
392 lines
16 KiB
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2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
#!/usr/bin/python3 -i
2017-03-11 19:18:33 +10:30
This file is part of ff5reader.
ff5reader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ff5reader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with ff5reader. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2017-03-11 19:18:33 +10:30
import sys
2023-07-22 16:42:36 +09:30
import re
from struct import unpack
2017-03-13 23:20:19 +10:30
import time
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
from typing import Iterable
from includes.helpers import *
from includes.qthelpers import *
from includes.snestile import (
generate_glyphs, generate_glyphs_large, generate_palette,
create_tile, create_tile_indexed,
create_tile_mode7_compressed, create_tile_mode7_compressed_indexed,
bg_color, bg_trans,
Canvas, Canvas_Indexed
from includes.snes import *
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
import includes.ff5.const as const
from includes.ff5.strings import StringBlock, RPGe_Dialogue_Width
from includes.ff5.strings import Strings as FFVStrings
2023-07-22 19:08:46 +09:30
import includes.ff5.structs as FFVStructs
import includes.ff4 as ff4
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
import includes.ff5 as ff5
import includes.ff6 as ff6
2017-03-11 19:18:33 +10:30
2023-07-22 15:58:09 +09:30
filename_jp_ff4 = 'roms/Final Fantasy IV (Japan) (Rev A).sfc'
filename_jp_ff6 = 'roms/Final Fantasy VI (Japan).sfc'
2017-03-11 19:18:33 +10:30
class FF5Reader(QMainWindow):
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
Main GUI class
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
def __init__(self):
QMainWindow.__init__(self, None)
print('Reading ROMs')
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
ROM_en = ff5.files.ROM_RPGe
ROM_jp = ff5.files.ROM_SNES
ROM_FF4jp = load_raw(filename_jp_ff4)
ROM_FF6jp = load_raw(filename_jp_ff6)
print(len(ROM_FF4jp), filename_jp_ff4)
print(len(ROM_FF6jp), filename_jp_ff6)
print('Generating Glyphs')
self.glyph_sprites = {
'glyphs_en_s': generate_glyphs(ROM_en, 0x11F000),
'glyphs_en_l': generate_glyphs_large(ROM_en, 0x03E800),
'glyphs_jp_s': generate_glyphs(ROM_jp, 0x11F000),
'glyphs_jp_l': generate_glyphs_large(ROM_jp, 0x03E800),
'glyphs_kanji': generate_glyphs_large(ROM_jp, 0x1BD000, 0x1AA), # Kanji are unchanged in EN version
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
imglist_headers = ['ID', 'EN Pointer', 'EN Address', 'EN String', 'EN Img', 'JP Pointer', 'JP Address', 'JP String', 'JP Img']
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
print('Generating String Images')
string_images = {k: _make_string_img_list(*FFVStrings.blocks_SNES_RPGe[k], large=config.get('dialog'), **self.glyph_sprites) for k,config in FFVStrings.config.items()}
2023-07-22 16:42:36 +09:30
ends_in_digit = re.compile('^([\w_]+)(\d+)')
for k in sorted(list(string_images.keys())): # Pre-generate keys as we destructively iterate the dict
if m := ends_in_digit.match(k):
k0 = m[1]
n = int(m[2])
print(f'Collapsing strings list {k} into {k0}')
string_images[k0] += string_images.pop(k)
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
tileset_headers = ("ID", "Offset", "Pointer", "Expected Length")
tileset_data = []
for i in range(0x1C):
offset = 0x0F0000 + (i*2)
pointer = 0x0F0000 + indirect(ROM_en, offset)
length = indirect(ROM_en, offset+2) - indirect(ROM_en, offset)
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
