Basic port of battle tilemap decompression

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Luke Hubmayer-Werner 2023-08-12 22:56:01 +09:30
parent 89de2cc71d
commit 32d3cbcce4
1 changed files with 67 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
extends Node
const LENGTH := 0x500 / 2 # Expanded length 0x500, RLE step produces 0x280 bytes
func decompress_battle_tilemap(buffer: StreamPeerBuffer) -> PoolByteArray:
# Decompresses the tilemap for a battle background.
# Battle BGs use a type of RLE with 2byte repeat and 1byte incremental repeat.
var o1 := PoolByteArray()
while len(o1) < LENGTH:
var byte := buffer.get_u8()
if byte != 0xFF:
else: # Byte begins a repeat code
var repeat_code := buffer.get_u8()
var repeat := repeat_code & 0x3F
byte = buffer.get_u8()
if repeat_code & 0x80: # Repeat 2 tiles
var b := buffer.get_u8()
for i in repeat:
else: # Incremental repeat
var inc := buffer.get_u8()
if repeat_code & 0x40: # Negative increment
inc = -inc
for i in repeat:
o1.append(byte + (inc * i))
var output := PoolByteArray()
for byte in o1:
# 0bYXXXXXXX -> 0b0000YY00_1XXXXXXX
output.append(byte | 0x80)
output.append(((1+(byte>>7)) << 2) & 0xDF)
return output
func apply_battle_tilemap_flips(buffer: StreamPeerBuffer, id: int, tilemap: PoolByteArray):
if id==0xFF:
return tilemap*2))
var ptr := 0x140000 + buffer.get_u16()
var output = tilemap
var tile_i := 0
while tile_i < LENGTH:
var a := buffer.get_u8()
if a == 0x00: # Skip N*8 tiles
tile_i += buffer.get_u8() * 8
# Each bit is a tile, 1 means flip horizontally
for b in range(7, -1, -1):
var tile_flip := (a>>b) & 0x01
output[(tile_i*2)+1] |= tile_flip << 6 # Set the OAM flag for this tile
tile_i += 1
return output
class TileMapping:
var tile_index: int
var palette: int
var priority: int
var h_flip: int
var v_flip: int
func _init(w: int):
self.tile_index = w & 0x03FF
self.palette = (w & 0x1C00) >> 10
self.priority = (w & 0x2000) >> 13
self.h_flip = (w & 0x4000) >> 14
self.v_flip = (w & 0x8000) >> 15