# Untitled Android PDF Reader Minimum Viable Goals: - [x] Continuous Horizontal Scroll - unreasonably rare feature - [x] Presentation View - i.e. show on an external monitor - haven't seen another app do this yet! - [x] Immersive View - no system status bar etc. - [x] Autocrop margins - [ ] Open files the Android way - currently just a bundled test file - [ ] Delete+Reorder Pages - doesn't have to save the source file, but does need to save a change journal - - [x] Tap thumbnails to hide/show pages - - [ ] Drag thumbnails to rearrange pages - - [ ] Save metadata of these actions between sessions - [ ] Text Annotations - as above Stretch Goals: - [ ] Networked View: - - [ ] send PDF file to another client - - [ ] synchronize views for different readers - - [ ] coordinate views for one reader multiscreen - [ ] Pen Annotations - [ ] Autocrop undesired elements (e.g. logo in top right corner, copyright footer) - [ ] Improve overall UI