tileset_data.append((hex(i, 2), hex(offset, 6), hex(pointer, 6), hex(length, 4)))
npc_layers = []
offset = 0x0E59C0
for layer in range(const.npc_layer_count):
i = offset + (layer*2)
start = indirect(ROM_en, i) + offset
next = indirect(ROM_en, i+2) + offset
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
npcs = (next - start) // 7
for npc in range(npcs):
address = start + (npc*7)
npc_layers.append([hex(i, 6), hex(layer, 3)] + parse_struct(ROM_en, address, const.npc_layer_structure))
print('Generating map tiles')
worldmap_palettes = [generate_palette(ROM_jp, 0x0FFCC0+(i*0x100), length=0x160, transparent=True) for i in range(3)]
2018-03-27 23:19:20 +10:30
world_tiles = [make_worldmap_blocks(ROM_jp, 0x0FF0C0+(i*0x300), 0x1B8000+(i*0x2000), 0x0FF9C0+(i*0x100)) for i in range(3)]
2018-04-01 21:47:26 +09:30
#worldpixmaps = [make_worldmap_pixmap(ROM_jp, i, 0x0FFCC0+(t*0x100), world_tiles[t]) for i, t in enumerate([0, 1, 0, 2, 2])]
2018-03-27 23:19:20 +10:30
world_blocks_pixmaps = []
for i, tiles in enumerate(world_tiles):
a = []
for t in tiles:
2018-03-27 23:19:20 +10:30
2018-04-01 21:47:26 +09:30
world_tile_stitches = [stitch_tileset_px(t) for t in world_blocks_pixmaps]
worldpixmaps = [make_worldmap_pixmap2(ROM_jp, i, world_tile_stitches[t]) for i, t in enumerate([0, 1, 0, 2, 2])]
2018-03-27 23:19:20 +10:30
worldmap_tiles = make_worldmap_tiles_pixmap(ROM_jp, 0x1B8000, 0x0FF9C0, 0x0FFCC0)
worldmap_tiles += make_worldmap_tiles_pixmap(ROM_jp, 0x1BA000, 0x0FFAC0, 0x0FFDC0)
worldmap_tiles += make_worldmap_tiles_pixmap(ROM_jp, 0x1BC000, 0x0FFBC0, 0x0FFEC0, length=128)
2018-03-27 23:19:20 +10:30
field_tiles = make_all_field_tiles(ROM_jp)
field_minitiles = make_all_field_minitiles(ROM_jp)
st_field_tiles = [stitch_tileset(ts) for ts in field_tiles]
st_field_minitiles = [stitch_tileset(ts) for ts in field_minitiles]
fieldmap_tiles = [make_field_map_tile_pixmap(ROM_jp, i, st_field_tiles, st_field_minitiles) for i in range(const.zone_count)]
2018-03-27 23:19:20 +10:30
print('Generating field map blocks')
zones = [parse_zone(ROM_jp, i) for i in range(const.zone_count)]
field_blocksets = [get_field_map_block_layouts(ROM_jp, i) for i in range(28)]
blockmaps = get_blockmaps(ROM_jp)
field_blocks = []
zone_pxs = []
block_cache = {'misses': 0, 'p_hits': 0, 'i_hits': 0}
zone_px_cache = {'misses': 0, 'hits': 0}
fm_blocks = [make_field_map_blocks_px(ROM_jp, z, field_tiles, field_minitiles, field_blocksets, block_cache) for z in zones]
#fm_blocks = [make_field_map_blocks_px2(ROM_jp, z, field_tiles, field_minitiles, field_blocksets, block_cache) for z in zones]
print('Block cache results: {misses} misses, {p_hits} full hits, {i_hits} palette misses'.format(**block_cache))
for i, z in enumerate(zones):
blocks, miniblocks = fm_blocks[i]
field_blocks.append(stitch_tileset_px([b.all for b in blocks+miniblocks]))
zone_pxs += make_zone_pxs(blocks, miniblocks, blockmaps, z, zone_px_cache)
#zone_pxs += make_zone_pxs2(blocks, miniblocks, blockmaps, z, zone_px_cache)
print('Zone pixmap cache results: {misses} misses, {hits} hits'.format(**zone_px_cache))
2018-03-27 23:19:20 +10:30
del block_cache
del zone_px_cache
2018-03-27 23:19:20 +10:30
print('Generating Battle backgrounds')
battle_bgs = make_battle_backgrounds(ROM_jp)
print('Generating other sprites')
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
self.battle_strips = make_character_battle_sprites(ROM_en)
status_strips = make_character_status_sprites(ROM_en)
enemy_sprites = make_enemy_sprites(ROM_en)
2023-07-22 19:08:46 +09:30
enemy_sprite_data = FFVStructs.EnemySprite.get_data(ROM_en)
