Earth.ogg", for example) -- inside the curly brackets of that circumstance (in the curly brackets of "--peace = {}," for example). -- The file (e.g. "Earth.ogg") must be in the corresponding sub folder of [InsertGameDataFolderHere]/sounds/music -- as the circumstance you want it to be played in ([InsertGameDataFolderHere]/sounds/music/peace for example). local tracks = { --war = {}, --peace = {}, --victory = {}, --briefing = {}, --defeat = {}, } -- auto-appends directory and extension to the track names -- can be removed if you want to specify directory yourself for type,list in pairs(tracks) do for i=1,#list do list[i] = "sounds/music/"..type.."/"..list[i]..".ogg" end end return tracks