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2022-12-22 11:09:01 +10:30
2022-12-22 15:09:36 +10:30
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
2022-12-22 11:09:01 +10:30
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
2022-12-19 18:20:18 +10:30
val inputLines ="input/19").getLines.toArray
val sampleLines = """
Blueprint 1: Each ore robot costs 4 ore. Each clay robot costs 2 ore. Each obsidian robot costs 3 ore and 14 clay. Each geode robot costs 2 ore and 7 obsidian.
Blueprint 2: Each ore robot costs 2 ore. Each clay robot costs 3 ore. Each obsidian robot costs 3 ore and 8 clay. Each geode robot costs 3 ore and 12 obsidian.
val numberPattern = raw"((?:(?<!\d)-)?\d+)".r
extension (i: Int) def ceilDiv(j: Int): Int = (i+j-1) / j
2022-12-19 20:17:26 +10:30
def blueprintQuality(line: String, tMax: Int=24): (Int, Int, Int) =
2022-12-19 18:20:18 +10:30
val nums = numberPattern.findAllIn(line).map(_.toInt).toArray
// Kill me
val bp = nums(0)
val cost_orebot_ore = nums(1)
val cost_claybot_ore = nums(2)
val cost_obsbot_ore = nums(3)
val cost_obsbot_clay = nums(4)
val cost_geodebot_ore = nums(5)
val cost_geodebot_obs = nums(6)
2022-12-20 00:03:57 +10:30
val max_cost_ore = cost_orebot_ore max cost_claybot_ore max cost_obsbot_ore max cost_geodebot_ore
2022-12-19 20:17:26 +10:30
2022-12-22 15:09:36 +10:30
val maxPossibleInXMinutes = (0 to tMax).toArray
for i <- 1 to tMax do
2022-12-19 20:17:26 +10:30
maxPossibleInXMinutes(i) = maxPossibleInXMinutes(i-1) + i
def simStep(t: Int, numRobots: Array[Int], numRes: Array[Int], totalGeodes: Int=0, maxGeodes: Int=0): Int =
var mostGeodes = totalGeodes max maxGeodes
if t >= tMax then return mostGeodes
if (totalGeodes + maxPossibleInXMinutes(tMax-t)) <= mostGeodes then return mostGeodes
2022-12-19 18:20:18 +10:30
var (dt, tn) = (0, 0)
2022-12-19 22:13:42 +10:30
// Try to make a Geode robot
if numRobots(2) > 0 then
dt = 1 max (((cost_geodebot_ore - numRes(0)) ceilDiv numRobots(0)) + 1) // Must always spend at least 1 minute to build
dt = dt max (((cost_geodebot_obs - numRes(2)) ceilDiv numRobots(2)) + 1) // Must always spend at least 1 minute to build
tn = t + dt
if tn < tMax then
val nextRes = (numRes zip numRobots).map((b,f) => b + f*dt).toArray
nextRes(0) -= cost_geodebot_ore
nextRes(2) -= cost_geodebot_obs
mostGeodes = mostGeodes max simStep(tn, numRobots, nextRes, totalGeodes + (tMax-tn), mostGeodes)
// Try to make an Obs robot
2022-12-20 00:03:57 +10:30
if numRobots(1) > 0 && numRobots(2) < cost_geodebot_obs then
2022-12-19 22:13:42 +10:30
dt = 1 max (((cost_obsbot_ore - numRes(0)) ceilDiv numRobots(0)) + 1) // Must always spend at least 1 minute to build
dt = dt max (((cost_obsbot_clay - numRes(1)) ceilDiv numRobots(1)) + 1) // Must always spend at least 1 minute to build
tn = t + dt
if tn < (tMax-1) then // any obsidian past that point is worthless
val nextRobots = numRobots.toArray
nextRobots(2) += 1
val nextRes = (numRes zip numRobots).map((b,f) => b + f*dt).toArray
nextRes(0) -= cost_obsbot_ore
nextRes(1) -= cost_obsbot_clay
mostGeodes = mostGeodes max simStep(tn, nextRobots, nextRes, totalGeodes, mostGeodes)
2022-12-19 18:20:18 +10:30
// Try to make an Ore robot
2022-12-20 00:03:57 +10:30
if numRobots(0) < max_cost_ore then
dt = 1 max (((cost_orebot_ore - numRes(0)) ceilDiv numRobots(0)) + 1) // Must always spend at least 1 minute to build
tn = t + dt
if tn < (tMax-1) then // any ore past that point is worthless
val nextRobots = numRobots.toArray
nextRobots(0) += 1
val nextRes = (numRes zip numRobots).map((b,f) => b + f*dt).toArray
nextRes(0) -= cost_orebot_ore
mostGeodes = mostGeodes max simStep(tn, nextRobots, nextRes, totalGeodes, mostGeodes)
2022-12-19 18:20:18 +10:30
// Try to make a Clay robot
2022-12-20 00:03:57 +10:30
if numRobots(1) < cost_obsbot_clay then
dt = 1 max (((cost_claybot_ore - numRes(0)) ceilDiv numRobots(0)) + 1) // Must always spend at least 1 minute to build
tn = t + dt
if tn < (tMax-2) then // any clay past that point is worthless, needs to turn to obs
val nextRobots = numRobots.toArray
nextRobots(1) += 1
val nextRes = (numRes zip numRobots).map((b,f) => b + f*dt).toArray
nextRes(0) -= cost_claybot_ore
mostGeodes = mostGeodes max simStep(tn, nextRobots, nextRes, totalGeodes, mostGeodes)
2022-12-19 20:17:26 +10:30
return totalGeodes max mostGeodes
2022-12-19 18:20:18 +10:30
2022-12-19 20:17:26 +10:30
val mostGeodes = simStep(0, Vector(1,0,0).toArray, Vector(0,0,0).toArray)
2022-12-19 18:20:18 +10:30
val quality = mostGeodes * bp
2022-12-22 11:09:01 +10:30
println(s"Blueprint $bp at $tMax minutes: most geodes $mostGeodes = quality score $quality")
2022-12-19 20:17:26 +10:30
return (bp, mostGeodes, quality)
2022-12-19 18:20:18 +10:30
@main def main() =
2022-12-22 15:09:36 +10:30
val p2Futures = Future.sequence(inputLines.take(3).map(line => Future(blueprintQuality(line, 32)(1)))) // Start p2 first since p1 threads finish faster and there are only 3 p2 threads
2022-12-22 11:09:01 +10:30
val p1Futures = Future.sequence( => Future(blueprintQuality(line)(2))))
2022-12-22 15:09:36 +10:30
println(s"Part 1: total quality score: ${Await.result(p1Futures, Duration.Inf).sum}")
println(s"Part 2: ${Await.result(p2Futures, Duration.Inf).product}")