enemy_sprites_named = [stack_labels(s, d[-2]) for s, d in zip(enemy_sprites, enemy_sprite_data)]
print('Generating FF4 and FF6 stuff')
self.battle_strips_ff4 = ff4.make_character_battle_sprites(ROM_FF4jp)
self.field_strips_ff4 = ff4.make_character_field_sprites(ROM_FF4jp)
self.portraits_ff4 = ff4.make_character_portrait_sprites(ROM_FF4jp)
self.battle_strips_ff6 = ff6.make_character_battle_sprites(ROM_FF6jp)
self.portraits_ff6 = ff6.make_character_portrait_sprites(ROM_FF6jp)
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
2018-03-27 01:11:40 +10:30
print('Creating Qt Widgets')
self.gamewidget = QTabWidget()
self.ff4widget = QTabWidget()
self.ff5widget = QTabWidget()
self.ff6widget = QTabWidget()
self.gamewidget.addTab(self.ff5widget, 'FFV')
self.gamewidget.addTab(self.ff4widget, 'FFIV')
self.gamewidget.addTab(self.ff6widget, 'FFVI')
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
strings_tab = QTabWidget()
structs_tab = QTabWidget()
sprites_tab = QTabWidget()
2018-03-27 23:19:20 +10:30
backgrounds_tab = QTabWidget()
self.ff5widget.addTab(strings_tab, 'Strings')
self.ff5widget.addTab(structs_tab, 'Structs')
self.ff5widget.addTab(sprites_tab, 'Images')
2018-03-27 23:19:20 +10:30
self.ff5widget.addTab(backgrounds_tab, 'Backgrounds')
sprites_tab.addTab(make_px_table(self.glyph_sprites['glyphs_en_s'], scale=4), 'Glyphs (EN)')
sprites_tab.addTab(make_px_table(self.glyph_sprites['glyphs_en_l'], scale=2), 'Glyphs (Dialogue EN)')
sprites_tab.addTab(make_px_table(self.glyph_sprites['glyphs_jp_s'], scale=4), 'Glyphs (JP)')
sprites_tab.addTab(make_px_table(self.glyph_sprites['glyphs_jp_l'], scale=2), 'Glyphs (Large JP)')
sprites_tab.addTab(make_px_table(self.glyph_sprites['glyphs_kanji'], scale=2),'Glyphs (Kanji)')
sprites_tab.addTab(make_px_table(self.battle_strips, cols=22, scale=2), 'Character Battle Sprites')
sprites_tab.addTab(make_px_table(status_strips, cols=22, scale=2), 'Status Sprites')
sprites_tab.addTab(make_px_table(enemy_sprites_named, cols=32, scale=1), 'Enemy Sprites')
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
2018-03-27 23:19:20 +10:30
backgrounds_tab.addTab(make_px_table(worldmap_tiles, cols=16, scale=4), 'Worldmap Tiles')
backgrounds_tab.addTab(make_px_table(world_blocks_pixmaps[0], cols=16, scale=4), 'World 1 Blocks')
backgrounds_tab.addTab(make_px_table(world_blocks_pixmaps[1], cols=16, scale=4), 'World 2 Blocks')
backgrounds_tab.addTab(make_px_table(world_blocks_pixmaps[2], cols=16, scale=4), 'Underwater Blocks')
backgrounds_tab.addTab(make_px_table(worldpixmaps, cols=1, scale=1, large=True), 'Worldmaps')
backgrounds_tab.addTab(make_px_table(fieldmap_tiles, cols=16, scale=1), 'Fieldmap Tiles')
2018-03-27 23:19:20 +10:30
backgrounds_tab.addTab(make_px_table(field_blocks, cols=16, scale=1), 'Field Blocks')
backgrounds_tab.addTab(make_px_table(zone_pxs, cols=4, scale=1, large=1, basicrows=True), 'Zone')
2018-03-27 23:19:20 +10:30
backgrounds_tab.addTab(make_px_table(battle_bgs, cols=8, scale=1), 'Battle BGs')
2018-03-27 23:19:20 +10:30
self.ff4widget.addTab(make_px_table(self.battle_strips_ff4, cols=16, scale=2), 'Character Battle Sprites')
self.ff4widget.addTab(make_px_table(self.portraits_ff4, cols=14, scale=2), 'Character Portraits')
self.ff4widget.addTab(make_px_table(self.field_strips_ff4, cols=17, scale=2), 'Character Field Sprites')
self.ff6widget.addTab(make_px_table(self.battle_strips_ff6, cols=32, scale=2), 'Character Sprites')
self.ff6widget.addTab(make_px_table(self.portraits_ff6, cols=19, scale=2), 'Character Portraits')
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
