93 lines
3.2 KiB
93 lines
3.2 KiB
from json import load
from string import ascii_uppercase
import numpy as np
import re
from functools import reduce
from time import perf_counter
t0 = perf_counter()
Charmask = np.int32
char2bit = {c:1<<(ord(c)-ord('A')) for c in ascii_uppercase}
bit2char = {k:v for v,k in char2bit.items()}
def load_dictionary(filename):
print(f"Loading dictionary at {filename}")
regex = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z]{"+f"{WORD_LENGTH}"+r"}$")
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
words = [line.strip().upper() for line in file.readlines() if regex.match(line)]
print(f"Loaded {len(words)} words")
return words
def bitify_word(word):
return [char2bit[c] for c in word]
def bitify_words(words):
return np.array([bitify_word(word) for word in words], dtype=Charmask)
# So this time around we'll play SoA instead of AoS and see how we go
WORDS = load_dictionary("words-kura")
WORDS_B = bitify_words(WORDS)
WORDS_BM = np.bitwise_or.reduce(WORDS_B, 1)
WORDS_B_BM = np.vstack((WORDS_B.T, [WORDS_BM])).T # Bitmask in last column
def _generate_wordcache_nested(cache, subcache, keymask, depth, lastidx):
# Guess we'll have subcache as WORDS_BM for now
for idx in range(lastidx, 26):
ib = 1<<idx
sc2 = subcache[subcache[:,-1] & keymask == keymask]
if len(sc2) > 0:
cache[keymask] = sc2
km2 = keymask | ib
if depth > 0:
_generate_wordcache_nested(cache, sc2, km2, depth-1, idx+1)
def generate_wordcache(valid_words):
valid_solutions = valid_words[:N_SOLUTIONS]
cache = {}
_generate_wordcache_nested(cache, valid_solutions, 0, 5, 0)
return cache
def simulate(guess_ids):
# We can merge all of our guesses into a single set of masks
guess_aggregate = np.bitwise_or.reduce(WORDS_B_BM[guess_ids], 0)
# We can check our guess contents against all possible solutions
required_chars = guess_aggregate[-1] & WORDS_BM[:N_SOLUTIONS]
banned_chars = np.tile(guess_aggregate[-1] & ~WORDS_BM[:N_SOLUTIONS], (5,1)).T
# Now we need to go through each character position and determine hits and misses
hits = guess_aggregate[:-1] & WORDS_B[:N_SOLUTIONS]
banned_chars |= guess_aggregate[:-1] & ~WORDS_B[:N_SOLUTIONS]
banned_chars[hits > 0] |= ~hits[hits > 0] # Feels a bit dodge but can't think of anything better
worst_remaining = 0
worst_idx = 0
print('About to loop')
for sol in range(0, N_SOLUTIONS):
if required_chars[sol] in CACHE:
remaining = sum(~(CACHE[required_chars[sol]][:,:-1] & banned_chars[sol,:]).any(1))
if remaining > worst_remaining:
worst_remaining = remaining
worst_idx = sol
print(f'Completed {guess_ids} of {len(WORDS_B)} - {worst_remaining} words against solution {worst_idx}')
return worst_remaining, worst_idx
t1 = perf_counter()
CACHE = generate_wordcache(WORDS_B_BM)
print(f'Generated cache with {len(CACHE)} keys')
t2 = perf_counter()
worst_per_guess = [simulate([guess]) for guess in range(0, 1000)]
t3 = perf_counter()
print(f'Setup time: {t1-t0} \tCachegen time: {t2-t1} \tLoop time: {t3-t2}') |