
39 lines
2.7 KiB

Label SNES PSX_file PSX_offset format Comment
locations_bg_palettes 0x03BB00 /nar/ff5_binx.bin 0x03BF80 43 of Palette128Of555
worldmap_blocks 0x0FF0C0 /nar/ff5_binx.bin 0x040300 3 of 4 of 192 of u8 # Top-left corners, top-right corners, bottom-left corners, bottom-right corners
worldmap_tiles.bias 0x0FF9C0 /nar/ff5_bin3.bin 0x03FB00 3 of 256 of u8 Add to each pixel of the mode7c tiles
worldmap_palettes 0x0FFCC0 /nar/ff5_binx.bin 0x040000 3 of Palette128Of555
worldmap_tiles.0 0x1B8000 /nar/ff5_bin3.bin 0x039B00 256 of TileSNESMode7c Add the biases
worldmap_tiles.1 0x1BA000 /nar/ff5_bin3.bin 0x039B00 256 of TileSNESMode7c Add the biases
worldmap_tiles.2 0x1BC000 /nar/ff5_bin3.bin 0x039B00 128 of TileSNESMode7c Add the biases
character_battle_sprite_tiles 0x120000 /mnu/men_bin.eng 0x010200 5 of 22 of 48 of TileSNES4bpp
character_battle_sprite_palettes 0x14A3C0 /btl/ff5_btl.bin 0x0273C0 5 of 22 of Palette16Of555 Also /mnu/men_bin.eng:0x03A5C0
character_battle_sprite_layouts 0x14B997 /btl/ff5_btl.bin 0x028997 11 of 6 of u8
character_battle_sprite_disabled_palette 0x00F867 /mnu/memsave.bin 0x000034 Palette16Of555
character_battle_sprite_stone_palette 0x00F807 N/A N/A Palette16Of555 Also 0x199835
tiles_fist 0x11D710 /btl/ff5_btl.bin 0x021D10 TileSNES3bpp Also /mnu/men_bin.eng:0x00D910
tbl_weapons 0x110000 128 of WeaponData length 0x600
tbl_armors 0x110600 96 of ArmorData length 0x480
tbl_items 0x110A80 32 of ItemData length 0x100
tbl_magic 0x110B80 256 of MagicData length 0x800
tbl_equip_types 0x112480 64 of 4 of u8 length 0x100 - Item Equipment type definitions (64x4 bytes, 2B weapon, 2B armor)
tbl_armors_elem_def 0x112580 64 of ElemDef length 0x140 - Item Armor Element defense 64x(5B - absorb, evade, immunity, half, weakness)
tbl_armors_status 0x1126C0 64 of StatusEffect length 0x1C0 - Item Armor Status defense 64x(7B - 4B Initial, 3B Immune)
tbl_prices_items 0x112A00 256 of ItemCost length 0x200
tbl_prices_magic 0x112C00 128 of ItemCost length 0x100
tbl_charlevels_exp 0x115000 99 of u24
tbl_charlevels_hp_base 0x115129 99 of u16
tbl_charlevels_mp_base 0x1151EF 99 of u16
ptrs_job_ability_lists 0x1152C0 21 of u16
job_ability_counts 0x1152EA 22 of u8
job_ability_lists 0x115300 length 0x12C - u16 ABP required, u8 ID. Pointers are from bank 0x110000 and start at $5300
tbl_char_stat_bonuses 0x11551E 5 of 4 of u8
tbl_job_base_stats 0x1156B0 22 of 4 of u8
tbl_job_default_equipment 0x115708 22 of 4 of u8
tbl_job_default_commands 0x115760 22 of 4 of u8
tbl_job_innates 0x1157B8 22 of u16
tbl_ability_stats_commands 0x115E00 256 of 4 of u8 length 0x400
tbl_ability_stats_passives 0x116308 33 of 4 of u8 length 0x84
character_initial_data 0x117000 4 of Character length 0x140