2023-07-22 19:08:46 +09:30
structs_tab.addTab(make_table(FFVStructs.ZoneData.get_headers(), FFVStructs.ZoneData.get_data(ROM_en), True), 'Zones')
structs_tab.addTab(make_table(FFVStructs.BattleBackground.get_headers(), FFVStructs.BattleBackground.get_data(ROM_jp), True), 'BattleBGs')
structs_tab.addTab(make_table(FFVStructs.EnemySprite.get_headers(), enemy_sprite_data, True), 'Enemy Sprites')
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
structs_tab.addTab(make_table(tileset_headers, tileset_data, True), 'Tilesets')
structs_tab.addTab(make_table(const.npc_layer_headers, npc_layers, True), 'NPC Layers')
2023-07-22 19:08:46 +09:30
# Strings tabs
2023-07-22 16:42:36 +09:30
for k, images in string_images.items():
scale = 1 if FFVStrings.config[k].get('dialog') else 2
caption = ' '.join(f'{w[0].upper()}{w[1:]}' for w in k.split('_'))
strings_tab.addTab(make_table(imglist_headers, images, row_labels=False, scale=scale), caption)
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
self.string_decoder = QWidget()
self.decoder_input = QLineEdit()
self.decoder_layout = QVBoxLayout()
strings_tab.addTab(self.string_decoder, 'String Decoder')
layout = QHBoxLayout()
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
self.main_widget = QWidget(self)
2018-03-27 01:11:40 +10:30
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
def _string_decode(self):
string = ''.join(self.decoder_input.text().split())
if len(string) % 1:
string += '0'
bytelist = [int(string[i:i+2], 16) for i in range(0, len(string), 2)]
tups = make_string_img_small(bytes(bytelist), self.glyph_sprites['glyphs_en_s'])
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
img = QLabel()
2018-03-27 01:11:40 +10:30
The painting logic here needs to be moved into includes.snestile at some point.
Once that is done, these functions will be moved to includes.snes which should not have qt dependencies.
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
def make_string_img_small(bytestring: Iterable[int], glyphs, handle_dakuten=False):
JP version is not as fancy as this with dakuten, it just puts them on the row above and clips.
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
if len(bytestring) < 1:
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
return None
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
img = QImage(len(bytestring)*8, 10, QImage.Format_RGB16)
painter = QtGui.QPainter(img)
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
if handle_dakuten:
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
for x, j in enumerate(bytestring):
if 0x20 <= j < 0x52:
if j > 0x48:
painter.drawPixmap(x*8, 2, glyphs[j+0x17])
painter.drawPixmap(x*8+1,-5, glyphs[0x52])
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
painter.drawPixmap(x*8, 2, glyphs[j+0x40])
painter.drawPixmap(x*8+1,-6, glyphs[0x51])
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
painter.drawPixmap(x*8, 2, glyphs[j])
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
for x, j in enumerate(bytestring):
painter.drawPixmap(x*8, 1, glyphs[j])
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
del painter
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
return QPixmap.fromImage(img)
2017-03-13 16:02:36 +10:30
2017-07-23 18:29:22 +09:30
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
def make_string_img_large(glyph_ids: Iterable[int], glyphs, glyphs_kanji=None):
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
This is how we decipher dialogue data, which has multiple lines, macro expansions and kanji.
English characters have varying widths. In the japanese version, everything is fullwidth (16px)
Kanji aren't used in English dialogue but the cost is likely the same in checking either way.
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
if len(glyph_ids) < 1:
return None
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
# Because the length of the input has little bearing on the size of the image thanks to linebreaks and macros, we overprovision then clip away.
max_width = 256 # This seems to check out, but the EN dialogue has linebreaks virtually everywhere anyway
max_height = 1024 # I've seen up to 58 rows in EN, 36 in JP. Stay safe.
img = QImage(max_width, max_height, QImage.Format_RGB16)
painter = QtGui.QPainter(img)
x = xmax = y = 0
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
if glyphs_kanji is not None: # jp
for j in glyph_ids:
if x >= max_width: # Wrap on long line
xmax = max_width # Can't go higher than this anyway
x = 0
y += 16
if j == 0x01: # Line break
xmax = x if x > xmax else xmax
x = 0
y += 16
elif 0x1E00 <= j < 0x1FAA: # Kanji live in this range
painter.drawPixmap(x, y+2, glyphs_kanji[j-0x1E00])
x += 16
elif 0x13 <= j <= 0xFF: # Everything remaining outside this is a control char
painter.drawPixmap(x, y+2, glyphs[j])
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
x += 16
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
else: # en
for j in glyph_ids:
if x >= max_width: # Wrap on long line
xmax = max_width # Can't go higher than this anyway
x = 0
y += 16
if j == 0x01: # Line break
xmax = x if x > xmax else xmax
x = 0
y += 16
elif 0x13 <= j <= 0xFF: # Everything outside this is a control char
painter.drawPixmap(x, y+4, glyphs[j])
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
x += RPGe_Dialogue_Width[j]
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
del painter
xmax = x if x > xmax else xmax
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
return QPixmap.fromImage(img.copy(0, 0, xmax, y+16))
2017-03-13 16:02:36 +10:30
2017-07-23 18:29:22 +09:30
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
def _make_string_img_list(jp: StringBlock, en: StringBlock, large=False,
glyphs_en_s=None, glyphs_en_l=None,
glyphs_jp_s=None, glyphs_jp_l=None, glyphs_kanji=None):
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
num = len(en)
print(len(en), len(jp))
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
stringlist = []
id_digits = hex_length(num-1)
2023-07-22 01:51:52 +09:30
for id in range(num):
str_en = en.decoded[id]
str_jp = jp.decoded[id]
if large:
img_en = make_string_img_large(en.glyphs[id], glyphs_en_l)
img_jp = make_string_img_large(jp.glyphs[id], glyphs_jp_l, glyphs_kanji)
img_en = make_string_img_small(en.glyphs[id], glyphs_en_s)
img_jp = make_string_img_small(jp.glyphs[id], glyphs_jp_s, handle_dakuten=True)
# ['ID', 'EN Pointer', 'EN Address', 'EN String', 'EN Img', 'JP Pointer', 'JP Address', 'JP String', 'JP Img']
stringlist.append([hex(id, id_digits), hex(en.pointer_address[id].start, 6), hex(en.string_address[id].start, 6), str_en, img_en,
hex(jp.pointer_address[id].start, 6), hex(jp.string_address[id].start, 6), str_jp, img_jp])
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
return stringlist
2017-03-13 16:02:36 +10:30
last_perfcount = None
def perfcount():
Really basic timing for debugging
global last_perfcount
t = time.perf_counter()
if last_perfcount:
print('perfcount initialised')
last_perfcount = t
2017-03-11 19:18:33 +10:30
def main():
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
mainwindow = FF5Reader()
2017-03-11 19:18:33 +10:30
if __name__ == '__main__':
2018-03-19 17:13:04 +10:30